  • Jun 7, 2022
    1 reply

    chopin is some scare the hoes music

  • Jun 7, 2022

    do they have a gng sxn

  • Jun 7, 2022

    Let us admire this filthy harlot! Strumpet of the streets!

  • ye come to brazil

    chopin is some scare the hoes music

    Mysterious music imo

  • Jun 7, 2022
    1 reply
  • Jun 7, 2022

    Let us admire this filthy harlot! Strumpet of the streets!

  • Jun 7, 2022

    Alright it’s a wrap

  • Jun 7, 2022

    Tchaikovsky is an audio terrorist

  • Jun 7, 2022

  • Jun 7, 2022
    2 replies

    Said it before and I’ll say it again, Vivaldi needs to develop a serious opium habit before composing any more music. This would be the best possible career move for him.

    He would produce a deranged, dark, d***ged out symphony that would be praised. He’d give grizzly accounts of life and the situations he gets into while being a fiend, and selling opium on the side to fuel his addiction as people begin to distance themselves from him. Soon it would come out about his addiction and the Pony Express would be buzzing. Scandal after scandal would arise and he’d be the most talked about person in the world as he continues down this dark path of addiction and insanity. Then, he would get arrested for possession and do a stint in jail, adding credibility to the hard image he’s been trying to adopt for sometime. The quill pen Free Vivaldi movement would be like nothing we’ve ever seen before and it would spark an international conversation about how we treat addicts (rehabilitative vs punitive punishment.)

    Vivaldi would get out, get clean, and become the face of the opium sweeping the Northern Union, opening him up to even wider audiences and platforms. His first concerto after release would produce a million pounds and be praised, as Vivizzy explores a whole new realm of melodies reflecting on his past degenerate behavior and becomes a symbol of hope for millions of slavemasters dealing with opium addiction. This would be great for his image, solidify him as one of the greatest composers ever, and create worldwide change that benefits millions for years to come.

    The best possible thing Vivladi could do for his career is to start doing as much opium as possible, as soon as possible.

  • Jun 7, 2022

    Said it before and I’ll say it again, Vivaldi needs to develop a serious opium habit before composing any more music. This would be the best possible career move for him.

    He would produce a deranged, dark, d***ged out symphony that would be praised. He’d give grizzly accounts of life and the situations he gets into while being a fiend, and selling opium on the side to fuel his addiction as people begin to distance themselves from him. Soon it would come out about his addiction and the Pony Express would be buzzing. Scandal after scandal would arise and he’d be the most talked about person in the world as he continues down this dark path of addiction and insanity. Then, he would get arrested for possession and do a stint in jail, adding credibility to the hard image he’s been trying to adopt for sometime. The quill pen Free Vivaldi movement would be like nothing we’ve ever seen before and it would spark an international conversation about how we treat addicts (rehabilitative vs punitive punishment.)

    Vivaldi would get out, get clean, and become the face of the opium sweeping the Northern Union, opening him up to even wider audiences and platforms. His first concerto after release would produce a million pounds and be praised, as Vivizzy explores a whole new realm of melodies reflecting on his past degenerate behavior and becomes a symbol of hope for millions of slavemasters dealing with opium addiction. This would be great for his image, solidify him as one of the greatest composers ever, and create worldwide change that benefits millions for years to come.

    The best possible thing Vivladi could do for his career is to start doing as much opium as possible, as soon as possible.

    @DontAtMe thoughts?

  • SaintJitterxburgFL

    So there was a motif after all?

  • Jun 7, 2022
    2 replies

    Since you asked

    How many times are you gonna backtrack from manic ego episodes before you finally check yourself into the mental asylum where you belong you loser

    No amount of fit pics or outfit grids is gonna distract from the fact your family rightfully hates you and would show no care if you passed away tomorrow

    You may have lost the weight but you’ll always be the pathetic loser that throws the biggest pity parties for himself and acts like the biggest victim while pretending to be a villain for laughs with alt-right jokes

    I see right through it and I always have

  • Jun 7, 2022
    Jerry Seinfeld

    Since you asked

    How many times are you gonna backtrack from manic ego episodes before you finally check yourself into the mental asylum where you belong you loser

    No amount of fit pics or outfit grids is gonna distract from the fact your family rightfully hates you and would show no care if you passed away tomorrow

    You may have lost the weight but you’ll always be the pathetic loser that throws the biggest pity parties for himself and acts like the biggest victim while pretending to be a villain for laughs with alt-right jokes

    I see right through it and I always have

    Mozart dissing Salieri

  • Fries

    Oh my goodness

  • SaintJitterxburgFL

    So there was a motif after all?

    I just got the f***ing joke lmao

  • Jun 7, 2022

    Why did Satie call those pieces "Gymnopedies"? As far as I know gymnos means naked in Greek, and paidi means a child. I can't make much sense of it. Does anyone of you know more about that?

    response: Did it ever occur to anyone that Satie used that title because he "liked naked young men," i.e., he was gay?

    2nd response: He could have been gay, I guess, but more likely he was just French.


  • Jun 7, 2022

    in on a classic

  • Jun 7, 2022
    Z 326

    "Far too much of your post holds out your idiosyncratic personal taste as objective fact. It isn't."

    dam crazy how this can be applied to a lot of KTT posters too

  • Jun 7, 2022

  • Jun 7, 2022

  • Jun 7, 2022
    2 replies

    Classical Music CHARTWATCH thread

    posted by TheGreatDebussy

  • Jun 7, 2022
    Jerry Seinfeld

    Since you asked

    How many times are you gonna backtrack from manic ego episodes before you finally check yourself into the mental asylum where you belong you loser

    No amount of fit pics or outfit grids is gonna distract from the fact your family rightfully hates you and would show no care if you passed away tomorrow

    You may have lost the weight but you’ll always be the pathetic loser that throws the biggest pity parties for himself and acts like the biggest victim while pretending to be a villain for laughs with alt-right jokes

    I see right through it and I always have

    now this is THE Ether

  • Jun 7, 2022
    1 reply

    Kanye West serves as a measure of how degenerate and morally bankrupt our society and culture have become. His clueless fans enable him to fabricate and peddle his trash to the masses. Does anything constructive ever come out of this man's mouth? Consumerism and narcissism have become American hallmarks, and they are personified in this vapid human being. "Keeping it real!" — Yeah, real STUPID.

  • Jun 7, 2022
    John Mauve

    Classical Music CHARTWATCH thread

    posted by TheGreatDebussy

    Tchaikovsky up 14 spots he gotta drop the video soon to capitalize