  • Jan 13, 2022

    The a***yst lol


  • Jan 13, 2022

    Shoulda had neo talk with adult sati more instead

  • Jan 13, 2022
    1 reply

    No but i meant, a modal, isnā€™t that like a different program or world in and of itself? Like you could have 2 modals running with the same person. Maybe one is merely a residual image of something that happened in the past and the other is a live version of the person as they are at present in the matrix.

    Another weird fact, atleast to me, is how their bodies have remained relatively young after having lived in those liquid pods for 60 years. Do machines have an anti-aging secret that we donā€™t know about? If so that would be worth escaping the Matrix for and finding out

    I dont quite get the modal thing myself, I know the fake morpheus program was created by neo during one of his "mental breakdowns" to find him and red pill him, but that program somehow ended up being agent smith in one of the versions of the matrix, I need more

  • Jan 13, 2022
    2 replies

    I can buy Niobe being old and bitter tho cuz she was alone, no morpheus to spoon with. And from her point of view neo rescuing Trinity isn't important if it risks starting a whole war with machines again

    Speaking of which, wouldn't the machines be out for blood again after neo and Trinity staked claim to change the matrix to their liking?

    New war coming, if you can't beat neo and Trinity in the matrix just mow em down in the real world

    Yea Machines are def mad at both the A***yst for listening to his silly demands and pissed about an empowered love couple roaming around their bleak mind control game.

    Also i totally get Niobeā€™s stance and dialogue, i was moreso complaining about how awkward and plain it was shot and how bad she looked with those prosthetics. The acting was worse tho lol

  • Jan 13, 2022

    I dont quite get the modal thing myself, I know the fake morpheus program was created by neo during one of his "mental breakdowns" to find him and red pill him, but that program somehow ended up being agent smith in one of the versions of the matrix, I need more

    Yea modals are a bit of a riddle to me still too. But i get that they are just like a regular program that can be an entire (game)world or as small as a single character depending on how big and complicated it is.

  • Jan 13, 2022
    1 reply

    Yea Machines are def mad at both the A***yst for listening to his silly demands and pissed about an empowered love couple roaming around their bleak mind control game.

    Also i totally get Niobeā€™s stance and dialogue, i was moreso complaining about how awkward and plain it was shot and how bad she looked with those prosthetics. The acting was worse tho lol

    And when she and neo go into the Matrix program she still has the same outfit and face whereas neo goes back to the hair and beard and matrix clothes

  • Jan 13, 2022
    1 reply

    And when she and neo go into the Matrix program she still has the same outfit and face whereas neo goes back to the hair and beard and matrix clothes

    When does niobe enter the matrix again? my mind is completely blanking out rn

  • Jan 13, 2022
    1 reply

    Yea Machines are def mad at both the A***yst for listening to his silly demands and pissed about an empowered love couple roaming around their bleak mind control game.

    Also i totally get Niobeā€™s stance and dialogue, i was moreso complaining about how awkward and plain it was shot and how bad she looked with those prosthetics. The acting was worse tho lol

    "Sorry for possibly causing the end of nu zion and all its inhabitants Niobe but at least I got my girlfriend back! ...High five? ...No?....I'll see myself out"

  • Jan 13, 2022
    1 reply

    When does niobe enter the matrix again? my mind is completely blanking out rn

    When they re chatting in that program where he eventually meets sati I think is when it was, she was in there with him but looked exactly the same as in real world lmao

  • Jan 13, 2022
    1 reply

    "Sorry for possibly causing the end of nu zion and all its inhabitants Niobe but at least I got my girlfriend back! ...High five? ...No?....I'll see myself out"

    Nah i will never come at the protagonists of the movie. Cus from the Matrix 1 onward it wasnā€™t simply a childish romance or love story that drove him to immaculate heightsā€¦ it was a deeper philosophical, existential knowing that something wasnā€™t right and something better should happen. Which led to him following the white rabbit.

    Everything Neo does isnā€™t blind faith or stupid luck either. Neo is supposed to resemble us, the viewers, who have an inkling that something is off and gone awry with the current status quo and world. So that hint and knowing leads us to go beyond the answers we are given and look beyond the immediate threat of machines or whatever beings.

    Niobe lacks this idea completely. Having escaped the Matrix she is the closest thing to a Cypher who lives in the real world. Like she is as mundane and self-serving as they come. Neo on the other hand dares to gamble against the predictable in favor of an ideal world and situation. What if i and everyone could be free, what if we continue to improve ourselves? Why would that be bad or necessarily lead to negative outcomes?

    Legit all of these reasons seem totally in tune with what Neo could think of.

  • Jan 13, 2022
    1 reply

    I give Niobe speech a pass cuz unlike the filler blablabla convos like Neo and the captain in reloaded its actual story and plot instead of just babbling for the sake of it.

    Seeing more of what happened instead of her just saying it woulda been cooler but I digress

  • Jan 13, 2022

    When they re chatting in that program where he eventually meets sati I think is when it was, she was in there with him but looked exactly the same as in real world lmao

    Ohhh yeaa ofcourse lmao. Yea i was definitely zoning out a bit during that part

    Imma need to rewatch to give a final verdict hehe

  • Jan 13, 2022

    I give Niobe speech a pass cuz unlike the filler blablabla convos like Neo and the captain in reloaded its actual story and plot instead of just babbling for the sake of it.

    Seeing more of what happened instead of her just saying it woulda been cooler but I digress

    Totally agree. I complain to show my worst gripes, but i can handle it.

  • Jan 13, 2022
    1 reply

    Nah i will never come at the protagonists of the movie. Cus from the Matrix 1 onward it wasnā€™t simply a childish romance or love story that drove him to immaculate heightsā€¦ it was a deeper philosophical, existential knowing that something wasnā€™t right and something better should happen. Which led to him following the white rabbit.

    Everything Neo does isnā€™t blind faith or stupid luck either. Neo is supposed to resemble us, the viewers, who have an inkling that something is off and gone awry with the current status quo and world. So that hint and knowing leads us to go beyond the answers we are given and look beyond the immediate threat of machines or whatever beings.

    Niobe lacks this idea completely. Having escaped the Matrix she is the closest thing to a Cypher who lives in the real world. Like she is as mundane and self-serving as they come. Neo on the other hand dares to gamble against the predictable in favor of an ideal world and situation. What if i and everyone could be free, what if we continue to improve ourselves? Why would that be bad or necessarily lead to negative outcomes?

    Legit all of these reasons seem totally in tune with what Neo could think of.

    Looking out for the entire civilization of free humans over neos girlfriend is not self serving, the complete opposite actually

    Neo the one self serving in this situation lmaooo. Right you are as far as being a total neo thing to do

    In reloaded kernel sanders told him if he went after Trinity it would kill all of humanity thats plugged into matrix and he still risked it and went after Trinity. He was damn lucky he was right that architect was indeed bluffing and full of s***

  • Jan 13, 2022

    Looking out for the entire civilization of free humans over neos girlfriend is not self serving, the complete opposite actually

    Neo the one self serving in this situation lmaooo. Right you are as far as being a total neo thing to do

    In reloaded kernel sanders told him if he went after Trinity it would kill all of humanity thats plugged into matrix and he still risked it and went after Trinity. He was damn lucky he was right that architect was indeed bluffing and full of s***

    It is, because ultimately Neo doesnā€™t think dichotomously.

    Niobe creates a false dilemma by stating that itā€™s either the machines kill us or we live like this improved version of Zion until the wheels fall off. Which by the way wouldnā€™t have even existed if it wasnā€™t for Neo defying previous Zioniā€™s (lol) and kernel Sandersā€™ threats, worries and doubts.

    People that tend to create such dilemmaā€™s operate from a love for the status quo. Like yea i get it, the luxury and improvement that Nu-Zion brings to the real world is staggering and amazing, but it is not a reason not to dream even bigger or push yourself beyond what you deem to be possible. That comfort zone that Niobe inhabits is very much the result of self serving interests. She knows her people have a chance of being even better off but she is not willing to take it there nor hint at the option. And does everything she can to talk Bugs, her crew and Neo out of it. Which of course she canā€™t cus this is Neo we are talking about. A very special one lmao.

  • Jan 13, 2022
    1 reply

    Still canā€™t believe Bane came around and rated this a 10/10

  • Jan 13, 2022

    I gotta sleep tho

  • Jan 13, 2022
    1 reply

    Still canā€™t believe Bane came around and rated this a 10/10

    Thats that Ana Fake news

  • Jan 13, 2022
    1 reply

    Thats that Ana Fake news

    way to ruin the joke

  • Jan 13, 2022

    Also @ kernel sanders

  • Jan 13, 2022

    way to ruin the joke

    Tried to find an interview of the actor who played bane praising matrix resurrections to save the joke but failed, sorry bruh

  • Jan 13, 2022
    1 reply

    "At this age he'd rather just spam the block button"

  • Jan 13, 2022
    3 replies


    "Ready or Notā€ helmers Matt Bettinelli-Olpin and Tyler Gilletteā€˜s crank the meta knob to maximum volume here. As stand-ins for the late Craven (the film pays great respect to him too, just watch), the duo serve up a delicious shooting script of clever self-referential dialogue, movie-within-a-movie cleverness, and some welcome, brutal jabs at toxic fandom and over-the-top cynicism, especially where it comes to movie franchises."

  • Jan 13, 2022


    "Ready or Notā€ helmers Matt Bettinelli-Olpin and Tyler Gilletteā€˜s crank the meta knob to maximum volume here. As stand-ins for the late Craven (the film pays great respect to him too, just watch), the duo serve up a delicious shooting script of clever self-referential dialogue, movie-within-a-movie cleverness, and some welcome, brutal jabs at toxic fandom and over-the-top cynicism, especially where it comes to movie franchises."

  • Jan 13, 2022
    1 reply