And what exactly did he settle, what were the terms of that settlement?
How many Ms did he give jordie
Answer your own question u lying f***
Ah, so one of many books he had been gifted.
Got it.
I'm sure they thought they could nail MJ with this angle at the time just as you are trying to do too.
Wonder how that went.
Just a reminder:
How many Ms did he give jordie
Answer your own question u lying f***
15 million to settle the civil trial after exhausting every Avenue to have the criminal trial happen first.
We all know by now in 2020 it has no correlation to guilt in the Chandler case.
So again why did he settle, and what were the terms of the settlement?
Are you genuinely trying to pretend the law was in MJs favour at any point of this? (93,05?)
Countless examples of the rich getting off due to having the best lawyers
Don't be stupid
Countless examples of the rich getting off due to having the best lawyers
Don't be stupid
‘I don’t think MJ is guilty but it makes way more financial sense to keep him innocent. He was a cash cow.’
Countless examples of the rich getting off due to having the best lawyers
Don't be stupid
I have no knowledge of other criminal investigations. You can not compare separate investigations.
‘I don’t think MJ is guilty but it makes way more financial sense to keep him innocent. He was a cash cow.’
That’s why HBO and Channel 4 spent millions on marketing a mockumentary all about Jackson’s guilt?
15 million to settle the civil trial after exhausting every Avenue to have the criminal trial happen first.
We all know by now in 2020 it has no correlation to guilt in the Chandler case.
So again why did he settle, and what were the terms of the settlement?
How many Ms did jordie receive? Ur saying 15?
That’s why HBO and Channel 4 spent millions on marketing a mockumentary all about Jackson’s guilt?
That’s just the machine talking. Vogue funds it’s teen vogue edition which critiques capitalism a lot, while being part of a parent company that thrives off it. That’s the game. Everybody eating
‘I don’t think MJ is guilty but it makes way more financial sense to keep him innocent. He was a cash cow.’
The lawyers that got O.J acquitted versus some 14 year old kids on the stand...
I just find it weird that Mike thought it was cool to sleep in the same bed as children. Miss me with that “he was too pure” bullshit like he descended from heaven.
That being said, if the FBI couldn’t find anything than that’s major but Mike paid off so many people and parties off that who really knows. I’d like to think he was innocent.
Except this isn’t true
The only family that received money after filing a s***abuse case were the Chandlers
MJ’s insurance company paid them 20 million so they could skip the civil trial and proceed with the criminal because Michael was too sick & distraught to deal with the length of the trials
The moment Evan Chandler received the money & he dropped the criminal trial completely
The criminal trial is what would’ve confirmed whether or not MJ was guilty or innocent
The information is literally on the net, I can’t believe you people
Ah, so one of many books he had been gifted.
Got it.
I'm sure they thought they could nail MJ with this angle at the time just as you are trying to do too.
Wonder how that went.
All of them were gifted? According to who
MJ INNOCENT. Babylon have had ample chances to take him down yet they couldn't. come for the king you best not miss.
That’s just the machine talking. Vogue funds it’s teen vogue edition which critiques capitalism a lot, while being part of a parent company that thrives off it. That’s the game. Everybody eating
The machine you mention did everything possible to sway negative opinion about Jackson and has done for years.
CNN had breaking news in 2005 Jackson was guilty before the verdict was even finished.
All of them were gifted? According to who
“One of many he had been gifted”
And you translate that to
“All of them”
Don’t be stupid.
‘I don’t think MJ is guilty but it makes way more financial sense to keep him innocent. He was a cash cow.’
Except is innocent
There’s a literal audio tape of the first accusers father bragging about using his son to extort Michael after Michael refused to fund his scripts
I don’t under why people are resulting to hypotheticals when there’s literal information, video clips, court documents & eye witnesses that confirm MJ was innocent
There’s not one factual piece of evidence that exposes MJ as a pedophile besides nonsensical tabloids & pro pedophilia fan fiction from haters
You know he gave Jordy 15 Mill and you still think he's innocent you are unbelievable Kpop you are unbelievable you are unbelievable unbelievable unbelievable unbelievable
‘I don’t think MJ is guilty but it makes way more financial sense to keep him innocent. He was a cash cow.’
You so know that Sony sabotaged his album releases at one point
Why would they do that if he was a cash cow???
The machine you mention did everything possible to sway negative opinion about Jackson and has done for years.
CNN had breaking news in 2005 Jackson was guilty before the verdict was even finished.
Nothing you saying contradicts what I’m saying. Ofc they’re gonna cash in on the biggest pop culture story around. That’s the media for you
You know he gave Jordy 15 Mill and you still think he's innocent you are unbelievable Kpop you are unbelievable you are unbelievable unbelievable unbelievable unbelievable
Yes I do and I know why the case was settled.
You know very little and speak with such confidence. It’s quite laughable.
Yes I do and I know why the case was settled.
You know very little and speak with such confidence. It’s quite laughable.
No innocent man gives a little boy 15 million dollars
Nothing you saying contradicts what I’m saying. Ofc they’re gonna cash in on the biggest pop culture story around. That’s the media for you
But you said about protecting his innocence because he was a cash cow. I don’t think that was the case.