Added my Switch Friend Code & my Sony username at the end of the op for those that want it.
I have Monster Hunter World (PS4), Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate & Monster Hunter Rise.
On Switch atm I also play Rocket League & Pokemon Shield Double Battles for multiplayer.
On PS4 (i dont have a PS5 yet) atm I also play Gran Turismo, FromSoftware games, Rocket League & Apex Legends for multiplayer.
Im mainly a singleplayer gamer but i do co-op n competitive here n there with friends irl n online.
I dont have any games this year im planning to buy atm outside of Elden Ring, God of War 5, Bayonetta 3 & MHR Sunbreak Expansion.
Oh i also have an X1 but i havent played it in forever i dont even have Live atm, but on there the multiplayer games I play are Forza Horizon 4 + 5, Halo Infinite & Rainbow Six Siege.
Also Glavenus is on f***ing steroids in MHGU compared to MHWorld btw lmao wtf, bro is super wild & its only low rank i fought it in so far ๐๐
That was a big surprise i forgot to mention & he's still a decent struggle
HOLY S*** I f***ing hate Khezu n Uragaan
HOLY S*** high rank Agnaktor in MHGU is f***ing crazy!
I dont remeber him being this OD in MH3 wtf lmao, one of the best fights & most intensive battles i think i ever had in the series s*** was awesome
Leviathans have to be the best species class in the series so far
Bar none
Lagiacrus, Agnaktor, Almudron, Nibelsnarf, Ludroth & Mitzusune
S*** is full of hitters
Easy youtuber vid summary to go over it if u dont wanna see the whole event video:
@Asaki @basedspirit @HALLEBERRY @wigg @RWK @undun @MyNight
do I want to come back
I really haven't touched rise since I finished the story
do I want to come back
I really haven't touched rise since I finished the story
Same aside from some apex hunts here n there, ive been playing MHGU longer than Rise
The expansion looks like it's gonna reinject some juice n story n it'll be round the time im probably sick of Elden RIng
@Asaki @basedspirit @HALLEBERRY @wigg @RWK @undun @MyNight
lets see what my boys at Capcom talkin bout
Same aside from some apex hunts here n there, ive been playing MHGU longer than Rise
The expansion looks like it's gonna reinject some juice n story n it'll be round the time im probably sick of Elden RIng
I still have my homies switch and warzone ain't doing s*** for me rn so if that continues
Prob gonna pick it up regardless lmao
@Asaki @basedspirit @HALLEBERRY @wigg @RWK @undun @MyNight
S*** looks hard, I hope they really took the content complaints to heart
S*** looks hard, I hope they really took the content complaints to heart
Blood Orange Bishaten looks like I'm gonna have to buy a new controller
S*** looks great, gotta get to HR100 by then
Blood Orange Bishaten looks like I'm gonna have to buy a new controller
S*** looks great, gotta get to HR100 by then
blood orange flashbang monkey
blood orange flashbang monkey
Sometimes they get a little lazy with the variants but it actually looks unique.
And also insanely cancer to fight
Sometimes they get a little lazy with the variants but it actually looks unique.
And also insanely cancer to fight
can't wait to rage