which weapon the most mobile
i hate being all slow and s*** tryna hit monsters
I like to do the story first before I hop online, I'm at 4 star now
When yall usually play though I need to get started and get out of Low Rank
I feel that you get some stuff for doing it I think right?. Is there a wycoon in this? Because I haven't seen anything like it and thought it might be connected to single player. But honestly bro I go straight into multiplayer and just level up and farm there. You're higher than me and most of the crew I play with. Some of us are hr3 we got a couple people on hr2 that f***ing urgent quest is kinda hard that magna guys kind of a cock sucker.
We have a discord group you're more than welcomed to join if you ever want to play with us or you need help or you want to help us s*** we take help too.
which weapon the most mobile
i hate being all slow and s*** tryna hit monsters
Dual blades for sure but there also pea shooters I personally do not give a f*** I still use them and I still consider dual blade gang the master race. However if you're playing by yourself might not be the best choice someone like me still does it because I don't give a f*** but I struggle with some monsters because of that decision. As far as mobility and speed goes nothing comes close to dual blades. It's noob friendly too.
which weapon the most mobile
i hate being all slow and s*** tryna hit monsters
Being slow does suck but getting a f***ing clean knock out with a hammer on a monster because you hit him right in the head
I don't think there's a better feeling in the game.
Damn world1 your predictions are usually spot on but you were dead wrong with this one. This s*** better than world b. Kinda hard to believe tbh this might be the best monster hunter ever.
That f***ing monster put the ktt fam thru the ringer today we were getting f***ed up, didn't have no Koreans to help us this time.
How much harder are monsters online?
I’m starting to get bored of Dual Swords I need to dabble in other weapons
depends what hunter rank you are.
they get given more health but obviously there are more of you so you’re doing more damage.
Difficulty will be the same as offline
How much harder are monsters online?
Not very hard they scale with the amount of players In the lobby asking you will also have help and some of these f***ers are good they just throw you and back and be like.leggo
How much harder are monsters online?
I haven’t played yet but from watching videos of experienced players they say that Village quests are too easy compared to hub
I’m prob gonna cave and buy the game today
I bought it
Damn thunder serpent fun af
Savi Java level
You talking about that hideous all-white bloodsucking worm-faced Khezu thing? 🤢
@Kabel you have this game and you haven't joined my discord or played with me bro?? Smfh I'm honestly offended kabel f*** you
Oh so it’s really that good
@Kabel you have this game and you haven't joined my discord or played with me bro?? Smfh I'm honestly offended kabel f*** you
I decided to not buy the game yet
I haven’t played yet but from watching videos of experienced players they say that Village quests are too easy compared to hub
Bro on some real s*** nobody does the village stuff I just so the gathering hall things.
I decided to not buy the game yet
Why? Buy this s*** it's good af and put my discord in op
I mean the village quests are the single player quests people do them
They def should be a challenge
Coming from Gen U all the quality of life changes feel like I’m in the future
Glad I copped this on a whim. First time Monster Hunter and man I am digging it. Thought I'd just buy it and then probably not touch it after a few hours but man it's really fun, especially when playing with friends and others. Game also runs very good, despite lots of action in online multiplayer. Environments and monsters look good too. I'm impressed. Reminds me of the days I used to go hunt monsters with my RuneScape clan.