  • PIMP 💿
    Oct 26, 2023
    1 reply

    1st game i 100% in YEARS

    and it was effortless

    They made it easier recently for a lot of these first party Sony games

  • Oct 26, 2023
    4 replies

    kinda pissed they got rid of the quicktime to stop the cars ur chasing now u just press one button and that's the whole thing

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Oct 26, 2023
    1 reply

    They made it easier recently for a lot of these first party Sony games

    its their accessibility push and getting rid of difficulty based trophies.

    there hasnt been one in the main trophy list (non post release patch) since like 2017 for a sony first party

  • Oct 26, 2023
    1 reply
    cole breezy

    they’re setting Peter up for a happy ending, having a house and job and moving on with MJ, so I doubt they kill her off

    I’m thinking it’ll be Ganke

    Do you think Peter is just gonna retire in the next game instead of getting killed off? Seemed like at the end of this game it’s established that now Miles is THE Spiderman, at least for the time being. And Peter seems ready to just settle down and lay low and let Miles take over

  • Oct 26, 2023

    Tbh I think in the next game we’ll get a lil time skip. Miles will be becoming a man, Pete might have a kid or MJ could be pregnant. And I think Peter will be semi-retired as Spider-Man, then Carnage will start murdering people and he’ll be forced to comeback one more time.

    But I do feel like Insomniac is heavily implying that Miles is THE Spiderman now, and the next game will mostly be from his perspective

  • PIMP 💿
    Oct 26, 2023

    its their accessibility push and getting rid of difficulty based trophies.

    there hasnt been one in the main trophy list (non post release patch) since like 2017 for a sony first party

    I don't mind it, it used to be pretty try-hard before for no reason

  • Oct 26, 2023
    1 reply

    this s*** kind of scummy

  • Oct 26, 2023
    Not here rn

    kinda pissed they got rid of the quicktime to stop the cars ur chasing now u just press one button and that's the whole thing

    my thumb is thankful

  • Oct 26, 2023

    Wonder if Insomniac will be able to get Spider-Man 3 out by the end of the generation?

  • Not here rn

    kinda pissed they got rid of the quicktime to stop the cars ur chasing now u just press one button and that's the whole thing

    turning off qte completely >>>

  • Oct 26, 2023

    A few photos for my favorite Spidey with the updated suit

  • Oct 26, 2023

    Man, this is easily one of the leanest open world games ever made.

  • Oct 26, 2023

    miles is such a good kid i love him

  • Oct 26, 2023
    cole breezy

    How I feel after finishing the game on Ultimate


  • Nayuta 🐯
    Oct 26, 2023
    1 reply

    Lmaooooo at the symbiote tucking this man into bed

  • Oct 26, 2023
    1 reply

    Curious how much longer I have. Just saved Ganke and Mrs. Morales from the symbiote takeover in the subway

    Still gotta finish up The Flame side quest (about to finish the last one) and the Mysterium side quest chain (have two left).

  • Oct 26, 2023
    1 reply

    Just beat it.

    For one I was lukewarm on the first Spiderman. And wow is this game so much better. Like uncharted 1 to 2 type improvement for me. The first 2/3rds of the game are f***ing amazing.

    Then the third act happens…. right after venom kills kraven the rest of it falls completely flat for me. Like the final missions were not epic at all for me. I’m comparing it to the first game but I thought the ending of the first game was much better than this one.

    Anyways that said I really did enjoy it and I thought it was an amazing experience just wish the third act was more fleshed out… more villains… just more stakes I guess?? Cause tbh was kinda lame the final fights.

    Probably give this one a 8.5/10. Could have been a 9 / 9.5 if not for the end there.

    Also miles final suit f***ing sucks peter and Hailey all hyping it up and I’m like this s*** is so trash

    I mean, funny enough, Uncharted 2 also kind of falls apart in the end.

    Nothing in this game even comes CLOSE to that final battle, and personally, I feel like the game jumps the shark with the Yetis.

    Despite everything, this game still probably has the 2nd or 3rd best story of any superhero game ever made (barring maybe Telltale’s Batman adaptation, if you count those). All 3 utterly eclipse the Arkham trilogy.

    Overall, I think SM2 probably is the single best superhero game ever made.

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Oct 26, 2023

    I mean, funny enough, Uncharted 2 also kind of falls apart in the end.

    Nothing in this game even comes CLOSE to that final battle, and personally, I feel like the game jumps the shark with the Yetis.

    Despite everything, this game still probably has the 2nd or 3rd best story of any superhero game ever made (barring maybe Telltale’s Batman adaptation, if you count those). All 3 utterly eclipse the Arkham trilogy.

    Overall, I think SM2 probably is the single best superhero game ever made.

    I don’t disagree that this is one of the best superhero games ever made. I just think the bar can easily be raised higher

  • Oct 26, 2023

    Just beat it.

    For one I was lukewarm on the first Spiderman. And wow is this game so much better. Like uncharted 1 to 2 type improvement for me. The first 2/3rds of the game are f***ing amazing.

    Then the third act happens…. right after venom kills kraven the rest of it falls completely flat for me. Like the final missions were not epic at all for me. I’m comparing it to the first game but I thought the ending of the first game was much better than this one.

    Anyways that said I really did enjoy it and I thought it was an amazing experience just wish the third act was more fleshed out… more villains… just more stakes I guess?? Cause tbh was kinda lame the final fights.

    Probably give this one a 8.5/10. Could have been a 9 / 9.5 if not for the end there.

    Also miles final suit f***ing sucks peter and Hailey all hyping it up and I’m like this s*** is so trash

  • Oct 26, 2023

    Feel like Alan Wake 2 may be the only game that fully lives up to my hype in all ways this year SFVI

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Oct 26, 2023

    It just hit me my ps5 is going back to a dust collector now that this is finished more games Sony plz