Suicidal thoughts again
Feel more alone than ever
I couldn’t commit now she is gone
No energy to do anything. Have to sleep in the afternoon everyday.
Feel like I don’t deserve my job position
there really needs to be more search about these mental health issues amongst black ppl
the experience is so vastly diff
know that alot of these disorders were white people only, until like the 2000s(racism goes big indeed)
and the way it impacts us is also diff then how it impacts them
i feel there is more understanding when white ppl talk about their experiences. Like the personality crash is so big when your black and on the spectrum, trynna not only thrive in the normal world
but also the "white" world
our symptons usually arent take as serious either
Things starting to make more sense, feeling less insecure.
It's like I still have mental things going on but they are shifting. And I don't have the answers but I'm a lot more comfortable with not knowing things and surrendering to circumstance. Granted I still have my days, but in an overarching sense I do think it is better.
I am very grateful to be in a place where my mental health is something I can actually work on.
Wish the best for anyone in a really dark place right now. It actually does get better, but I think u have to make the choice to want to make it better, or nothing is going to change.
i hate mu life i hate mylife my hate myself i turned out to be the very type of person i dispised when i was younger it was never supposed to turn out this way im a disapointment of the greatest measure
i got so f***ed up last night holy s***
i wonder if anybody seen my posts before i deleted
try til ya die. only thing you can ever actively do. prolly gonna fail a lot and there's a decent chance i'll never get what i want but f*** it. i'm alive right now and for the foreseeable future so every moment i gotta keep trying. extremely painful but imma keep trying. it hurts so much. but i want to be happy i want my life to be mine
just not interested in working anymore i think im bout to f*** my life up for the fun of it
I'm taking introversion to a whole new level
I dont even talk to myself, we got beef