A question for introverts. How do you maintain relationships and social circles?
I keep getting invited places (which is very much appreciated) but I keep declining because I don't like going out much. Mind you, I've become very good at finding excuses that make people feel like I'm not blowing them off. I do go out every now and then but I keep that s*** to a minimum. I've missed 2 birthday parties in the past 2 months, and I'm trying to find an excuse to miss another one tomorrow. I still keep in touch with people to a decent degree via text/calls, but I feel like eventually the invitations will stop coming.
it is what it is bro if u dont feel like doing it dont pressure yourself as if u are missing out on something
push yourself out of your comfort zone once in a while. do a weekend day like that jim carrey movie "yes" and see how you feel about it. if u have fun and feel good about yourself then do it when u feel like it.
if u made plans but feel anxious and dont wanna carry on with them cancel. ppl are so self-centric these days u think they will feel some type of way but they prolly too caught up with thier lives to care that much.
if u anything like me those invitations wont mean s*** if they stop coming. you wil feel kinda down cause u feel like ur social value is being compromised but that can always be leveraged in some type of way. remember ppl only gravitate towards u and orbit when u have something to offer. even if it was affiliation. one good thing about spending time with yourself is u have plenty of time to work on yourself. as long as u a step ahead in life youll never really be truley alone and u can choose when and how u wanna socialize.
i am not endorsing u being a d*** and cutting everybody off. but ppl around u need to understand the concept of personal space no matter what. and if it meant losing some of them then its probably for the best
i have a friend
he was p much my best friend for the past 2 years. some silly s*** happened and it kinda rubbed me the wrong way. anyways been ignoring dude for a min now and in the beginning i was ignoring everyone cause i was mentally f***ed. but now i find myself kicking it with other ppl but the min i see dude or he hits me up my whole mood flips. like i REALLY dont wanna be around dude
i hope it gets to a point where he says "fuk this guy" and wings me. i just feel like getting immersed socially again has been holding me back. made so much progress in life when i was on my own.
it is what it is bro if u dont feel like doing it dont pressure yourself as if u are missing out on something
push yourself out of your comfort zone once in a while. do a weekend day like that jim carrey movie "yes" and see how you feel about it. if u have fun and feel good about yourself then do it when u feel like it.
if u made plans but feel anxious and dont wanna carry on with them cancel. ppl are so self-centric these days u think they will feel some type of way but they prolly too caught up with thier lives to care that much.
if u anything like me those invitations wont mean s*** if they stop coming. you wil feel kinda down cause u feel like ur social value is being compromised but that can always be leveraged in some type of way. remember ppl only gravitate towards u and orbit when u have something to offer. even if it was affiliation. one good thing about spending time with yourself is u have plenty of time to work on yourself. as long as u a step ahead in life youll never really be truley alone and u can choose when and how u wanna socialize.
i am not endorsing u being a d*** and cutting everybody off. but ppl around u need to understand the concept of personal space no matter what. and if it meant losing some of them then its probably for the best
Thanks brother, that's a good way of looking at it. Now that I think about it I think the pandemic has driven me further into my shell than I thought. I went from going on campus every day and socializing (which I didn't really like) to having classes online and spending most of my time at home.
I'll try what you said. I'm probably getting too comfortable in my bubble right now and I need to start getting out there again. Right now I just go from home to work and back again. Switching things up might be good.
Thanks brother, that's a good way of looking at it. Now that I think about it I think the pandemic has driven me further into my shell than I thought. I went from going on campus every day and socializing (which I didn't really like) to having classes online and spending most of my time at home.
I'll try what you said. I'm probably getting too comfortable in my bubble right now and I need to start getting out there again. Right now I just go from home to work and back again. Switching things up might be good.
do it bro and if it dont feel right then its cool do what u want you dope either way
College this semester is really taking its toll. I'm tired of having to sit on a laptop all day. I'm not learning s*** and I have no motivation to study or do assignments
College this semester is really taking its toll. I'm tired of having to sit on a laptop all day. I'm not learning s*** and I have no motivation to study or do assignments
Imagine how I feel being unemployed for 10 months with two f***ing degrees. I’m applying around the country and have only got 10 phone calls out of 700 applications in the last 10 months
This is my mindset at this point: reddit.com/r/nosurf
I don't know how you guys use forums, they always bring me to a bad place, I'm gonna stick to YouTube, streaming services, and gaming from here on out
This is my mindset at this point: https://www.reddit.com/r/nosurf/
I don't know how you guys use forums, they always bring me to a bad place, I'm gonna stick to YouTube, streaming services, and gaming from here on out
YouTube is honestly probably worse than KTT but I guess it depends on how you’re using it
YouTube is honestly probably worse than KTT but I guess it depends on how you’re using it
I just look at video game and superhero videos, I have few problems as long as I don't read the comments
This is my mindset at this point: https://www.reddit.com/r/nosurf/
I don't know how you guys use forums, they always bring me to a bad place, I'm gonna stick to YouTube, streaming services, and gaming from here on out
Yep tbh Forums in my experience are more toxic than regular social media
Yep tbh Forums in my experience are more toxic than regular social media
I'm giving myself a month, I usually come back cause I'm bored, I'll do it when Cyberpunk releases or before
I'm giving myself a month, I usually come back cause I'm bored, I'll do it when Cyberpunk releases or before
Good luck fam
This is my mindset at this point: https://www.reddit.com/r/nosurf/
I don't know how you guys use forums, they always bring me to a bad place, I'm gonna stick to YouTube, streaming services, and gaming from here on out
Really? I feel like videogames are way worse for me personally. Forums just seem like a place to vent and goof off
most you can really do is take how a person is treating you & act accordingly. telling them & asking them to be upfront about every thing good & bad never works out i suppose. i hate this.
whenever i "act accordingly" people are mad quick to say this & that in a negative light about me, gets to the point where i stay thinking i'm in the wrong and since i don't go to anybody for any advice whatsoever since people love to try & belittle you with condescending tones when they do i just stay feeling bad & like i'm in the wrong...
i need to stop & wake up, ain't nobody gonna treat me how i treat them. better off alone. just wish people would stop lying to me. stop telling me this & that knowing your actions never live up to it. treating ppl how they treat me only harms me in the end cause i hate treating others terribly cause i know how it feels to be treated terribly. this nothing but a double edged sword pushing me over the edge.
i feel like i'm losing my mind. i feel like there ain't no love meant for me in this world. i feel like i'm always wrong & everybody else is always right. that takes a huge toll on a persons mental & nobody really gives a f*** until its too late, i really hate this world. i wanna leave so bad but i don't have the strength to do so. i don't even have the strength to continue on yet i keep forcing myself to like i got a reason keeping me here. my life bout empty as my gas tank & my nigga i'm running on E nothing but pure fumes in my tank.
i'm really sorry for always being negative itt, i'm trying to do better i really am but nothing working fam
Really? I feel like videogames are way worse for me personally. Forums just seem like a place to vent and goof off
Well it's a hobby of mine so I enjoy them, especially excited for a really big game coming up that I'll be playing for a long time, but I know everyone has their own tastes
it's not the forums themselves but certain toxic people on them. Like I have a zero tolerance for even one toxic experience because I think about how I'm upset about an interaction with some random a****** I don't even know and I wouldn't have to experience this negative feeling if I didn't use forums in the first place
Well it's a hobby of mine so I enjoy them, especially excited for a really big game coming up that I'll be playing for a long time, but I know everyone has their own tastes
it's not the forums themselves but certain toxic people on them. Like I have a zero tolerance for even one toxic experience because I think about how I'm upset about an interaction with some random a****** I don't even know and I wouldn't have to experience this negative feeling if I didn't use forums in the first place
Yea they were a hobby of mine too until recently. Tried hopping on Risk of Rain the other day to see how I felt and instantly felt depressed. Idk I guess I just feel like I need to be making moves at this point in my life and videogames feel like wasting time. I played a lot of fkn videogames in my life too so I guess I'm just cumulatively burnt out
I was doing so fkn bad like a month ago
Been eating right, working out like crazy again, and bringing females back into my life and it's like night and day. My OCD which was unbelievably severe a month ago is completely cured for now. Kinda crazy
I hope yall can find what you need
Had a pretty rough day today. Been trying to get back on good terms with my girl today. Had lunch and stuff together and had a good time
i'm really sorry for always being negative itt, i'm trying to do better i really am but nothing working fam
All good fam we all trying to release some tension itt. You good tho?
I was doing so fkn bad like a month ago
Been eating right, working out like crazy again, and bringing females back into my life and it's like night and day. My OCD which was unbelievably severe a month ago is completely cured for now. Kinda crazy
I hope yall can find what you need
Good s*** man. Glad to hear you got back on the right track in your life. Stay strong fam and keep doing what you doing to stay happy
Good s*** man. Glad to hear you got back on the right track in your life. Stay strong fam and keep doing what you doing to stay happy
Big love my brother. Stay safe out there.
most you can really do is take how a person is treating you & act accordingly. telling them & asking them to be upfront about every thing good & bad never works out i suppose. i hate this.
whenever i "act accordingly" people are mad quick to say this & that in a negative light about me, gets to the point where i stay thinking i'm in the wrong and since i don't go to anybody for any advice whatsoever since people love to try & belittle you with condescending tones when they do i just stay feeling bad & like i'm in the wrong...
i need to stop & wake up, ain't nobody gonna treat me how i treat them. better off alone. just wish people would stop lying to me. stop telling me this & that knowing your actions never live up to it. treating ppl how they treat me only harms me in the end cause i hate treating others terribly cause i know how it feels to be treated terribly. this nothing but a double edged sword pushing me over the edge.
i feel like i'm losing my mind. i feel like there ain't no love meant for me in this world. i feel like i'm always wrong & everybody else is always right. that takes a huge toll on a persons mental & nobody really gives a f*** until its too late, i really hate this world. i wanna leave so bad but i don't have the strength to do so. i don't even have the strength to continue on yet i keep forcing myself to like i got a reason keeping me here. my life bout empty as my gas tank & my nigga i'm running on E nothing but pure fumes in my tank.
last paragraph is exactly how i'm feeling rn
wish i had something positive to say but i honestly don't, all i can say is you ain't alone