Lmfao tell them b**** ass mofuckers to invite you or you're gonna have to throw hands 🥊
I know ranting here probably won't help but I need to get things off of my chest.
I know covid has affected us all negatively, but the virus combined with other things has resulted in 2020 being my worst year so far.
At the top of the year my girlfriend who I genuinely thought I would be moving in with and had a future with cheated on me and left me for someone else, I made a thread at the time about it on here, I know f*** her and all and I need to move on but it still sucks.
I have lost friends, some of which of my own volition as I have come to learn some of my friends I made at university were not the people I thought they were, I know we outgrow people and lose contact but these people I again thought would be friends for life, I'm not as pressed about that as I have multiple great friends but I think its a signal of the fact I seem to struggle with letting people and things go
As far as the virus itself is concerned, its cancelled all my trips and the thing I am most annoyed about regarding the virus: it has negatively impacted my masters, the places I need to go to conduct my research are closed and remote learning is absolutely s***.
I have always been a positive person but recently s*** is getting to me and I have been lacking motivation to do the things I usually enjoy, learning about my research, working out etc. Hope I can shift this feeling soon and If any this is relatable to how the rest of you are feeling, I am sure we can get through it. Lets get this s*** year out of the way.
I know ranting here probably won't help but I need to get things off of my chest.
I know covid has affected us all negatively, but the virus combined with other things has resulted in 2020 being my worst year so far.
At the top of the year my girlfriend who I genuinely thought I would be moving in with and had a future with cheated on me and left me for someone else, I made a thread at the time about it on here, I know f*** her and all and I need to move on but it still sucks.
I have lost friends, some of which of my own volition as I have come to learn some of my friends I made at university were not the people I thought they were, I know we outgrow people and lose contact but these people I again thought would be friends for life, I'm not as pressed about that as I have multiple great friends but I think its a signal of the fact I seem to struggle with letting people and things go
As far as the virus itself is concerned, its cancelled all my trips and the thing I am most annoyed about regarding the virus: it has negatively impacted my masters, the places I need to go to conduct my research are closed and remote learning is absolutely s***.
I have always been a positive person but recently s*** is getting to me and I have been lacking motivation to do the things I usually enjoy, learning about my research, working out etc. Hope I can shift this feeling soon and If any this is relatable to how the rest of you are feeling, I am sure we can get through it. Lets get this s*** year out of the way.
Way to get it all off your chest man. Keeping all that in is only punishing your soul.
2020 has been rough for us all and really testing everyone’s limits but just keep pushing forward man. Your a good dude and good things will drift your way in time.
We always here for you in this thread if you ever wanna get some more stuff off your chest.
Good luck man and we wish the best for you
At a point in my life where I have to make a really tough decision
What kind of decisions are you facing if you don’t mind talking about them man :)
Have anyone ever been to a hospital for mental health reasons? I just got the bill redirected to my new address and my goodness lol it’s so expensive. For what actually goes on in there, it’s not worth the price. I get it tho but I don’t agree.
Yeah man it’s f***ed up. But try not to let money stop you if you need to go again, you just gonna dig a deeper hole. I have something in OP about obtaining some MH insurance but I don’t think it’s what your looking for but give it a read
Way to get it all off your chest man. Keeping all that in is only punishing your soul.
2020 has been rough for us all and really testing everyone’s limits but just keep pushing forward man. Your a good dude and good things will drift your way in time.
We always here for you in this thread if you ever wanna get some more stuff off your chest.
Good luck man and we wish the best for you
Thanks bro, its just s*** as others around me are moving into new places and starting the next chapters of their lives and/or getting in new relationships and I feel like I am just stuck in limbo
Thanks bro, its just s*** as others around me are moving into new places and starting the next chapters of their lives and/or getting in new relationships and I feel like I am just stuck in limbo
Try not to fall into the trap of looking at others paths and comparing to yours man. It’s one of the most self destructive things we as young people do in our social media age.
Just do you fam and know that your doing your best.
My boy went off to college back in 2012 (his dream school) and from the text messages and his IG feed you would have thought he was the happiest dude alive. Until I pulled up to the school and realized that his day to day life was hell for him and how barely he was getting by.
Just keep doing you bro and they will start looking at you the way you looked at them.
anyone else suffer from extremely disorganized thinking, noisy thoughts, and just kind of scatter minded when their bored? on paxil and i think its causing this erratic behavior im getting
What kind of decisions are you facing if you don’t mind talking about them man :)
Idk if I should drop this bag on PS5 or clothes
Idk if I should drop this bag on PS5 or clothes
start a separate savings account or emergency fund or invest in your future
unless u got $ like dat or unless u really need a boost w some clothes
I know ranting here probably won't help but I need to get things off of my chest.
I know covid has affected us all negatively, but the virus combined with other things has resulted in 2020 being my worst year so far.
At the top of the year my girlfriend who I genuinely thought I would be moving in with and had a future with cheated on me and left me for someone else, I made a thread at the time about it on here, I know f*** her and all and I need to move on but it still sucks.
I have lost friends, some of which of my own volition as I have come to learn some of my friends I made at university were not the people I thought they were, I know we outgrow people and lose contact but these people I again thought would be friends for life, I'm not as pressed about that as I have multiple great friends but I think its a signal of the fact I seem to struggle with letting people and things go
As far as the virus itself is concerned, its cancelled all my trips and the thing I am most annoyed about regarding the virus: it has negatively impacted my masters, the places I need to go to conduct my research are closed and remote learning is absolutely s***.
I have always been a positive person but recently s*** is getting to me and I have been lacking motivation to do the things I usually enjoy, learning about my research, working out etc. Hope I can shift this feeling soon and If any this is relatable to how the rest of you are feeling, I am sure we can get through it. Lets get this s*** year out of the way.
oof sending love to you fam thats some painful stuff
I am sorry that all these things happened around the same time, I'm still trying to figure out how to deal with my issues too amongst what seems like all different chaos.
But we'll be alright. And we'll learn from the mistakes and issues so that we're stronger and more equipped to live in the future
world is in our hands fam
sometimes gotta sacrifice to gain
start a separate savings account or emergency fund or invest in your future
unless u got $ like dat or unless u really need a boost w some clothes
I have no clothes and I know the ps5 isn’t a smart expense but I’m such a dumbass
I think I’m gonna have to let the pre order go
I have no clothes and I know the ps5 isn’t a smart expense but I’m such a dumbass
I think I’m gonna have to let the pre order go
get some clothes that work w multiple outfits like... a few good affordable jeans, and a jacket or two depending and then some good tees, idk
socks and underwear too some thongs?
get some clothes that work w multiple outfits like... a few good affordable jeans, and a jacket or two depending and then some good tees, idk
socks and underwear too some thongs?
Never even thought about a thong budget