What you gonna do if i don't you b**** ass w****. You in ya feelings because i told you to stop using snitching incorrectly
Nigga called me a w**** mind ya business
Nigga called me a w**** mind ya business
Don't say another motherfucking word
Don't say another motherfucking word
shut the f*** up
@TheSecondDream2 shut the f*** up
Im dead he goin off
I knew Akaveli was gonna go ham over this lol. He already didn’t like Meg.
how the f*** did this happen over two years ago and we still have no confirmation of what actually went down
how the f*** did this happen over two years ago and we still have no confirmation of what actually went down
thats what im saying
What you gonna do if i don't you b**** ass w****. You in ya feelings because i told you to stop using snitching incorrectly
I didn’t use it incorrectly I was asking a question to 1 person, then you came seem like you really tryna defend the snitch niggas of the world
shut the f*** up
@TheSecondDream2 shut the f*** up
@OpusDei shut the f-why you even here?
You gonna change it for me?
No I don’t care to. I think it’s good to know who the soccer mom pop Stan’s are so I can avoid their opinion. It’s always smart to know the enemy
some of you niggas need to go provide one of them with legal counsel since y'all know so much about the events that took place.
No I don’t care to. I think it’s good to know who the soccer mom pop Stan’s are so I can avoid their opinion. It’s always smart to know the enemy
You really making up stuff in your head to make you feel better.
They got institutions for niggas like you, f*** up.
thats what im saying
Look, I'm not a lawyer but the longer this goes on with Tory claiming he's innocent and Meg failing to provide proof she was shot, as well as most people in the industry sneak dissing her...
You really making up stuff in your head to make you feel better.
They got institutions for niggas like you, f*** up.
Institution is my favorite project by Kodak
A shirtless guy at that.
If he had it on him that info would’ve been out from the jump.
Something’s been off.