Yep mass effect 3 is the best one honestly. Especially playing them back to back.
But your squadmates in 2>>>>>>3
If you didn't shed at least one tear after finishing Citadel you're heartless.
Ima jump into this after FF7 intergrade. Never played the 1st one did they make it similar to 2-3? Or is it still bad gameplay wise
Kinda feeling burnt out after priority citadel 2 on ME3. Been playing them one after the other pretty much doing all side quests and such
wish we could smash EDI
Ima jump into this after FF7 intergrade. Never played the 1st one did they make it similar to 2-3? Or is it still bad gameplay wise
Gameplay got slightly better but it’s still worth playing for its story imo
I’m halfway through ME3 now, it’s crazy how the trilogy always hooks me in. The difference in quality compared to most games coming out today is wild
The world, atmosphere and characters are still unmatched imo, I really hope they’re able to capture some of what made them so great in the next game
BioWare just knows how to write great characters. About to start me3 soon and I was just surprised with how much I enjoyed the dialogue in me1 and 2 and learning about each character. In a lot of rpgs I just skip the dialogue tree options but in these games I just want to learn more about everyone
I still prefer KOTOR 1 and 2 and wish that series was getting more attention but hopefully the rumor about the remakes is true because if a new audience comes to KOTOR it may give it the hype it needs to get KOTOR 3 off the ground
Any of y’all get the bug eye glitch in ME3 cutscenes when you have a helmet, and use the option “off in conversations” for cutscenes? S*** is mad annoying.
Happens with the recon hood, and one other one that covers your entire face
The Leviathan DLC
The Leviathan DLC
one of the best missions in me3
me3 overall still the least memorable tho imo
just got to the end of the trilogy and have never played the citadel dlc so I’m interested to see what if offers and if it improves the game overall
just got to the end of the trilogy and have never played the citadel dlc so I’m interested to see what if offers and if it improves the game overall
It's pretty great
This still may be the saddest and most hilarious screenshot I've ever seen from any mass effect game