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  • Aug 29, 2022
    1 reply

    Feige’s intimidated by Ana

    Also seems like they're going all white (aside from Phillipa)

    If they're going biological Johnny is gonna be white too (again, unless it's Phillipa)

    I also think they're going to cast a Jewish actor for Ben, due to his heritage in the comics, so again Ben is likely gonna be white

    But Kang is a descendant...

    Unless they're not going that route

  • Aug 29, 2022

    Reed - mid 30s
    Sue - Late 20s/early 30s

    So I'm going to assume
    Johnny - early 20s
    Ben - mid-late 30s

  • Aug 29, 2022

    Need Amanda as a villain

    She has the Gollum type eyes, word to Ted

  • Aug 29, 2022
    2 replies

    Also seems like they're going all white (aside from Phillipa)

    If they're going biological Johnny is gonna be white too (again, unless it's Phillipa)

    I also think they're going to cast a Jewish actor for Ben, due to his heritage in the comics, so again Ben is likely gonna be white

    But Kang is a descendant...

    Unless they're not going that route

    Kang’s heritage doesn’t matter in the end considering he’s from the 31th century tbh.

    Really excited to see who they pick. Apparently Jamie Dornan has been in talks for Reed too (according to Greatphase)

  • Aug 29, 2022
    1 reply

    Kang’s heritage doesn’t matter in the end considering he’s from the 31th century tbh.

    Really excited to see who they pick. Apparently Jamie Dornan has been in talks for Reed too (according to Greatphase)

    Forgot about the 31st century aspect lmao

    I think this is the one group of casting Marvel has a lot of exciting choices for until they get to X-Men

    Need that Doom casting ASAP too

  • Aug 29, 2022

    Forgot about the 31st century aspect lmao

    I think this is the one group of casting Marvel has a lot of exciting choices for until they get to X-Men

    Need that Doom casting ASAP too

    Man if there’s one casting I’m sure every single person on production wants to get right? It’s Doom. F***ing that one up is gonna affect them on some Jared Leto Joker & Eisenberg Luthor s***

  • Aug 29, 2022

    Really depends on what they do with Johnny, do they make him a similar age to Peter so they could be friends like the Ultimate comics? Or do they make him older and don't have the Fantastic Four interact with Spider-Man outside of Avengers films

    I wish they’d be able to explore that. And Kitty pryde and spider man too

    I don’t think we’ll get either sadly but I’m more curious how they’ll do the Thing tbh

  • Aug 29, 2022

    When Galactus is the big bad of phase 10

  • Aug 29, 2022
    1 reply

    Devin Faraci The screen junkies s***pest, right?

    Wasn't he extremely wrong the last couple of times he tried to do "scoops"?

  • Aug 29, 2022
    1 reply
    Old Man Robin

    Devin Faraci The screen junkies s***pest, right?

    Wasn't he extremely wrong the last couple of times he tried to do "scoops"?

    I think you're confusing him with Andy Signore from Screen Junkies

    But I do think Devin had allegations too with Birth.Movies.Death

  • Aug 29, 2022
    1 reply

    I think you're confusing him with Andy Signore from Screen Junkies

    But I do think Devin had allegations too with Birth.Movies.Death

    Oooh you're right Lmao

    Devin is still a s***pest but different company

  • Aug 29, 2022
    Old Man Robin

    Oooh you're right Lmao

    Devin is still a s***pest but different company

    I think Andy was the first to report Tobey and Andrew lmaoooo

  • Aug 29, 2022
    2 replies

    Kang’s heritage doesn’t matter in the end considering he’s from the 31th century tbh.

    Really excited to see who they pick. Apparently Jamie Dornan has been in talks for Reed too (according to Greatphase)

    If it’s confirmed Jamie’s been in talks, then it could’ve been him that they chose.

    Would explain this:

    We know Marvel loves updating the comic versions of their characters to match their MCU appearances

  • Aug 29, 2022

    If it’s confirmed Jamie’s been in talks, then it could’ve been him that they chose.

    Would explain this:

    We know Marvel loves updating the comic versions of their characters to match their MCU appearances

    oh damn that does look like him

  • Aug 29, 2022
    2 replies


  • Aug 29, 2022
    Whats up



  • Aug 29, 2022
    Whats up


  • jamie also auditioned for one of thors friends back in the days

  • Aug 29, 2022
  • Aug 29, 2022
    2 replies

    Why do so many people want FF to be from the 60s or other old decade and they jump to this timeline through quantum realm?

    Then we just get 4 more “out of time” characters in the MCU. I think it’ll hurt some of the characters like Johnny who would go from young hot shot to now old man (mentally) that is trying to keep up with the times. Would ruin interactions we could get with Spidey

    Also Reed has to now learn the tech of today when back in the 60s he’d never even experience the internet

  • Aug 29, 2022

    It’s casting not plot so I’m gonna post Greatphase

    Lily James 🤤

    Jodie Comer would be such a W

  • Aug 29, 2022
    1 reply
    Mac Wit Da Cheese

    Why do so many people want FF to be from the 60s or other old decade and they jump to this timeline through quantum realm?

    Then we just get 4 more “out of time” characters in the MCU. I think it’ll hurt some of the characters like Johnny who would go from young hot shot to now old man (mentally) that is trying to keep up with the times. Would ruin interactions we could get with Spidey

    Also Reed has to now learn the tech of today when back in the 60s he’d never even experience the internet

    i dont disagree but how else would they be introduced into current MCU Feige already said it wont be an origin movie

  • Aug 29, 2022
    2 replies
    Mac Wit Da Cheese

    Why do so many people want FF to be from the 60s or other old decade and they jump to this timeline through quantum realm?

    Then we just get 4 more “out of time” characters in the MCU. I think it’ll hurt some of the characters like Johnny who would go from young hot shot to now old man (mentally) that is trying to keep up with the times. Would ruin interactions we could get with Spidey

    Also Reed has to now learn the tech of today when back in the 60s he’d never even experience the internet

    Once seen someone suggest that they could be from the 2060s & I’d be here for that lol

  • Aug 29, 2022
    1 reply

    Once seen someone suggest that they could be from the 2060s & I’d be here for that lol

    this would actually be cool

  • Aug 29, 2022

    Once seen someone suggest that they could be from the 2060s & I’d be here for that lol

    That’d be a different twist

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