Maybe we can learn something from these guys
Damn this is straight-up classical ktt
I hear people calling Chopin 'tHe PiAnO pOeT' as if no composer ever could write anything poetic. Chopin is corny, not poetic. I find his C# minor nocturne to be self-pity, lacking any intellectual depth, not poetic. I find the keyboard works of J.S Bach, Handel, Mozart, Beethoven, C.P.E Bach, Liszt, Schumann, Brahms, and Haydn to be way more emotional as well as being rich in intellectual depth.
If you a***yze Chopin's piano pieces, you'll notice 7 things:
1. He wasn't a very good melodist, nor is he good at developing motifs. There is no development. They basically jackhammer the same cheap melody throughout the entire piece. Just listen to the F Minor nocturne and you'll know what I'm talking about, and this isn't a rare example. This is what Chopin's output basically is. I hear people calling Chopin one of the best melodists leaving out Mozart, but I'd say, he isn't even good and melody writing. If he was good, he wouldn't have trouble developing the melody in the F Minor Nocturne, instead of jackhammering it over and over again. His music is basically really boring background salon music.
Far too much of your post holds out your idiosyncratic personal taste as objective fact. It isn't.
Damn this is straight-up classical ktt
I hear people calling Chopin 'tHe PiAnO pOeT' as if no composer ever could write anything poetic. Chopin is corny, not poetic. I find his C# minor nocturne to be self-pity, lacking any intellectual depth, not poetic. I find the keyboard works of J.S Bach, Handel, Mozart, Beethoven, C.P.E Bach, Liszt, Schumann, Brahms, and Haydn to be way more emotional as well as being rich in intellectual depth.
If you a***yze Chopin's piano pieces, you'll notice 7 things:
1. He wasn't a very good melodist, nor is he good at developing motifs. There is no development. They basically jackhammer the same cheap melody throughout the entire piece. Just listen to the F Minor nocturne and you'll know what I'm talking about, and this isn't a rare example. This is what Chopin's output basically is. I hear people calling Chopin one of the best melodists leaving out Mozart, but I'd say, he isn't even good and melody writing. If he was good, he wouldn't have trouble developing the melody in the F Minor Nocturne, instead of jackhammering it over and over again. His music is basically really boring background salon music.
Why did Satie call those pieces "Gymnopedies"? As far as I know gymnos means naked in Greek, and paidi means a child. I can't make much sense of it. Does anyone of you know more about that?
response: Did it ever occur to anyone that Satie used that title because he "liked naked young men," i.e., he was gay?
2nd response: He could have been gay, I guess, but more likely he was just French.
Damn this is straight-up classical ktt
I hear people calling Chopin 'tHe PiAnO pOeT' as if no composer ever could write anything poetic. Chopin is corny, not poetic. I find his C# minor nocturne to be self-pity, lacking any intellectual depth, not poetic. I find the keyboard works of J.S Bach, Handel, Mozart, Beethoven, C.P.E Bach, Liszt, Schumann, Brahms, and Haydn to be way more emotional as well as being rich in intellectual depth.
If you a***yze Chopin's piano pieces, you'll notice 7 things:
1. He wasn't a very good melodist, nor is he good at developing motifs. There is no development. They basically jackhammer the same cheap melody throughout the entire piece. Just listen to the F Minor nocturne and you'll know what I'm talking about, and this isn't a rare example. This is what Chopin's output basically is. I hear people calling Chopin one of the best melodists leaving out Mozart, but I'd say, he isn't even good and melody writing. If he was good, he wouldn't have trouble developing the melody in the F Minor Nocturne, instead of jackhammering it over and over again. His music is basically really boring background salon music.
So there was a motif after all?
According to the OP, Chopin has absolutely no redeeming value. Trying to respond to it would take precious wasted minutes of my life I could never get back.
Poster: I think you're one of those people who are not happy about the "Chopin fanbase", (as Chu42 described in another thread). Chu42: "they get sucked into the Romantic machine until they can't stand anything not idiomatic to Chopin. The most common ideas you will see floating around Chopin echo-chambers is that Mozart is the most overrated composer".
But don't let it cloud your judgement of the artist and his music.
OP: I genuinely think his music has no merits. And you really didn't give any arguments.
This is killing me he gets no spins in the trenches!!!
Far too much of your post holds out your idiosyncratic personal taste as objective fact. It isn't.
@Zackbrah would say this
"Far too much of your post holds out your idiosyncratic personal taste as objective fact. It isn't."
dam crazy how this can be applied to a lot of KTT posters too
Wolfgangus the Great is such a ktt name as well lmao
KTT1 Odd Future section power-user
do they have a gng sxn
Let us admire this filthy harlot! Strumpet of the streets!
Damn, this is a level of nerdem that I don't think 99% of this site can match. I kind of understand how these terms or notes mean in context, but not enough to make any good jokes on them lol
Damn, this is a level of nerdem that I don't think 99% of this site can match. I kind of understand how these terms or notes mean in context, but not enough to make any good jokes on them lol
To be fair, you need a certain level of intelligence to discuss on TalkClassical