Niggas are using a woman getting raped as celebration
Now you see why I wish abuse never came up in this beef
I don’t like Metro as much as the next guy but calm down tbh. Innocent until proven guilty.
damn even u making sense rn
I always be making sense groupie
Glad you finally seeing the light
Any thread involving people from the beef will be a beef thread.
rape and pedophilia should never be a beef thread.....
murder of gang to gang participant to participant fine
bur rape and pedophilia should never be a beef thread
same as serious claims of domestic violence
cheating cool go for it but have a code
the comments of TMZ is so embarassing I am probably going to take a break from mainstream rap this is atrocious
TMZ comments have always been 4chan tier
TMZ comments have always been 4chan tier
I mean twitter so its linked to their face you got people celebrating right under
This is insanely concerning if true. I do believe there should be a more thorough investigation. Until there is evidence then we can't immediately consider him guilty.
This site funny man. Really be picking and choosing what is considered a serious topic
This site funny man. Really be picking and choosing what is considered a serious topic
so now its not as serious? should we not worry about the victim anymore?
Im doing all of this because I think we should worry about the victim I wasn’t excited at all about the drake and Kendrick allegations. All I’m saying bro is to read the room I fw u otherwise
Any thread involving people from the beef will be a beef thread.
mods dont wanna keep a beef thread open
so stupid imo
rape and pedophilia should never be a beef thread.....
murder of gang to gang participant to participant fine
bur rape and pedophilia should never be a beef thread
same as serious claims of domestic violence
cheating cool go for it but have a code
Lmao one of the niggas in the beef made a whole song clownin pedophilia
Y’all got stop this virtue signaling man we don’t kno none of these niggas outside of the music; of course we gon talk bout the music
Ask @edumist for the screenshots I'm not gonna dig for it but that's the main reason why @thankmelater got perma banned
place bet on how many users will crash out before thread lock
rape and pedophilia should never be a beef thread.....
murder of gang to gang participant to participant fine
bur rape and pedophilia should never be a beef thread
same as serious claims of domestic violence
cheating cool go for it but have a code
This is the music sxn on a semi-defunct Kanye west website, yall gotta stop expecting mature discussion
we really might get this whole website locked
Election day is screwed
Ask @edumist for the screenshots I'm not gonna dig for it but that's the main reason why @thankmelater got perma banned
What was the post since you remember it so well