not a shot at OP, but niggas post s*** like this all the time here and then be Mr. B****es in the music section
And soooo😭
Damn sorry bout that bro.
Did you get retribution tho😡
Nah, never figured who it was tbh. Never knew them before then, and I went to the military like 2 months after cause I was already enlisted just waiting to get shipped to boot camp. Just had to move on. They wore ski masks and stuff so I have no idea at all who they were and it wasn’t in my town or one I’m really familiar with.
I pray someone carves the organs out of your body soon and dumps you in an ice bath without a phone so I never have to read another pathetic thread like this by you ever again.
Not very dale! of you😖
yea I even mentioned to her "if youre going to kill me, make it fast at least"
Missed this post
did you know there's a G&G section as well and that in this section on march 1st THERE'S GONNA BE THE ANNUAL G&G VZ!! THOTS,CELEBS,ARTISTS WHO'S GONNA BE THE WINNER
BE SURE TO CATCH IT #lecheminduroi
@Mmm_Hmm @saveme @AllisonXO @GhostDeini718
We pulling up?
I'm just speaking from the heart
Are you a girl?
Nah, never figured who it was tbh. Never knew them before then, and I went to the military like 2 months after cause I was already enlisted just waiting to get shipped to boot camp. Just had to move on. They wore ski masks and stuff so I have no idea at all who they were and it wasn’t in my town or one I’m really familiar with.
I’ll be real with you.
Almost 11 years ago I was robbed at gunpoint by 4 dudes cause I thought I was meeting up with this girl off this app called tagged when I was a young h**** just turned eighteen year old. The person had pics and everything but always had an excuse as to why we couldn’t video chat or Skype or whatever was cool at that time.
Against my better judgment I drove like 30 mins away to meet up with this person and it was really a setup for a robbery cause they thought I had weed and money on me, which my broke ass had neither lol.
Took it like a champ though, and dudes luckily didn’t shoot or even take my car. But the lesson was definitely learned.
Follow your gut, not your p****. That s*** can get you robbed and potentially even killed.
You got lucky that it was just someone pranking and not trying to do you harm. Do not make yourself a victim!
Was bout to post that op lucky it wasn't a stick up kid
I really wouldn’t have even told ktt about this one bro. This one of those ones where you gonna be arguing with a nigga 8 months from now and they’ll just post the link to this thread
was you really about to munch on a girl that you dont know and never seen before? @op
Yea. I always munch girls on first meet. Only if like it starts getting sexual tho. Depends on the situation
Remember I’m in college
I deleted the chat smh
Yeah this man made this story up lmao
Get him outta here
Yeah this man made this story up lmao
Get him outta here
lock thread ban op