The only time Michael touched those kids was when he was hugging them.
Ain’t nothing perverse going on. Just some sucubus plotting extortion.
You sound white or Mexican and saying nigga after every two words
"Stop quoting me about your feelings. I don’t care"
Easy, try again Sis
Anything else? You stan pedos and have the audacity to try and shame MJ like anything you listen to will be remembered decades from now
Believe it or not I actually just read this entire article and it only confirms even more that MJ was innocent. The more information I find out the more clear it is.
Believe it or not I actually just read this entire article and it only confirms even more that MJ was innocent. The more information I find out the more clear it is.
S*** atleast you read it, weirdos in here acting like they can’t read or do they own updated research. How tf you find articles from 2005 lol
FBI released the documents after his death and cleared his name
Yeah but i saw evidence that he has gone to epstien island so idk op
Safechuck was sued for 300k and lost, winning this case was his only way out of financial debt, & now he’s being dismissed
Safechuck & Robson are finished
Not only do they have to pay off all those lawyer fees but they’re done, they’ll forever be remembered as the two weirdos who used Me too & pain of countless sexual assault victims to gain sympathy in order to extort a deadman & his family
I’m completely disgusted, they can burn in hell
I just can't get over the part of him sleeping in bed with kids even though he probably didn't harm them. Still sus as hell no doubt
M2 going hard itt while stanning Nicki who is known for standing by pedos. The irony is too much for me right now.
M2 going hard itt while stanning Nicki who is known for standing by pedos. The irony is too much for me right now.
M2 is probably in high school tho I'd go easy on the kid
M2 is probably in high school tho I'd go easy on the kid
Hes not hes almost 30 im pretty sure
Hes not hes almost 30 im pretty sure
Damn I just assumed if someone is a lil nas x stan they'd probably have to be his age or younger wtf surprised someone who's 30 even knows lil nas x lol
Sorry it wasn't a HuffPost opinion piece
God you really can not read. The fingerprints were taken when Sneddon gave Arvizo a magazine with no gloves on in 2004.
Your own article says the following:
“One of Jackson's lawyers, Robert Sanger, also got one expert to admit that the fingerprints on the magazines could not be dated.“
Why are you now trying so hard to be the “e-lawyer”? Do you take comfort in pretending children were molested?
45 year old man has legal p*** collection so he must be a pedophile? What sort of logic is this?
I just can't get over the part of him sleeping in bed with kids even though he probably didn't harm them. Still sus as hell no doubt
It’s weird but far from criminal.
Anyone who does not have a financial gain to make will tell you Jackson slept on the floor or nothing happened.
i need a b**** that ride for me the way KingOfPop rides for MJ
Goat motherfucking user
I'm going to believe the COURT DOCUMENTS
rather than a HuffPost article that links to a random MJ stan wordpress site
Article is full of court documents and a post from the original photographer of this so called child p***ography.
You really trying to pretend Jackson had child photos in Neverland that were taken long after Jackson had died??
Not you equating some tweets to p-dophilia
Only problem is this tweet serves as actual proof your boy Nas did something wrong.
There is no proof Jackson ever did anything.
The lengths that people go through to prove MJ's innocence despite him literally sleeping in the same bed as young teen boys and creating his own amusement park for young kids is hella weird.
Why does someone like that deserve the benefit of the doubt?
Why not? It is on the accuser to proof Jackson’s wrongdoing. They simply can not do that.
Anyone is innocent until proven guilty. That does not change just because his garden was a funfair for underprivileged children.
Great thread. Crazy how easily a so called "documentary" can sway people just because of the HBO label and appearing professionally made. Keep up the good work @KingOfPop