"At this age he'd rather just spam the block button"
This was funny
"Ready or Not” helmers Matt Bettinelli-Olpin and Tyler Gillette‘s crank the meta knob to maximum volume here. As stand-ins for the late Craven (the film pays great respect to him too, just watch), the duo serve up a delicious shooting script of clever self-referential dialogue, movie-within-a-movie cleverness, and some welcome, brutal jabs at toxic fandom and over-the-top cynicism, especially where it comes to movie franchises."
Ready or Not was really good
"Ready or Not” helmers Matt Bettinelli-Olpin and Tyler Gillette‘s crank the meta knob to maximum volume here. As stand-ins for the late Craven (the film pays great respect to him too, just watch), the duo serve up a delicious shooting script of clever self-referential dialogue, movie-within-a-movie cleverness, and some welcome, brutal jabs at toxic fandom and over-the-top cynicism, especially where it comes to movie franchises."
Same Girl who reivewed Matrix gamve gave scream a 9
Same Girl who reivewed Matrix gamve gave scream a 9
"Scream goes harder into the meta commentary than its predecessors, but in a way that works every single time. As you may have gleaned from the first paragraph, this film takes off the gloves when it comes to mocking toxic fandom. It’s here to roast anyone who’s ever threatened a creator over art within an inch of their lives and every single second of it is delicious. Is it hamfisted at times? Maybe. But it still works like gangbusters"
"Scream goes harder into the meta commentary than its predecessors, but in a way that works every single time. As you may have gleaned from the first paragraph, this film takes off the gloves when it comes to mocking toxic fandom. It’s here to roast anyone who’s ever threatened a creator over art within an inch of their lives and every single second of it is delicious. Is it hamfisted at times? Maybe. But it still works like gangbusters"
A lot of people saying Matrix should have went at fans all movie even though
1. it did
2. I doubt studio would let them do whole movie in a Matrix
but I hope Lana seeing this and they like damn we should have went harder
people seemed so offended by the first hour thought that I dont know if they want this content
scream box office will be interesting
I can get a 4$ ticket with t mobile
Meta and self aware and jabbing at fandom is suddenly brilliant after being shameful and desperate just last month lmaoooo
Meta and self aware and jabbing at fandom is suddenly brilliant after being shameful and desperate just last month lmaoooo
Meta and self aware and jabbing at fandom is suddenly brilliant after being shameful and desperate just last month lmaoooo
Its cause with Scream they willing to accept the goofy they not there for action or killing.
I think thats the true thing none of Lana works have really glorified violence nor is that what either wachowski wants to be known for but its all people want from them
violence being an extension again of hyper masculinity
Neo never uses a gun all movie
Its cause with Scream they willing to accept the goofy they not there for action or killing.
I think thats the true thing none of Lana works have really glorified violence nor is that what either wachowski wants to be known for but its all people want from them
violence being an extension again of hyper masculinity
Neo never uses a gun all movie
They there for the stabbings in scream bruh
And there was plenty of violence and killing in matrix resurrections it just wasn't done as well as in 1 or reloaded
They there for the stabbings in scream bruh
And there was plenty of violence and killing in matrix resurrections it just wasn't done as well as in 1 or reloaded
But if Scream had 0 kills would the movie do well or would they say "thats not scream"
and thats the interesting thing
same way I didnt expect them to cry over batman pg13
But if Scream had 0 kills would the movie do well or would they say "thats not scream"
and thats the interesting thing
same way I didnt expect them to cry over batman pg13
What they are you even talking about? Fanbase?
That's a whole different thing than critics cu I don't know no critics/media crying about batman not being R rated
What they are you even talking about? Fanbase?
That's a whole different thing than critics cu I don't know no critics/media crying about batman not being R rated
fanbases craving violence
fanbases craving violence
Ain't no one gonna watch a scream movie with no kills lmaoooo
Ain't no one gonna watch a scream movie with no kills lmaoooo
They watched a Matrix movie with no kills
Meta and self aware and jabbing at fandom is suddenly brilliant after being shameful and desperate just last month lmaoooo
trendsetters are never appreciated duly
They watched a Matrix movie with no kills
There were plenty of kills tf you mean lol
Neo didn't personally kill anyone but bugs and morpheus were mowing ppl down left and right lmao
Made the industry and fans question themselves
Made the industry and fans question themselves
They got deconstructed so hard in the movie, they started to breakdown irl
Bullet train scene does confuse me though cause it was really a chance to say whether nostalgia and fiction controlled the world . In a dream world they would film some in Japan lol