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  • Oct 21, 2020

    I’m so sorry

  • Oct 22, 2020
    1 reply

    i really don't care anymore about anything at all. i need to stop using this site and leave majority of the people i talk to alone. would be in my best interest & theirs

  • Oct 22, 2020

    Been feeling dead inside for a min now.

  • Oct 22, 2020

    Love y’all mane

  • Oct 22, 2020

    I have no friends and haven't talked to anyone for death a similar feeling? How do you know when you're dead?

  • Oct 22, 2020
    2 replies


    I havent slept for 24 hours and im in school rn and i also got work after. The thing is i can’t get off work today and by the time im done with work i would have been woke for 30 + hours.

    Can someone tell me if this do able? or if its actually dangerous? im not tryna die B but i also dont wanna get fired, and my boss doesn’t give a f***.

  • Oct 22, 2020
    1 reply

    im taking a disability class rn and the lecture today was on mental health/illness and we had 5 guest speakers come and talk and it definitely helped a lil.

  • deafjamman

    Bipolar type II and OCD here, what ended up helping?

    Yo. Everyone's situation is different obviously but for me, adding a ton of structure to my life really helped. A strict diet, a strict workout routine, a strict life routine, changing up my social circle and cutting out toxicity really helped. Making goals and committing myself to working f***ing hard for them. And honestly putting myself out there again. Just committing to these things even though you're in a f***ing horrible place and maybe it's the last thing you want to give a f*** about doing. Finding your people. Idk man, a lot of it ends up feeling like luck/incidental in a way. But it's possible. Somehow. If I can come back, then basically anyone can. Istfg

  • Oct 22, 2020
    1 reply


    I havent slept for 24 hours and im in school rn and i also got work after. The thing is i can’t get off work today and by the time im done with work i would have been woke for 30 + hours.

    Can someone tell me if this do able? or if its actually dangerous? im not tryna die B but i also dont wanna get fired, and my boss doesn’t give a f***.

    You won't die bro. It'll be hard but do it you dont wanna lose your job. I've stayed up a little later than that before. Youll feel like s*** but youll be fine

  • Oct 22, 2020

    God really doesn’t want me around anymore.

  • Oct 22, 2020

    You won't die bro. It'll be hard but do it you dont wanna lose your job. I've stayed up a little later than that before. Youll feel like s*** but youll be fine


  • Oct 22, 2020
    1 reply


    I havent slept for 24 hours and im in school rn and i also got work after. The thing is i can’t get off work today and by the time im done with work i would have been woke for 30 + hours.

    Can someone tell me if this do able? or if its actually dangerous? im not tryna die B but i also dont wanna get fired, and my boss doesn’t give a f***.

    You need some cocaine lmfao

  • Oct 22, 2020
    Soo Diff

    You need some cocaine lmfao

  • Oct 22, 2020

    i really don't care anymore about anything at all. i need to stop using this site and leave majority of the people i talk to alone. would be in my best interest & theirs

    This exactly how j was feeling last night.

  • Oct 22, 2020
    4 replies

    I think im dedass a psychopath, like antisocial pd. Idk how to have relationships with people. Im a piece of s***, debating on killing myself

  • Oct 22, 2020

    I needa delete this account

  • Oct 22, 2020

    I think im dedass a psychopath, like antisocial pd. Idk how to have relationships with people. Im a piece of s***, debating on killing myself

    Please don’t

  • Oct 22, 2020

    im taking a disability class rn and the lecture today was on mental health/illness and we had 5 guest speakers come and talk and it definitely helped a lil.

    Learn anything new?

  • Oct 22, 2020
    1 reply

    I think im dedass a psychopath, like antisocial pd. Idk how to have relationships with people. Im a piece of s***, debating on killing myself

    i know how all of this feels. stay here with us man, i wanna leave too i can't tell you why i choose not to because even i don't know but just remain here. We gotta turn this tank around homie

  • Oct 22, 2020
    1 reply

    i know how all of this feels. stay here with us man, i wanna leave too i can't tell you why i choose not to because even i don't know but just remain here. We gotta turn this tank around homie

    I mean I can still enjoy living, but what's the point if im doing nothing st all. Don't got a job, have no goals, all I do is eat and sleep and stare at screens, its selfish tho im leaching off my moms so worthless. And I wanna live but I can't f***inf take control of anything

  • Oct 22, 2020

    I mean I can still enjoy living, but what's the point if im doing nothing st all. Don't got a job, have no goals, all I do is eat and sleep and stare at screens, its selfish tho im leaching off my moms so worthless. And I wanna live but I can't f***inf take control of anything

    You're fully capable of taking control, try starting little by little. i believe in you man, i need to take my own advice

  • Oct 22, 2020
    1 reply

    Hope everyone ITT makes it.

    Man it sucks. Been dealing with girl problems as of late. Sucks not having your best friend by your side during your worst. Love sucks

  • Oct 22, 2020
    1 reply

    I think im dedass a psychopath, like antisocial pd. Idk how to have relationships with people. Im a piece of s***, debating on killing myself

    You good fam?

    I followed you so if you wanna talk in private just follow me back and go to if you wanna talk bro.

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