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  • Oct 13, 2021


  • i know im just temporarily going through it, and the worst is behind me

    but i cant help but feel empty as f***, like i hurt the people around me by not thinking. the issue is i overthink, yet still manage to hurt them

    i dont like myself, i ruin everything, and above all, despite having some of the best friends i could ever possibly ask for, i feel lonely and uncomfortable in my own skin

    i have threads earlier this year where i talk about how bad i feel about life in general. it's as true now as it was then, but now i have control and a lively social life, i still feel alone

    the catalyst is a relationship i just had to end, i failed to engage in a way she liked and she said she could never forgive me. i meant no harm whatsoever but she took zero effort to separate intention from act, and refused to talk.

    i just feel awful and alwys second guess myself, earl sweatshirt's solace really hitting lately

  • Oct 14, 2021

    f*** this s***

  • Oct 14, 2021

    I've been calling my neurologist assistant every day for an earlier appointment ain't notihng opening up I am dying

  • Oct 15, 2021

    I hate when people ask how im doing, and I always lie and say.. im good. I hate lying about that. I want to mean it for once..

  • Oct 15, 2021
    2 replies

    Haven’t felt so alone in forever.

    When I’m depressed, at least I had a small group to text or hangout with every now and then

    I’ve literally pushed all my close friends away

    I don’t have anyone to text or talk to

    Legit at the worst point in my life…

  • Oct 15, 2021
    Jowe Buddew

    If I know I have to wake up early I get anxious about falling to sleep and therefore can't sleep.

    Currently me

    Have to get up for work in 3 hours

  • Oct 15, 2021

    I find myself in the place where I’m last seen 😞😞

  • Would anyone here recommend betterhelp?

  • Oct 15, 2021
    1 reply

    Haven’t felt so alone in forever.

    When I’m depressed, at least I had a small group to text or hangout with every now and then

    I’ve literally pushed all my close friends away

    I don’t have anyone to text or talk to

    Legit at the worst point in my life…

    You probably hear this a lot when venting but keep ya head up we in struggling together and we can make it through the storm together. I don’t have much else to say cause I am not in the best position to give advice but I promise if you try your best to keep a positive mentality it can get better. That’s atleast what they tell me

  • Oct 15, 2021
    Larry Hoover Fan

    You probably hear this a lot when venting but keep ya head up we in struggling together and we can make it through the storm together. I don’t have much else to say cause I am not in the best position to give advice but I promise if you try your best to keep a positive mentality it can get better. That’s atleast what they tell me

    Appreciate you bro. Yeah I feel you. And trust me, I’m the king of tryna stay positive lol. That’s what’s kept me going. Kinda faking positivity and hoping you make it out

  • Oct 15, 2021

    Haven’t felt so alone in forever.

    When I’m depressed, at least I had a small group to text or hangout with every now and then

    I’ve literally pushed all my close friends away

    I don’t have anyone to text or talk to

    Legit at the worst point in my life…

    the discord is open if you ever wanna chop it up bro

  • Oct 15, 2021

    hate not having money for weed

  • Oct 15, 2021

    Holding out a hand for anyone that needs it . Feel free to message me


  • Oct 15, 2021
    2 replies

    i ruined my life

  • Oct 15, 2021

    I need a dentist for the teeth I broke while in withdrawals and I also need a good look at my hands from a physician plus I have to talk to my psychiatrist about said WDs but my anxiety is crippling

    just the thought of getting weird looks cause I look like I got jumped scares the s*** out of me

    In my neighborhood I cant help it cause ppl are kind and they get me but going to a hospital with f***ed up hands and broken teeth screams ''im not okay'' and thats the last thing i want

  • Oct 15, 2021

    If I learned something this year it's to never judge a book by its cover

    the ''cover'' is not always just appearance tho

    everything I ever laughed at or dismissed as weird I ended up doing/being

    and you know im happy it happened now and not when I'm 60 yrs old hitting the bottle....nothing wrong with that either btw

    justice is a dish best served cold.....true af.....some call it karma, others call it God's will...for me it's the second one but along with action and reaction thrown into it,

    from now on whenever I reach a conclusion about something I'll add a mandatory question mark

    according to einstein space and time are relative depending on the momentum and right now I'm sitting still inside a storm....

  • Oct 16, 2021

    i ruined my life

    What’s going on

  • God can this phase of fear and paranoia just end already

  • Oct 16, 2021

    i ruined my life

    ay u good man?

  • It’s almost something new every week I get so afraid of
    S*** got out of hand it sent me to the ER when I was perfectly fine

  • I can’t even beat my d*** without fear

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