  • Dec 30, 2023

    I can’t find it on Netflix…

    oh you not American.

  • Dec 30, 2023

    modern classic

  • Dec 30, 2023
    Mac Wit Da Cheese

    Nothing too shocking but an explanation of the ending from the director


    so dope to see that so much thought is put into stuff like the color of the background and s***

  • Dec 30, 2023

    The supporting cast is one of the best I’ve seen in a while, the husband/siblings/townspeople were like transcendently good

  • Jan 5
    1 reply

    Melton didn’t even make the f***ing BAFTA longlist

    These snubs are hurting me

  • Natalie my queen

  • I completely read the synopsis wrong and thought it was about something different asf lol. Really enjoyed it!

  • ANTI

    Melton didn’t even make the f***ing BAFTA longlist

    These snubs are hurting me

    Kinda crazy they gave Elordi a nom for Saltburn over him. I like Elordi but come on

  • Movie the year for me IMO.

    F***ing masterpiece

  • This was great!!!

  • Mac Wit Da Cheese

    Music and atmosphere was eerie I thought some crazy s*** was about to pop off at any second.

    Also, Todd Haynes continues to be a master at framing in a shot. The scene with the daughter trying on dresses, X-Ray room scene, and make up scene were stand outs to me

    This is the scene I was talking about. The use of mirrors in the dress scene was masterful

  • Only nominated for Screenplay is ridiculous lol. Some of the best acting of the year.

  • How did charles milton or whatevr his name is not get nominated for supporting actor

  • iluvmusic123

    this hallmark ass movie

  • Mar 10
    1 reply

    this film was completely hoed at the oscars tbh, much better than some of the other films there

  • Mar 10
    1 reply
    Fax My Brother

    this film was completely hoed at the oscars tbh, much better than some of the other films there

    A few months ago there was some chatter that this was internally getting blackballed in some circles, especially by actors

  • “The assignment was peace 🙂” part got me

  • ANTI

    A few months ago there was some chatter that this was internally getting blackballed in some circles, especially by actors

    I can see it. Shows the process of which an actor goes thru and an unloyal director. Can see them not liking it

  • Apr 21
    1 reply

    yeah this film is incredible

    glad i finally got around to watching it

  • BGFX

    yeah this film is incredible

    glad i finally got around to watching it

    Was my interchangeable top 5 from last year. Haynes is goated

  • Apr 25
    1 reply

    ok so i finally watched it

    and it was amazing

  • continuum

    ok so i finally watched it

    and it was amazing

    Ok and you’re right

  • Apr 26
    1 reply

    if criterion doesn’t release a blu ray for this already