I have a few good days then slip right back into overwhelmingly negative thoughts
I'm a malicious person but it doesn't matter because nothing matters
you matter b ❤️
got prescribed trazodone for insomnia and its working, feel so sleepy
why cant i sleep
Idk how many more "tomorrow is a new day" i got in me
if i was a car and that was my fuel, id be runnin on fumes
one of my friends died yesterday still kind of f***ed up but im coming to terms with it. honestly this hasn't been the best couple of months for my mental health. i've just been feeling very depressed. i think about suicide more days than not and even tried once (got admitted to a mental hospital). it's gotten to the point where i really can't think about the last time i was genuinely happy. it's just all too real man.
got a million f***ing paths i wanna take but can never settle on one, most roads point to a particular direction but god damn is it a struggle
I tried pursuing it in the more reckless manner and it was going great until i hit hurdle after hurdle and eventually it would've been irresponsible to keep on going. The worst part is i tried to go for the safe path afterwards and I still cant even do it right.
just give me a god damn break
Life was good 2 months ago
Feel like my self esteem is at an all time low, me and my girlfriend have seemingly come out of the honeymoon period and she just gets annoyed at me for silly little things all the time. Stuck in a job I hate while I desperately pursue PhD positions. Feel like I’ve made so many wrong decisions in life and I look left and right and see so many people around me succeeding at life. It’s soul destroying, I can’t sleep and I just feel sad.
got prescribed trazodone for insomnia and its working, feel so sleepy
try mirtazapine that s*** had me KNOCKED out
had the worst anxiety at work, ended up coming home at lunch
laid on my couch for 3 hours trying not to hyperventilate
never ends