been feeling like complete ass for months, the worst ive ever felt
But last night I took New Mood 2 hours later Melatonin
And I slept amazing
Naturally woke up at 7:30 am Drank water ate a banana
At 8am I went for a jog/walk x Push ups
Helped with some chores
took alpha brain, hopped on linkedin learning to learn how to mix & learn music theory with some coffee
now im just listening to beautiful music surfing the net in the living room ( avoiding isolation in my room)
The only way im f***ing up is I haven't ate breakfast and its 12:20
edit: just ate breakfast
I usually wake up at 10:30, get up at 11, and beat myself up about it and do nothing all day
my problem is i care too much
i cant tell anymore
im just numb
can't focus on anything
been feeling like trash these few past weeks
Don’t remember being this anxious
Might srsly end it in the next 2 hours it’s too much
Don’t remember being this anxious
Might srsly end it in the next 2 hours it’s too much
Yo breathe it out
Don’t remember being this anxious
Might srsly end it in the next 2 hours it’s too much
Does your anxiety have physical symptoms?
C*******together ?
medication-induced celibacy, we gotta give each other a hand
Positive mindset getting once again crushed by harsh reality ..
Felt this too much
Love y’all ❤️
I hate the feeling that I've gone back on all the progress I've made over the last few years, I don't think I can even be around people like I used to anymore
I've almost lost my life multiple times and yet I still find myself unintentionally taking it for granted and I hate how hard it is for me to just maintain focus and be productive. I feel like I self sabotage out of nowhere and it kills any type of progress I've had. I've lost jobs, friends, opportunities because of my own actions and even with recognizing that, I still can't do right by any of it. I should probably start seeking therapy again or go back on my medication but I feel like it just makes me numb and dependent, I feel so lost. What am I supposed to do when everyone keeps telling me to "seek help" but I'm too scared to