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  • Feb 5, 2022

    Intrusive thoughts back it’s been a minute whew

  • Feb 6, 2022
    1 reply

    I really thought starting delta 8 would stop my weed abuse but it just replaced it. I need to figure out how to deal with life sober

  • Feb 7, 2022

    School and ocd make a great team

  • Feb 7, 2022
    1 reply

    I really thought starting delta 8 would stop my weed abuse but it just replaced it. I need to figure out how to deal with life sober

    Brute force it. Its gonna suck you're gonna feel like s*** for a couple days as far as motivation and energy goes, you'll have f***ed up thoughts too probably. But ride the wave and after a couple days you'll start feeling "normal" and things you thought you couldn't enjoy anymore start to become more appealing. It helps if you have a hobby or something you're passionate about to put your energy into. All the time and money wasted can be invested into yourself.

  • Feb 7, 2022
    1 reply
    Soo Diff

    Brute force it. Its gonna suck you're gonna feel like s*** for a couple days as far as motivation and energy goes, you'll have f***ed up thoughts too probably. But ride the wave and after a couple days you'll start feeling "normal" and things you thought you couldn't enjoy anymore start to become more appealing. It helps if you have a hobby or something you're passionate about to put your energy into. All the time and money wasted can be invested into yourself.

    I’ve tried multiple times and still end up talking myself out of it

  • Feb 7, 2022
    1 reply

    I’ve tried multiple times and still end up talking myself out of it

    That's the process bro. I've tried like a thousand times before I finally got to where I am. I haven't been sober for long but definitely longer than I ever have before. It just means that whatever you tried doesn't work so try something else until it works if getting sober is what you want. You can't keep trying the same thing and expect to succeed if everytime you try that it fails. It was a very long process for me and I've finally found something that works for me.

  • Soo Diff

    That's the process bro. I've tried like a thousand times before I finally got to where I am. I haven't been sober for long but definitely longer than I ever have before. It just means that whatever you tried doesn't work so try something else until it works if getting sober is what you want. You can't keep trying the same thing and expect to succeed if everytime you try that it fails. It was a very long process for me and I've finally found something that works for me.

    Yeah you’re right. I get frustrated way too easily and I’m like f*** it, a few puffs of the vape and I’m back to being hungry happy and sleepy. I feel like I’m pretty mentally resilient generally but s*** like this just gets me a certain way

  • Feb 8, 2022
    1 reply

    My ex broke up with me 2 years ago, and it still hurts me so much. Being left for someone else is an awful thing to come to terms with.

  • Feb 8, 2022

    My ex broke up with me 2 years ago, and it still hurts me so much. Being left for someone else is an awful thing to come to terms with.

    ur not alone, it f***ed with me for a long time but i eventually got over it by meeting new people

  • Feb 8, 2022

    i feel like i ruined my life. i’m scared

  • Feb 8, 2022

    I think I’m finding peace once again 💛

  • Feb 9, 2022

    I quit man o don’t even give a f*** about s***

  • Feb 9, 2022

    I need referral from my f***ing family doctor which I dont f***iung have to get help from a psychiatrist f*** this im just gonna let my brain kill me

  • Feb 9, 2022


    This goooood

    Eka Eka Eka

    My brain is melting ahhh scary monsters

    I need professional help

    Eka Eka Eka

    Maybe not tho
    Brahhh dun dun

    I'm going to back myself into a corner with no means of survival

    Dunn dun Dunn
    Buhh duh duh duh dun daa daa

    Eka Eka Eka

    God save me.

  • Feb 9, 2022


    I miss the way u said my name.
    I miss lots of things.

    All my pain caused by me
    It's true
    How I make something from nothing


    Bark bark


    I'm withering away

  • plants 🌻
    Feb 10, 2022
    1 reply

    i really have so much to be grateful for, so much that i feel like i can't justify this misery

    i hate existing

  • Feb 10, 2022

    Really f***ing irritated

  • loading 🧊
    Feb 11, 2022
    1 reply

    just accept things. stop worrying about whether or not you deserved it. or thinking about what you could’ve done differently or how to make things right. come to terms with who you are and how things are and accept it. really really accept it whether it’s yourself, a situation, or a mistake. hoping this helps someone move forward or past something

  • Feb 11, 2022

    I used to enjoy my own company, now I hate being on my own in my room, Is that normal?

  • Feb 12, 2022

    just accept things. stop worrying about whether or not you deserved it. or thinking about what you could’ve done differently or how to make things right. come to terms with who you are and how things are and accept it. really really accept it whether it’s yourself, a situation, or a mistake. hoping this helps someone move forward or past something

    s***s hard man

  • Feb 12, 2022

    I've isolated myself to what feels like the point of no return

  • plants

    i really have so much to be grateful for, so much that i feel like i can't justify this misery

    i hate existing

  • Feb 12, 2022

    I will not live long

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