Lol bro wanted gta vi
Buddy said go into Delis
Hero games need to reinvent themselves going forward to be much more
The thing that made Rocksteady’s Batman so special was there was nothing in the genre that had the amount of care and attention to detail those games had when it came to the source material. And that sentiment was through its world and gameplay. Arkham of course would influence an entire generation of action adventure games with its combat system (which technically Assassin’s Creed kinda did first, but was more so of a skeleton of it)
The Spider-Man games (1 & Miles Morales) are good games, but I always felt that the thing that held them back from being “great” was they didn’t do anything particularly “New”. The bare minimum of what would make a Spider-Man game good was met (good swinging, combat that works, and a serviceable story), but that’s particularly it. It’s a pretty good game don’t get me wrong, it’s just nothing special when we talk about stuff out of the Superhero genre of videogames.
I’m not done with 2 yet, and I have a good amount of thoughts about it, but I think it has that potential of being more than just a Superhero game, like how the Arkham games kind of transcended that barrier.
Arkham Knight was straight ass.
Also, it’s f***ing Spider-Man. Let’s have one (quality) sincere superhero game. It’s nice playing something that isn’t overtly cynical.
I have very strong opinions about Arkham Knight
Calling that game straight ass is crazy talk though
I played it this year, I found it extremely enjoyable and this is coming from somebody who stopped playing it and found it disgraceful when it first came out
Knight was and will always be an incredible game.
But man does that game have some major f***ing problems
The thing that made Rocksteady’s Batman so special was there was nothing in the genre that had the amount of care and attention to detail those games had when it came to the source material. And that sentiment was through its world and gameplay. Arkham of course would influence an entire generation of action adventure games with its combat system (which technically Assassin’s Creed kinda did first, but was more so of a skeleton of it)
The Spider-Man games (1 & Miles Morales) are good games, but I always felt that the thing that held them back from being “great” was they didn’t do anything particularly “New”. The bare minimum of what would make a Spider-Man game good was met (good swinging, combat that works, and a serviceable story), but that’s particularly it. It’s a pretty good game don’t get me wrong, it’s just nothing special when we talk about stuff out of the Superhero genre of videogames.
I’m not done with 2 yet, and I have a good amount of thoughts about it, but I think it has that potential of being more than just a Superhero game, like how the Arkham games kind of transcended that barrier.
I think there is still hope . If James Gunn is really about to pump out DC games they have to improve . Suicide Squad is about to land funny. Wolverine will be good but to not over saturate the genre I want it to aim to be great. Also if Spider Man 2 does dlc I want it to be more like an expansion then a lil add on
I didn't play Arkham games like that but i do know boss battles were something. Again I think all hero games need to grow. The open world creed like formula and now spider man . All have to do a little more to truly justify the 5 year waits. That is in no way to say they are bad. Just have to do a little more to justify the wait. Its not about hours of content to me. Its about how dense the world feels or amount of interacables. Things to do and how the world reacts. I know we will never get choice in a sony game like that but it feels like with great power comes great responsibility and venom suit having choice would fit perfect or lean slightly more into rpg elements. Because now every game has a skill tree and that is viewed as player freedom
Loving roaming the world and enjoying the game but games being made towards a new game plus vs fully engrossing is something that I always am like where do they go next
This applies to so many games and in their case applies to wolverine and spider man 3
I think Guardians of the Galaxy went criminally under the radar for so many because of that stupid ass Avengers game and the games s*** marketing.
Guardians delivers on what you wanna see of player choice by basically being a diet version of a Mass Effect game. Guardians isn’t perfect, but if they were too full on go the Mass Effect route in a sequel where you can go planet to planet and s***, NIGGA
god damn that find grandpa activity. having a grandfather with dementia this s*** hitting diffy
god damn that find grandpa activity. having a grandfather with dementia this s*** hitting diffy
love to you I have seen people who help raise me pass from dementia
so satisfied with peters costumes in this game, like 75% of miles suits are trash to me though as opposed to like 10% of peters
I think it helps Peter that he has more material (obv) but also he has more iconic suit representation in the mainstream
like if they just gave him all of his stuff from the Raimi, TASM, Marvel jawns + say, the 3 biggest Spidey games, I feel like all those suits would be easily recognizable and appreciated.
I think there is still hope . If James Gunn is really about to pump out DC games they have to improve . Suicide Squad is about to land funny. Wolverine will be good but to not over saturate the genre I want it to aim to be great. Also if Spider Man 2 does dlc I want it to be more like an expansion then a lil add on
Seeing what the next chapter in the Arkham universe is exciting, but after seeing what Suicide Squad is…I’m just sad.
There’s that Wonder Woman game that got announced some years ago, but it may have been quietly cancelled
I had to turn enemy health down to friendly, they feel way to spongy on spectacular. It’s not even all that hard especially if you spam uppercuts and web slams, just 7-10 hits per enemy drags out the fights way to long.
I feel like it'll resolve itself once you get to mid game and can really flex out your damage. I can feel you on that though
the dilemma for me is that the button mashing style + with how often you get into fights against bums, if you don't have that threat, it'll prob get boring as hell quickly. I could also see your perspective where you get bored spending 5-10 minutes every scrub wave.
It's a delicate balance that I imagine is hard with these type of fighting games. I played SM1 and this one on the same Spectacular, but I do want to try a step down one day
I feel like it'll resolve itself once you get to mid game and can really flex out your damage. I can feel you on that though
the dilemma for me is that the button mashing style + with how often you get into fights against bums, if you don't have that threat, it'll prob get boring as hell quickly. I could also see your perspective where you get bored spending 5-10 minutes every scrub wave.
It's a delicate balance that I imagine is hard with these type of fighting games. I played SM1 and this one on the same Spectacular, but I do want to try a step down one day
So far i’ve been enjoying the quicker fights but I haven’t fought a boss yet (except for sandman), I might have to switch back to spectacular if it’s too easy
So far i’ve been enjoying the quicker fights but I haven’t fought a boss yet (except for sandman), I might have to switch back to spectacular if it’s too easy
I have only played Sandman too lol
I have only played Sandman too lol
I think i’m pretty close to the next one but there’s a good 6-8 hours in between bosses if you’re doing a decent amount of side missions
So far i’ve been enjoying the quicker fights but I haven’t fought a boss yet (except for sandman), I might have to switch back to spectacular if it’s too easy
The first game was like that too, where you can go pretty good stretches without bosses. I think I prefer the God of War style with fun mini bosses even being in side content, but obv God of War is a different type of game
I think I’m on the 8th-9th main mission and am level 20 or so. I feel like they’ve been so generous with XP and tokens; I def prefer this model over the first game
The first game was like that too, where you can go pretty good stretches without bosses. I think I prefer the God of War style with fun mini bosses even being in side content, but obv God of War is a different type of game
God of War a different type of game of course but the side content having optional bosses would have helped fill everything out a lot. You fight a lot of hunters without any real mention of Kraven or not enough. The hunters are all generic its not even like there are different levels of hunters with their own story that you fight
Been binging TheRadBrad walkthrough of the game like a movie.
This game looks fantastic
Why does Miles mom look 16