some of you niggas need to go provide one of them with legal counsel since y'all know so much about the events that took place.
will still be listening to music from both respective artists
As you should
Nigga called me a w**** mind ya business
I wanna be called a w**** too. No fair 😩
Look, I'm not a lawyer but the longer this goes on with Tory claiming he's innocent and Meg failing to provide proof she was shot, as well as most people in the industry sneak dissing her...
Why would Meg provide evidence before the trial and give the defense team a heads up
roc nation avengers assemble!
A shirtless guy at that.
If he had it on him that info would’ve been out from the jump.
Something’s been off.
Only one’s talking is Tory’s side. They never said Tory didn’t have residue just that the other girl did and everyone ran with it as if Tory didn’t have any residue on him.
Everyone quick to judge but there’s no reason for Megs team to put out anything about their case til trial
Something's afoot in Roc Nation 🤨
Why would Meg provide evidence before the trial and give the defense team a heads up
she better make a thread to defend herself that's more important
I KNOW this nigga not taking a side on this
it’s a bad line but bffr jay lol
He unliked already
Could’ve been an accident he a boomer