  • May 3, 2021
    2 replies

    thug never been washed a day in his life. punk will solidify him as the greatest of all time, even though he already is.

  • May 3, 2021
    1 reply

    that beat kinda an earworm

    An earworm for d***riders

  • May 3, 2021
    2 replies

    I get it’s cool on KTT to hate Jermaine but y’all laughed at Corn Dinner?

  • sponge 🧽
    May 3, 2021
    1 reply
    young slimer 4ever

    thug never been washed a day in his life. punk will solidify him as the greatest of all time, even though he already is.

    lets go slimer

  • Sherman

    i already knew what mfs were gonna say before I came in here

    but tbh, nah nah nah…

    i know about why he dropped it and all but I mean releasing it as an official single and strong rumours it was on Donda for at least a few months… cmon Ye

    Hoping he doesn’t let us down with his next album make more s*** like the title track and believe what I say

    group that one in with DAHG, XTCY and ye vs the people for bottom bottom tier ye

  • May 3, 2021
    RICKY 2320

    Yeah this s*** should not have been part of Man on The Moon series. A boring, generic project from one of the GOATS.

  • sponge 🧽
    May 3, 2021
    1 reply
    mr get dough

    An earworm for d***riders

    that’s all u tbh

  • WFH

    I still remember where I was first time I heard on sight

    The first time I heard hold my liquor I was riding the red line on the DC metro past fort totten, i can still remember where I was when the guitar solo hit

  • May 3, 2021
    1 reply
    Jerry Seinfeld

    this was when I regained respect for Ye

  • May 3, 2021
    1 reply

    Fire project

    Jesus is King is when I realized he’s done tbh

    Ye just needs to take the time to get his flow back

    It used to seem so effortless, now it sounds really stilted and weird and I worry he might not get it back

  • May 3, 2021
    1 reply

    that’s all u tbh

    Can’t be, I don’t like that song

  • Mmm Hmm 😆
    May 3, 2021

    Still hurts to this day

  • May 3, 2021
    1 reply
    young slimer 4ever

    thug never been washed a day in his life. punk will solidify him as the greatest of all time, even though he already is.


  • May 3, 2021
    2 replies

    this was when I regained respect for Ye

    Ill smack the s*** out of you

  • May 3, 2021

    I get it’s cool on KTT to hate Jermaine but y’all laughed at Corn Dinner?

    It’s like Poope Fiasco. Something so low hanging fruit and childish that the idea of even saying it has a funny silly charm to it. You can’t help but laugh tbh

  • sponge 🧽
    May 3, 2021
    1 reply
    mr get dough

    Can’t be, I don’t like that song

    nah i’m saying the whole d***riding thing lol

    i ain’t like it at first but then that flute beat psychologically worked it’s way in my head

  • Teal_

    this s*** broke my heart


    Jim Jones surpassing Cam'ron is some s*** I never expected. Still can't believe it

  • Kdogone

    I get it’s cool on KTT to hate Jermaine but y’all laughed at Corn Dinner?

    the ironic thing is only corny mfs say it

  • sponge 🧽
    May 3, 2021
    mr get dough

    Ill smack the s*** out of you

    ah s***. here we go again

  • May 3, 2021
    1 reply
    mr get dough

    Ill smack the s*** out of you

    you can't smack someone through a computer, the technology doesn't exist yet

  • May 3, 2021
    2 replies

    nah i’m saying the whole d***riding thing lol

    i ain’t like it at first but then that flute beat psychologically worked it’s way in my head

    I know if I was a d***rider I’d like the song

  • Scary Hours 2

  • May 3, 2021
    1 reply

    you can't smack someone through a computer, the technology doesn't exist yet

    I’ll find you

  • kttmz ⚰️
    May 3, 2021
    1 reply

    it's debatable. i think we dem boyz was a dud but there's many people that would call it a classic

    I think it’s far more valid to say he f***ed up 2 years later than at that period of time. I mean I still enjoy s*** like 28 Grams and a bunch of tracks of Blacc Hollywood

  • mr get dough

    I’ll find you

    i know the first 3 numbers
