This is the music sxn on a semi-defunct Kanye west website, yall gotta stop expecting mature discussion
mods got to start permabanning because its not about mature its about we are NOT 4 CHAN
Niggas are using a woman getting raped as celebration
Niggas itt
I mean twitter so its linked to their face you got people celebrating right under
Ah yeah Twitter comments turned into TMZ comments lately
What was the post since you remember it so well
I don't remember it well from memory but it was you crashing out hard after being outed @edumist posted the screenshots
Vanessa claims she eventually regained consciousness in a bed -- with Metro on top of her allegedly raping her and performing oral s***on her. After allegedly blacking out and waking again, Vanessa says Metro appeared and informed her she was inside a Beverly Hills hotel room and it was time to leave ... she says she has no memory of how she got there.
Vanessa says she later learned she was pregnant and claims it had to be from Metro because she hadn't had s***with anyone else. She says she ultimately terminated the pregnancy in November 2016.
Vanessa also believes Metro joked about her trauma the following year on his "Rap Saved Me" record costarring 21 Savage, Offset, and Quavo ... which includes the lyrics, "She took a Xanny / Then she fainted / I'm from the gutter ... ain't no changing."
Yeah tbh all that "get ya b**** on a xan" raps are nasty
Even some artists that i like got those sort of lines and its like...
Like Future got a lot of lines like that
we got morals now that drake is done liking them young
its been f*** metro
Im doing all of this because I think we should worry about the victim I wasn’t excited at all about the drake and Kendrick allegations. All I’m saying bro is to read the room I fw u otherwise
i believe there is room to celebrate a rapist getting got and worry for the victim
Everything aside is the “a woman who claims she knew and trusted Metro” in the TMZ headline a play on his producer tag
whether you are a fan or not you can just call it reprehensible if true and let it go to court. You dont have to do a beef celebration of which clique is more moral. When none of these people are necessarily good people. Look to be a better you.
If Metro already said "drake you know why I dont trust you" its a sign that they both engaged in questionable s***. S*** Creepin had diddy, weeknd metro. There is no way to know what anyone engages in but yourself. The best course of action is recognize you cant receive consent on d****, do less d**** or no d**** or find love where its agreed upon
I don't remember it well from memory but it was you crashing out hard after being outed @edumist posted the screenshots
Ok keep it moving lmao