It sucks when I try my hardest to go a day without crying and still fail. I know one sole person isn’t gonna fix my problems but god loneliness is so crippling to deal with
You work a s***ty minimum wage job and you're not on Medicaid?
I had insurance up until a month ago.
I've sent in an application
I had insurance up until a month ago.
I've sent in an application
Don't know where you live, but you would probably qualify for Medicaid, especially if your state opted into Medicaid expansion and you work a minimum wage job.
Edit - yeah...good u sent in the app.
Felt a real big wave of hopelessness last evening. As time progresses, I can't help but feel I drew the short end of the stick this time around.
My dad is a POS person thick and through and takes it out on me and everybody else in the house. i been scared of this man for aslong as i can remember. I started to stand up to him a few years back and everytime it ends in a s*** show
Man be assaulting my mom and s*** he deserves a clip in his head alone for all that
he doesn’t know there’s a shotgun in the house and sometimes i look at it like is it gonna be the day, the argument, the moment where i’m the one to put a end to all of this.
I've been off Sertraline for 2 days now (100mg) cuz my doc messed up my prescription
Will I be cool for another 2 days cuz I don't think it will be sorted till then
Man be assaulting my mom and s*** he deserves a clip in his head alone for all that
Report him bro no one should go through that
Woke up from a dream where I was intimately cuddling. Don’t remember the girl but god it’s so demoralizing when you literally feel the happiness of a situation then wake up to what reality is
sucks all my dream jobs don't pay well or are severely hard to get(personal trainer, wildlife biologist, animation). We live in a messed up world.
Completely dissociated
Feel like I can't relate to anyone or derive purpose in a meaningful way.