  • Jul 3, 2021
    1 reply

    so mcdonalds is the GOAT food

    stupid argument. mcdonalds and, lets say gourmet food, cost different prices and therefore arent equally accessible.

    cole and mby album both on spotify for 9.99 a month

  • Jul 3, 2021
    2 replies

    only real music is gunna last. All that other s*** is here and gone tomroowwww

  • Jul 3, 2021
    2 replies

    Cole hate is legit getting weird at this point

  • Jul 3, 2021
    1 reply
    CLB Fractions

    cole stans down bad

    Not a stan I just always feel the need to always be on the opposing side of whatever b**** ass niggas are on

    B**** ass niggas just so happen to hate J Cole so I’m always on the other side feel me

  • Jul 3, 2021

    only real music is gunna last. All that other s*** is here and gone tomroowwww

  • Jul 3, 2021

    Yeah MoneyBagg got a real dedicated fanbase, a year ago KTT nerds were hating on him, the real always prosper 🙏🏽🙏🏽

  • Jul 3, 2021
    1 reply

    if we looking at sales there is no argument for anyone rn to be grouped with drake

    Youngboy and Baby are both up there

    We’ll see what Kendrick does but right now it’s YB Baby n Drake

  • Jul 3, 2021

    How much did Doja do and how much did Tyler do, and how are both albums doing rn. Lets see.

    their numbers just came in today

    Tyler did 177K first week
    Doja 109K first week

  • Jul 3, 2021

    sweet like fruit

  • Cole haters are really pathetic at this point.

  • Jul 3, 2021
    1 reply
    martian master

    i mean cole dropped 3 songs prior to album (one of them being on the album) - were they hits? no

    were they supposed to be hits? probably not

    but both artists dropped projects they wanted to drop - and the numbers show MBY's project is being listened to more

    as for Wayne, IANAHB, IANAHB 2, Funeral etc - I hate when Wayne fans say "oh its not a Carter so the sales dont count" lmao. Funeral was mid and forgettable thats why it did what it did

    he dropped 2 of them songs in like september lol, not february. Those songs we thought were for fall-off. Again, the album everyone has been waiting on is the fall-off. The off-season was supposed to hold us until that album. Same with it's a boy. I'll give you the interlude tho.

    I'm not denying Bagg's album is being listened to more. It is because Time Today is a big record and that's what people are bumping. I highly doubt the rest of his songs are buzzing like that since even Bagg's core fanbase admits this album was a letdown in comparison to his last album.

    I'm not saying those specific projects were to hold us off until another Carter. I'm saying Wayne has done something similar before. This is really no different.

  • Jul 3, 2021

    22 tracks > 12 tracks

  • Jul 3, 2021
    1 reply

    Youngboy and Baby are both up there

    We’ll see what Kendrick does but right now it’s YB Baby n Drake

    drake in a hiatus is outstreaming both combined

  • Jul 3, 2021

    Dude chart watching on a friday night

    Watch some b****es loser

  • Jul 3, 2021

    MoneyBagg do got like 2-3 joints going crazy on TikTok

  • Jul 3, 2021
    1 reply

    you're phrasing it as if all the other songs he included were insignificant

    the extra tracks make a big difference in determining what and where your project charts

    if scorpion was just the 7 biggest songs it would still be over 4 million is the point.

    if cole album was 30 songs it still wouldn't be platinum right now

  • If sales are really the only indicative measure of popularity I better see Moneybagg Yo headlining his own festival next year

  • Jul 3, 2021
    3 replies

    Yea I mean I don’t think anyone claims that J.Cole is a top rapper anymore. He’s not doing bad tho, he might still round out the top 30 or so.

  • why do yall wanna replace Cole so bad and want him to fall off so bad? s*** is so weird,,

  • Jul 3, 2021
    1 reply

    drake in a hiatus is outstreaming both combined

    Not disagreeing with you hes def #1

    But yb and baby right behind

  • Jul 3, 2021

    Will you make a thread next week

  • Jul 3, 2021

    you're phrasing it as if all the other songs he included were insignificant

    the extra tracks make a big difference in determining what and where your project charts

    another example doja added a deluxe going from 14 to 19 songs and it only changed prediction by 9k

  • Jul 3, 2021

    who cares. J Cole is a better artist overall... Booty warrior mfers like Lyor Cohen runs rap. Israelite music isn't even authorized by actual Israelites.

    I chose verbal swordsmanship today. My sword is labeled truth. Amalek runs rap music because Jake wants to be niggas instead of running what we own.

  • ChiefSosa

    Yea I mean I don’t think anyone claims that J.Cole is a top rapper anymore. He’s not doing bad tho, he might still round out the top 30 or so.

    jcole is still a top rapper

  • Jul 3, 2021

    real music won
