Mainly the main reason the 3ds era is my least fav is because the console itself MASSIVELY gimped & caused issues for the titles & the 3ds is a nightmare on controls & button layout for it too.
PSP wasnt that great controls & button layout too, but its leagues above the 3DS imo & it ran the titles better.
So glad theyre back on home consoles & still able to come to Switch, which still has the portability option that is so intertwined with the series.
The only real issue i have with MH World is the f***ing damn loading times. S*** can get wild sometimes, especially before the tech updates they have now. They took loading out of the actual hunting maps but crammed them in everywhere else 💀
And the minor complaint i have is that i wish they had more monster skeleton variety, although i do think MH World + Iceborne as a whole has the best line up in a MH game (outside of Genrations ofc), it would have been dope af to see new or even old amphibians, insects, leviathans etc. in that style & polish.
MH World Iceborne roster have all my favs except four: Mitszusuni, Najarala, Tsucabra & Lagiacrus.
At least i got some new favs with Odogoron & Tobi Kadachi from World.
LMAO well now you know & if u ever want to jump back in like say waiting for Rise big updates then you have Iceborne at its BEST now with all its content, game balancing & quality of life updates
Iceborne & its guiding lands engame is some of the best ever fr fr tho. But regardless, just be happy u can basically do it all from 0 if you decide to jump back in someday
You're right I will inevitably get tired of rise after like a thousand hours
But that rainy day for me to go back to world will come eventually.
The only real issue i have with MH World is the f***ing damn loading times. S*** can get wild sometimes, especially before the tech updates they have now. They took loading out of the actual hunting maps but crammed them in everywhere else 💀
And the minor complaint i have is that i wish they had more monster skeleton variety, although i do think MH World + Iceborne as a whole has the best line up in a MH game (outside of Genrations ofc), it would have been dope af to see new or even old amphibians, insects, leviathans etc. in that style & polish.
MH World Iceborne roster have all my favs except four: Mitszusuni, Najarala, Tsucabra & Lagiacrus.
At least i got some new favs with Odogoron & Tobi Kadachi from World.
Bro don't even get me started on worlds loading time. Rise blew my f***ing mind away the first time I loaded into a game.
Bro don't even get me started on worlds loading time. Rise blew my f***ing mind away the first time I loaded into a game.
Faxx lmao same, especially for me going from World which was load city to Rise that either has none or is super quick.
The magic of cartridges & something that is still unmatch
Faxx lmao same, especially for me going from World which was load city to Rise that either has none or is super quick.
The magic of cartridges & something that is still unmatch
Bro I'm not even using a cartridge. F***ing digital all the way I don't know what kind of magic Nintendo is using to do that s***.
Bro I'm not even using a cartridge. F***ing digital all the way I don't know what kind of magic Nintendo is using to do that s***.
Oh s*** thats true too, i didnt think if its different ir not for digital, most of my stuff except a few are still physical.
So dope that its like that. S*** really is a blessing when you experience it.
Oh s*** thats true too, i didnt think if its different ir not for digital, most of my stuff except a few are still physical.
So dope that its like that. S*** really is a blessing when you experience it.
The maps are huge the monsters all look dope af I have no idea how there doing that s***
I’m zooming through these village quests
You can get your HR rank up in village quests if you don’t play Hub quests yet? Dope
You can get your HR rank up in village quests if you don’t play Hub quests yet? Dope
Yeah but I don't think that levels up your hub rank. Don't hold it to me I'm not exactly sure because I've never done village s*** but I think someone said that.
Bruh our discord needs west coast heads I swear the east coast crews always asleep when we're most active
The gathering quests in the village are laughably easy almost to the point of being ridiculous
The gathering quests in the village are laughably easy almost to the point of being ridiculous
From what I hear the whole village s*** is easy
My biggest flaw is like not knowing these maps I feel like I'm becoming infamous for getting lost and I promise you I'm not doing the s*** on purpose I just haven't learned how to navigate these maps. And everyone else seems like they know exactly where to go I'm the one dumbass. At least you have a dog to speed around I guess but that s*** doesn't help me lol with time this issue should be resolved I just have bad memory I think or I suck at reading maps. Probably both.
And I'm constantly running out of gear too f*** me. This was never really a issue in world or previous games I gotta figure that s*** out.
You can get your HR rank up in village quests if you don’t play Hub quests yet? Dope
Yes and its faster
The moster introductions are so hype for Rise, the poems while the monsters are flexing is so fire
I just killed Great Izuchi in 7 MINUTES solo first try in the actual game i slaughtered that nigga
Switch Axe gang
My biggest flaw is like not knowing these maps I feel like I'm becoming infamous for getting lost and I promise you I'm not doing the s*** on purpose I just haven't learned how to navigate these maps. And everyone else seems like they know exactly where to go I'm the one dumbass. At least you have a dog to speed around I guess but that s*** doesn't help me lol with time this issue should be resolved I just have bad memory I think or I suck at reading maps. Probably both.
They have an option in the settings menu to turn on a waypoint arrow that moves in real time with you.
Might help you get accustomed more.
They have an option in the settings menu to turn on a waypoint arrow that moves in real time with you.
Might help you get accustomed more.
Like the fireflies in world? F*** yeah I need that s***
Like the fireflies in world? F*** yeah I need that s***
Yeah, its called Targeting Arrow i believe
Yeah, its called Targeting Arrow i believe
Bet I'm activating that s*** right now thank you broder