Yeah this man made this story up lmao
Get him outta here
How tf can I just make this up like that LMAO
How tf can I just make this up like that LMAO
What's so hard about making up a story?
I pray someone carves the organs out of your body soon and dumps you in an ice bath without a phone so I never have to read another pathetic thread like this by you ever again.
Alright I already posted some of my experiences In the Tinder thread...
Making a thread so I can just cope and make myself feel better from the dopamine that I will receive from you guys
Before you question "Yik yak? in 2023??" This app is popping at my university. Ive met up with 4 girls last semester and f***ed 2. Anyways... lets get to the story.
So I see a post on yik yak saying "anyone want hangout at insert apartment name, my roommate is gone for a couple hours" On yik yak, you can DM people now but this app is anonymous. So I dm'd "are you a girl?" They reply with "yes." So im like, alright im down. So im at the trolley stop when we were texting. Train will arrive in like 8 mins. While im waiting, I ask for her insta. She was like "I dont have socials 😭"
Then she described herself to me, "im a 5'4 Latina girls and im in a sorority." I reply with "how tf are you in a sorority but dont have social media " They reply with "its a small one" Im like ok, theres some small sororities. Maybe its like some honor sorority or something.
So Im like thinking "bro I need to see what she looks like before I head over." So I ask for her number so she can send me a selfie. She replies with "I dont want to give you my number. I only give it when I meet them first" So its 2 mins till the train arrives. I leave the station and sit at the Starbucks at my uni. While there, im just begging trying to get her number so I can see what she looks like. She's saying like "its ok, I can just get other d***" Im like wait wait chill
. So im like f***... im really going to do this huh? Without even knowing what she looks like? I keep texting her "youre definitely a guy" and other stuff like that. She's saying s*** like "im ovulating rn and I'll do anything you want but I just need to get fingered first" Im like
She mentions that the bus will take her to her apartment.
So I get on the bus. Waiting to arrive and im just basically telling her that im almost there. Where should I go to meet you? blah blah blah. So I look at Apple Maps and the bus drove past the bus stop at her place. Mind you, Im having severe anxiety right now. What if this is a guy playing a prank, what if im going to get killed, what if this girl is actually ugly af. Im about to have anxiety s***s. So since the bus missed the stop, I get out at some random area. I pay for an uber to take me there.
So I arrived. She tells me to wait inside the leasing office and she'll come down to get me. So im waiting for like maybe 6 mins and she's not down yet. Im panicking. Theres people going in and out the office. I keep wondering "is that her?" Then she texts me to go upstairs. Im like
Im on the elliptical machine rn. Im still like So I go up, and I see three girls on the treadmill/ellipticals. Remember , she mentioned she was a 5'4 Latina girl. So I see a Latina girl on the right on the elliptical. Im just standing at the entrance waiting for her to turn around. I stood there for like 2 mins then went to sit down on some couch. Im just still looking at the three girls from where im sitting. Im texting the girl "im literally staring at you" She says "come talk to us." I text her "wtf you said youre roommate is gone." She replies with "just come to us" Then im seeing that im getting messages from her and none of the girls are even using their phone
I immediately think "bruh, I just got f***ing pranke. I cant believe I fell for it" I text the girl saying "bro this s*** is fake im leaving" She replies with "no comeback" I say "nah im out". Then... they reply with "bozo. You just got f***ed with by two guys. How desperate can you be 🤣 we were laughing at you 😭" I just reply with "LMAOOOOO THAT WAS A GOOD ONE FR"
They reply again with "I cant believe you took a bus and an uber to get f***ed with LMAOOO"
Now that im thinking, when I was waiting on the couch I saw these two guys go in the room next to me. They probably went to investigate and see me. And it was INDEED them who f***ed with me.
Im so f***ing embarrassed. Did the walk of shame out of the leasing office. Called another uber to take me home. Im never going to meet someone again with without seeing a picture first. Im a dumbass. I thought I would never fall for it, but I thought with my d***. Only thing im scared for is if they recorded me and posted it on TIK TOK. I hope I dont wake tomorrow and go to school and everyone laughs at me from the TIK TOK
My cope is that I think those guys are f***ing weird for doing that. Like who tf pretends to be a girl? We are in college. Anyways that my coping mechanism. Still an L
Yea. I always munch girls on first meet. Only if like it starts getting sexual tho. Depends on the situation
Remember I’m in college
munch and no d*** though?
How tf can I just make this up like that LMAO
Ya might wanna take a break from ktt.
I think it might be messing with your brain.
Seems ya can’t differentiate between real life and this site.
munch and no d*** though?
im a munch bro
and I cant even get hard most of the time soooo
Ya might wanna take a break from ktt.
I think it might be messing with your brain.
Seems ya can’t differentiate between real life and this site.
you think this is fake too???
im a munch bro
and I cant even get hard most of the time soooo
Do u always get hard when u watch p***?
Do u always get hard when u watch p***?
yup. Its over for me man. Plus im on Meds so I have low libido
yup. Its over for me man. Plus im on Meds so I have low libido
Damn. Stop with the p*** at least
i woulda got it back in blood n started f***ing them prankers but im built different so ion blame u
op lying
he didn't post anything as proof
Making up stories for attention
what u type for that face
Imagine if we put the energy used getting p**** into other things lmao
Good story BVL I chuckled
@op you nasty as hell