You reaching with that connection, Drake has already gone on beats like that (I’m upset)
the producer of that beat deadass said it's carti inspired
U are an awful poster
ill knock tyler the creator out in front of you
Ur saying corn dinner is better than TC and GKMC
Born Sinner>Take Care>Gkmc
the producer of that beat deadass said it's carti inspired
That don’t really mean as much as you think tho lol it’s also a pretty typical beat for a Drake single. And inspiration on one song doesn’t equal a genre shift and that sound been around before Red
this is literally the first time ever david isn't being a negative nancy about rap let him cook
Ari outsold
They all on the same level
I don’t see it
Like GKMC and TC are like legendary albums beyond rap. Like they matter in the scope of music as a whole.
Whereas born sinner is just a solid album at best
I don’t see it
Like GKMC and TC are like legendary albums beyond rap. Like they matter in the scope of music as a whole.
Whereas born sinner is just a solid album at best
Im talking about the quality not the greatness. Not gonna dispute gkmc and tc being more iconic
You know its serious when @DAVIDP changes his avi
Every damn thread I make gets more than 100+ replies
The only era from the 10's that didn't age well was the LMFAO type beats. Pop music
outsold what retweets?
idk man I don’t listen to that s***