  • A N T I C H A O S

    We need to stop treating filler as though it’s inherently worse than the main plot, especially when the filler is better than the main plot

    ME3 for me with all DLC included is a better game than ME2 with all dlc included.

    Gameplay mechanics is #1 for me. ME2 controls for me have always felt a bit janky. Not as fluid as I’d have liked, felt like cooldowns were unnecessarily long, weapons barely had enough ammo, etc just a plethora of things that ME3 ended up refining.

    The best DLC included the series imo is the Citadel DLC, followed by Legend of the Shadow Broker.

    Squad mates, ME2 clears it. Although Javik is my favorite squad mate.

    Plot wise, I don’t care for it all that much. You can shift the blame to ME3 for not capitalizing on what was developed in ME2, but I look at it overall as a whole at this point. This was the weakest part in the story involving the Reapers. That is not me saying the game is unplayable and is bad. It’s a great game just the weakest plot.

    I grew up on anime n JRPGs I don’t need yall niggas to wax poetic about the importance of filler please

  • Jan 4
    1 reply

    ? lol?

    If u dont like the plot of me1 idk what to say tbh

  • Jan 4
    1 reply

    If u dont like the plot of me1 idk what to say tbh

    what do you like about it? maybe im missing something

  • hayabusa

    what do you like about it? maybe im missing something

    the mistery around saren and the sovereign, all those races and planets lore, chatting/flirtin with the companions, going nuts with renegade options or being an angelic paragon (though this aspect of the series was too much black and white).
    The combat can be clunky and the mako can get older fastly but idk, i never get tired of allat.

  • Feb 1
    2 replies

    They still workin on ME:5 despite the heavy firings

  • Nayuta 🐯
    Feb 1
    1 reply

    They still workin on ME:5 despite the heavy firings

    Less than a 100 people at the studio and by all of EAs actions they see them as a failure

    Would not surprise me at all if the studio doesn’t even last long enough to get out the game

  • Nayuta

    Less than a 100 people at the studio and by all of EAs actions they see them as a failure

    Would not surprise me at all if the studio doesn’t even last long enough to get out the game

    they're in pre production, for which a crew of 100 is enough. When they enter full scale production, EA is gonna attach another two or three of their studios to help them out is my guess

  • Purrp 🌚
    Feb 1

    They still workin on ME:5 despite the heavy firings

    The talent that made the OG’s special been gone for a min anyway. I don’t have high hopes personally as much as I would like to