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  • Oct 20, 2020

    You being overworked in college? Or just the online classes getting to you?

    I feel like it's because of me being lazy and procrastinating along with having no motivation.

  • Oct 20, 2020
    1 reply

    How’d it go?

  • Oct 20, 2020
    2 replies

    Today has been a terrible day

  • plants 🌻
    Oct 20, 2020

    Today has been a terrible day


  • Oct 20, 2020

    Gonna be in self-isolation for 14 days. F*** COVID

  • Oct 21, 2020

    Today has been a terrible day

    these horrible days are adding up for me like

  • Oct 21, 2020
    1 reply

    I have no idea what I'm even doing anymore.

  • Oct 21, 2020

    I have no idea what I'm even doing anymore.

    i'm just going thru the motions at this point.

    no direction for me rn.

  • Oct 21, 2020

    i’ve been down bad more times than i can count, but this a new low man

  • Oct 21, 2020
    1 reply

    typically when im having a bad day i try to push thru it, but sometimes itll be hard to fake it and ill end up in a mood. after that happens the ppl around me tend to complain

    today i tried to let people know i was having a bad day so i can be left alone. i was polite and all, just wanted time to myself. somehow that’s a problem too, by me asking to be left alone just for a day, now im rude and an a******.

    the fact that i was laying in the bed all day feeling low and hopeless isn’t what matters, nor is it worth checking on i guess. the only thing that matters is that you couldn’t get/ do what you wanted

  • Oct 21, 2020

    nigga it felt like a struggle just taking my dog out to use the bathroom

  • Tadow 🥀
    Oct 21, 2020

    Finally was able to put a label of my approach to life these past few months - passive suicide ideation

  • Oct 21, 2020

    wishing my intrusive thoughts could shut the f*** up for one day

  • Oct 21, 2020

    typically when im having a bad day i try to push thru it, but sometimes itll be hard to fake it and ill end up in a mood. after that happens the ppl around me tend to complain

    today i tried to let people know i was having a bad day so i can be left alone. i was polite and all, just wanted time to myself. somehow that’s a problem too, by me asking to be left alone just for a day, now im rude and an a******.

    the fact that i was laying in the bed all day feeling low and hopeless isn’t what matters, nor is it worth checking on i guess. the only thing that matters is that you couldn’t get/ do what you wanted

    if people can't understand you need some time to yourself then you don't need them.

  • Oct 21, 2020
    1 reply

    About two months ago my OCD was so bad that I had trouble walking and performing tasks. The intrusive obsessive thoughts completely sabotaged me of everything. In the night I had traumatizing panic attacks. I woke up expecting unbelievable suffering. This s*** had been going on to varying degrees for damn near a decade for me

    I feel amazing now. I’ve felt amazing for weeks. I feel like I’m cured. I’m seeing the light. I know how it seems when you’re in it. But what’s fkn crazy is you can actually get out of it. I swear to fkn god. Pls keep trying

  • Oct 21, 2020
    1 reply

    About two months ago my OCD was so bad that I had trouble walking and performing tasks. The intrusive obsessive thoughts completely sabotaged me of everything. In the night I had traumatizing panic attacks. I woke up expecting unbelievable suffering. This s*** had been going on to varying degrees for damn near a decade for me

    I feel amazing now. I’ve felt amazing for weeks. I feel like I’m cured. I’m seeing the light. I know how it seems when you’re in it. But what’s fkn crazy is you can actually get out of it. I swear to fkn god. Pls keep trying

    Bipolar type II and OCD here, what ended up helping?

  • Oct 21, 2020

    Yo it’s f***ing crazy comparing how I feel this year compared to last year. I was really almost one step out the door at one point. I feel so much better this year it’s not even funny. Still depressed though but much much better

  • Oct 21, 2020

    Need these Valium’s refilled 👺

    Let’s get it

  • Oct 21, 2020

    Finally getting in contact with my schools disability office. Hoping I can use it to explain to my English prof why I haven’t turned in 2 essays 😅

  • Oct 21, 2020

    Thinking about an ESA as well

  • Oct 21, 2020

    Been running up that hill

  • Oct 21, 2020


  • Oct 21, 2020

    hate myself more than anything in this world

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