haven't seen much of the gameplay but with the wire bug introduction and attacking and easy aerials, would you consider the action more fast pace and fluid than mhw?
Yes to a degree. Overall tho its still Monster Hunter.
Still nothing like a dmc or bayonetta or ninja gaiden etc., but it is def the most combo focused & fastest in the series so far. Wirebug also adds a lot.
There is a demo on switch to try too, if u have one.
Im always Longsword gang since the PSP days but im also part of Switch Axe gang since MH3U, while been dabbling in bow n arrow since generations n world
I’m also starting to appreciate the combat system a lot more now. It’s clunky and there’s a lot of cool-down with certain weapons, but it just means you can’t mash. It took a while to get used to at first.
You'd probably like Dual Blades, Longsword or Insect Glaive if youre looking for faster combat that can also do combos.
Weapons like Hammer, Gunlance & Greatsword are more slow, direct & specific/deliberate with their gameplay & unforgiving.
Lance, Sword Shield & Hunting Horn are more defensive/supportive.
Light n Heavy Bowgun & Bow n Arrow are range, but Bow n Arrow is a lot quicker at firing, light bowgun is better mobility & heavy bowgun has heavy hits that require set up like a sniper, turret or rocket launcher.
Switch Axe & Charge Blade are "unique experimental" weapons. They are like longsword mixed with greatsword plus their own twist.
Remember, weapons in these MH games play COMPLETELY different from one another. From mechanics, to movement, to combos & specials etc.
Im personally a Longsword & Switch Axe main user, while once in a while i'll use Bow n Arrow.
I wouldnt call it clunky, just strategic & technical, & every weapon class is really its own class for specific playstyles, players & purpose.
Not every class is for everybody, but there is at least one class for somebody
Is world on pc still live?
Last time i checked its still pretty active
Probably will be very active until Rise comes to PC
@Water_Giver Mate add me on Switch if you haven’t:
FC 7218-8359-5008
Switch username: M-ZAP
MH Rise name: Makiru
@Water_Giver Mate add me on Switch if you haven’t:
FC 7218-8359-5008
Switch username: M-ZAP
MH Rise name: Makiru
Heck yeah i got u, im out rn but I'll add u when im home n quote when i did it
My Rise copy should be here in a day or two too
Heck yeah i got u, im out rn but I'll add u when im home n quote when i did it
My Rise copy should be here in a day or two too
Das wassup
Really enjoying Rise. Got a decent early game long sword build already. Any people got a squad in here? Trying to hop on discord and grind
Yes to a degree. Overall tho its still Monster Hunter.
Still nothing like a dmc or bayonetta or ninja gaiden etc., but it is def the most combo focused & fastest in the series so far. Wirebug also adds a lot.
There is a demo on switch to try too, if u have one.
I make it look like DMC the way I use dual swords
You'd probably like Dual Blades, Longsword or Insect Glaive if youre looking for faster combat that can also do combos.
Weapons like Hammer, Gunlance & Greatsword are more slow, direct & specific/deliberate with their gameplay & unforgiving.
Lance, Sword Shield & Hunting Horn are more defensive/supportive.
Light n Heavy Bowgun & Bow n Arrow are range, but Bow n Arrow is a lot quicker at firing, light bowgun is better mobility & heavy bowgun has heavy hits that require set up like a sniper, turret or rocket launcher.
Switch Axe & Charge Blade are "unique experimental" weapons. They are like longsword mixed with greatsword plus their own twist.
Remember, weapons in these MH games play COMPLETELY different from one another. From mechanics, to movement, to combos & specials etc.
Im personally a Longsword & Switch Axe main user, while once in a while i'll use Bow n Arrow.
I wouldnt call it clunky, just strategic & technical, & every weapon class is really its own class for specific playstyles, players & purpose.
Not every class is for everybody, but there is at least one class for somebody
Yeah I’ve been using dual swords, switch axe, and hammer. I love the mobility dual swords give you with demon mode.
I’m liking the tower defense mode a lot. Reviews were saying it wasn’t good but I’m having a lot of fun with it tbh.
y’all making me wanna pick World back up, i only did a couple of Iceborne hunts before i got burnt out on it wish i had a Switch for this
I’m also starting to appreciate the combat system a lot more now. It’s clunky and there’s a lot of cool-down with certain weapons, but it just means you can’t mash. It took a while to get used to at first.
Every action you make should be deliberate button mashing isn't really rewarded in monster hunter. You can get away with it with dual blades but not always.
Finally got the switch and downloaded rise
There a squad going on itt?
not that I know of but we should make one
How’s online for those who have played it??
Pretty cool for the most part. I’ve only played with one group that was terrible
Pretty cool for the most part. I’ve only played with one group that was terrible
How do gathering halls work. Can you see other players in them? And when the mission is completed do you all return to the gathering hall?
How do gathering halls work. Can you see other players in them? And when the mission is completed do you all return to the gathering hall?
I’m not quite sure. My online experience so far was me doing a couple hub quests and allowing people to join my session or me searching for a lobby to join and each time I didn’t see anyone I just saw gamer tags unfortunately
Just sent you a friend request aswell
I’m not quite sure. My online experience so far was me doing a couple hub quests and allowing people to join my session or me searching for a lobby to join and each time I didn’t see anyone I just saw gamer tags unfortunately
Just sent you a friend request aswell
Sounds like world multiplayer. I accepted it. I tend to avoid multiplayer until I get into high rank or start struggling. But once I get strong I really like playing online.
Sounds like world multiplayer. I accepted it. I tend to avoid multiplayer until I get into high rank or start struggling. But once I get strong I really like playing online.
Yea same here. I just dove into it to see if the connection was solid and smooth. Right I’ve just been farming for builds
How do gathering halls work. Can you see other players in them? And when the mission is completed do you all return to the gathering hall?
Gathering halls just like every other game before world, you can explore the whole town and everyone's running around. But it caps it to 4 people per lobby. When you finish a quest you stick with the same people