KTT2 Discord
the traversal is probably the best part about it. looks so nimble and fun. Basically spiderman
man i just bought a switch and its unopened and i was thinking of selling it but
this just might make me keep it
Played 80 hours of MHW And still need to finish IB. This looks pretty f***ing nice
Enjoyed MHW but felt grindy and just stopped playing
This looks to be a cuter version of the previous titles. Try this one and then you might come back to world. Just don't play the PSP games to get into the s*** lol
Enjoyed MHW but felt grindy and just stopped playing
its those damn asian games they be grindy as a mf
feel like it only appeals to certain people
Played 80 hours of MHW And still need to finish IB. This looks pretty f***ing nice
I'm on 138hrs, bought IB a few months back and still haven't even entered the zone. Just used the new hook thing to farm old content to get to HR50
Didn't know MHW wasn't on Switch. Pretty cool to give em something tho
it is on switch, but a heavily expanded 3ds port of generations
This looks to be a cuter version of the previous titles. Try this one and then you might come back to world. Just don't play the PSP games to get into the s*** lol
Tf do you mean don't play the pspgames? classic games
Tf do you mean don't play the pspgames? classic games
I said dont play the psp games to get into it. I wouldn’t suggest anyone do that not because they arent good but because they didnt age well. We’re talking about an introduction to the series....
man i just bought a switch and its unopened and i was thinking of selling it but
this just might make me keep it
How you buy a switch and not open it best system out
How you buy a switch and not open it best system out
I’m at school and I don’t trust deliveries here so I sent it to my house and my mom is bringing it to me today
I said dont play the psp games to get into it. I wouldn’t suggest anyone do that not because they arent good but because they didnt age well. We’re talking about an introduction to the series....
That's how I was introduced to the series, still love it but I get it
That's how I was introduced to the series, still love it but I get it
World or Generations Ultimate are def the best places to start. After that maybe 3U. The PSP games are dope but as a starting point for someone wanting to get into the series nah
World or Generations Ultimate are def the best places to start. After that maybe 3U. The PSP games are dope but as a starting point for someone wanting to get into the series nah
i agree w this
first game i played was MHW and that made me enough of a fan to purchase 3U
3U on 3DS is dumb hard and no way i wouldve been a fan if i played this first
couldnt get into Monster Hunter. the concept is cool but the combat and controls were clunky as s***.
Ive had Monster Hunter Tri for wii sitting on my shelf for years, now that this games coming out I decided to try it out. Its pretty fun lmao, I’m surprised it took me this long to play it
Never played Monster Hunter but interested in this for sure