that was the nadir of his career and dude hasn't been the same since
he gettin a lil better lately
album got hella bangers great production
Album is dogshit
One of the worst I’ve ever heard
Absolutely horrendous production (especially that cringe outkast cover song) but even worse arguably is the lyrics
i already knew what mfs were gonna say before I came in here
but tbh, nah nah nah…
i know about why he dropped it and all but I mean releasing it as an official single and strong rumours it was on Donda for at least a few months… cmon Ye
Hoping he doesn’t let us down with his next album make more s*** like the title track and believe what I say
Sorry 4 the Wait 2
i like the bobby shmurda track on there a lot
“i don’t know how you like your steak, but i’m in rare form”
Album is dogshit
One of the worst I’ve ever heard
Absolutely horrendous production (especially that cringe outkast cover song) but even worse arguably is the lyrics
u must have never heard a bad album before then
i already knew what mfs were gonna say before I came in here
but tbh, nah nah nah…
i know about why he dropped it and all but I mean releasing it as an official single and strong rumours it was on Donda for at least a few months… cmon Ye
Hoping he doesn’t let us down with his next album make more s*** like the title track and believe what I say
Nah nah nah is the worst thing Kanye ever put out
u must have never heard a bad album before then
Honestly I preferred Recovery to Corn Dinner
Nah nah nah is the worst thing Kanye ever put out
cap that s*** kinda hit
@lucid i forgot all about this s***
some ass. always hated this song
Honestly I preferred Recovery to Corn Dinner
ok see u exposing yourself
give me three classics he released after that abomination
The f***? You’re saying We Dem Boyz and label that as a classic. So at that point he wasn’t washed to me
that post tells u all u need 2 know
cap that s*** kinda hit
No offense but anyone who likes nah nah mah is just a d***rider
No offense but anyone who likes nah nah mah is just a d***rider
that beat kinda an earworm
The f***? You’re saying We Dem Boyz and label that as a classic. So at that point he wasn’t washed to me
it's debatable. i think we dem boyz was a dud but there's many people that would call it a classic
Niggas hating pablo itt imagine
Fire project
Jesus is King is when I realized he’s done tbh
still insane to me that he dropped a random super unfinished demo cause of a random website’s placeholder election results and then proceeded to formally roll it out and make a remix and everything
Kanye with MBDtf