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  • sponge 🧽
    Oct 17, 2020

    Is x**** worth taking for anxiety?

    I mean if u get it prescribed and u use it appropriately then yeah

  • Oct 17, 2020

    That’s actually pretty insane. How much is each test?

    it's like 32 dollars

  • Oct 17, 2020

    I try my best to get some things in life but the moment I do I feel stupid for even trying

  • Oct 17, 2020
    1 reply

    I always use this expression a lot. I really do believe life is a lot like playing blackjack.

    Just keep doing you and loving what you do. I had a rough year where I felt like I couldn’t win, and a job I felt like I could never win at. Even now being lost in Brazil with my girlfriend who’s be plagued with depression and anxiety, and me being confused on what to do down here, I’m still trying my best to make my way through this situation.

    Time heals all and things will improve we just have to stay patient and enjoy the “bad hands” just as much as we enjoy the good ones.

    staying down till we come up

  • Oct 17, 2020

    Finally going to organise a therapist after realising being in a constant cycle between being alright and then anxious/depressed every month or two isnt normal, s***s been going on for years and i basically anticipate it now

  • Oct 17, 2020
    1 reply

    I always use this expression a lot. I really do believe life is a lot like playing blackjack.

    Just keep doing you and loving what you do. I had a rough year where I felt like I couldn’t win, and a job I felt like I could never win at. Even now being lost in Brazil with my girlfriend who’s be plagued with depression and anxiety, and me being confused on what to do down here, I’m still trying my best to make my way through this situation.

    Time heals all and things will improve we just have to stay patient and enjoy the “bad hands” just as much as we enjoy the good ones.

    if life is like playing blackjack you lose the moment you turn 21 and you aint got s*** to show for

  • Oct 17, 2020
    Human Hunnid Emoji

    staying down till we come up

    Always bro...just gotta keep pushing forward till we win

  • Oct 17, 2020
    1 reply

    if life is like playing blackjack you lose the moment you turn 21 and you aint got s*** to show for

    How old are you if you don’t mind me asking?

    I remember when I turned 21 my mom was in a wheelchair living with my grandmother because she had a lot of health problems.

    I really didn’t have a lot to show for my 21st birthday but my bro from work really helped me out. Some dudes from work took me to a club and we all got drunk.

    He told me “we never finished bro. We always got something we can be doing. We might not always appreciate the meal in front of us because it’s not what we want, but we got something when someone has nothing.”

    I truly remember those words 6 years later. We might not always have the life we want right now but we all got something and it’s good to take a second and appreciate the little things.

  • Oct 17, 2020
    1 reply

    How old are you if you don’t mind me asking?

    I remember when I turned 21 my mom was in a wheelchair living with my grandmother because she had a lot of health problems.

    I really didn’t have a lot to show for my 21st birthday but my bro from work really helped me out. Some dudes from work took me to a club and we all got drunk.

    He told me “we never finished bro. We always got something we can be doing. We might not always appreciate the meal in front of us because it’s not what we want, but we got something when someone has nothing.”

    I truly remember those words 6 years later. We might not always have the life we want right now but we all got something and it’s good to take a second and appreciate the little things.

    I'm 27 and my mom was also in a wheelchair for almost a decade before she passed out

    Your bro dropped some real knowledge.

    There's times where I feel truly grateful for everything I have and times that everything seems pointless and I wish I could reboot my life.

    That duality is a part of me so take what I say with a grain of salt

  • Oct 17, 2020

    I'm 27 and my mom was also in a wheelchair for almost a decade before she passed out

    Your bro dropped some real knowledge.

    There's times where I feel truly grateful for everything I have and times that everything seems pointless and I wish I could reboot my life.

    That duality is a part of me so take what I say with a grain of salt

    Crazy we the same age fam.

    Yeah he was some good dude that got a job with me right out of jail. He real showed me that life can always be appreciated no matter the situation we in.

    Lately I’ve been feeling bad about my situation but I just keep telling myself I’m gonna find a way and I always believe it.

  • Oct 18, 2020

    my home

  • plants 🌻
    Oct 18, 2020


  • Oct 18, 2020
    2 replies

    I'm currently taking two antipsychotics and one MAJOR side effect is weight gain.
    Is there anyone here with a similar circumstance?
    How do I combat this?

  • Oct 18, 2020

    I'm currently taking two antipsychotics and one MAJOR side effect is weight gain.
    Is there anyone here with a similar circumstance?
    How do I combat this?

    I was kinda swole in February pre diagnosis and medication. I chopped it up to COVID and staying out the gym but I guess thinking about it now the AS prolly played a role .

    I’m back in the gym and snacking less . Fighting cravings

  • Oct 18, 2020
    1 reply

    Need these Valium’s refilled 👺

  • Oct 18, 2020
    1 reply

    sad and lonely

  • Oct 18, 2020

    sad and lonely

    Love you fam

  • Oct 18, 2020

    spare some serotonin anyone?

  • Oct 18, 2020

    Knowing when to leave is so important

  • Oct 18, 2020

    I love manic episodes

  • Oct 18, 2020
  • Oct 18, 2020
    1 reply

    A question for introverts. How do you maintain relationships and social circles?

    I keep getting invited places (which is very much appreciated) but I keep declining because I don't like going out much. Mind you, I've become very good at finding excuses that make people feel like I'm not blowing them off. I do go out every now and then but I keep that s*** to a minimum. I've missed 2 birthday parties in the past 2 months, and I'm trying to find an excuse to miss another one tomorrow. I still keep in touch with people to a decent degree via text/calls, but I feel like eventually the invitations will stop coming.

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