One of Meg friends said shorty know the truth and she’s keeping quiet and said how Tory was abusive to Meg best friend. But you not gonna believe that because it doesn’t fit your narrative that Tory is this innocent man that could do no wrong
I don't think he was believing her. Just pointing out there's more to it than "the gun was linked to tory it had to be him"
I’m not going to read through this thread because I already know what it look like. But I will say f*** Tory Lamez. B**** ass midget.
chill with the height shaming
It was believe women before but now that there’s discord between the stories it’s not that anymore?
Shorty said everything with her chest while Meg ex best friend is playing social media games and staying quiet for Tory yall kill me lol
Okay as crazy as this is, at-least we get a point which should be much easier to be proven: were they in a "relationship".
If it can be proven that they were sleeping together, I hope that at-least lets people see Megan is being deceitful and spinning a narrative that unlikely reflects reality, and paints all he previous actions as likely coming from a place of dishonesty.
Likewise, if Tory wasn't sleeping with her and been spinning a ridiculous amount of lies to rationalise the situation there is no more need for sympathy or waiting for a court judgement imo if he'd lie about them sleeping together he will lie about anything.
Frankly, I think Megan words are specifically worded to ignore the fact that if you was sleeping together, you was in a relationship. For Tory to make that up, would be a farce of proportions I have never seen in rap before.
would they not have been able to sleep together without being "in a relationship?"
why is this even being discussed?
literally what lmao you wrote all this out. huhhh?
Shorty said everything with her chest while Meg ex best friend is playing social media games and staying quiet for Tory yall kill me lol
One of them has been talking about it to the world meanwhile one is staying silent until the court dates.
Yet u tryna disbelieve her for it
Funny you mention Meg friend cause another one of Meg friends called the girl you’re referring to a liar
Furthering proving my point. It’s all he say she say
I would very much like this case closed and the truth to completely come out. This he said she said s*** is for the birds imo
You don't count in either category yet cause u acting like a child
i dont have any stake in this but you definitely the child of the argument rn buddy
Just gotta wait until court dates I guess
Extra weird story
the court date is today
We don’t even know any of that either. No evidence has been shown outside of Tory being charged but w that too, we don’t know what evidence the police has.
We don’t even know that she really got shot. When the news first broke out, there was talks about her stepping on glass and cops even came out and said there was no signs of bullets or bullet wounds
I’m not going to read through this thread because I already know what it look like. But I will say f*** Tory Lamez. B**** ass midget.