Man bring back both Turbo and Jordan lmaoooooo. I’m telling you man make me a casting director I would have the show toxic af
Turbo, Jordan, paulie, Fessy, Tony, Hunter, Cory, Nelson, Gio (from AYTO1) plus more. Them niggas would be fighting lol
i miss Theo, Georgia, Tony, Bear,
yea he doesnt own up to anything like Bananas, Jordan or even Paulie wouldve. he's super vague
Nah Bananas don’t own up to s*** either. He tries to justify everything
i miss Theo, Georgia, Tony, Bear,
Bear never coming back that’s why I didn’t include him. I hope Theo can come back tho
Bear never coming back that’s why I didn’t include him. I hope Theo can come back tho
prolly none of them but those are my recent favs
prolly none of them but those are my recent favs
Replace Tony with Turbo and you got it
Replace Tony with Turbo and you got it
dude couldnt even talk without his partner translating for him, i need more out of my favs
dude couldnt even talk without his partner translating for him, i need more out of my favs
Nigga had no problem talking when it came time to put hands on Hunter and Jordan
Had no problem talking when that 1st place came
All Stars is stepping up if yall still considering watching it
my fav is Kendal
Yup she killing.
Nah Bananas don’t own up to s*** either. He tries to justify everything
Master of spin lmao. Dude will be pulling all kinds of scummy and cold blooded moves and yelling about how he had no choice and you re delusional and crazy if you dont see why he did it and how fair it was and then the moment someone doesn't vote how he wants he prances around the house calling it THE SCUMMIEST MOVE IN CHALLENGE HISTORY!!
Damn Hi Roller racist
idc about winners. i care about reality tv personalities
Cory was my fav at one point too before he became a dad
Master of spin lmao. Dude will be pulling all kinds of scummy and cold blooded moves and yelling about how he had no choice and you re delusional and crazy if you dont see why he did it and how fair it was and then the moment someone doesn't vote how he wants he prances around the house calling it THE SCUMMIEST MOVE IN CHALLENGE HISTORY!!
LMAOOOO FACTS. Bro stay playing the villain and victim at the same time
idc about winners. i care about reality tv personalities
Cory was my fav at one point too before he became a dad
Lol turbo was great for tv
Bro was unintentionally funny
The language barrier is what makes it funny
He pops off and willing to fight whoever
Lmao what else do u want?
Man bring back both Turbo and Jordan lmaoooooo. I’m telling you man make me a casting director I would have the show toxic af
Turbo, Jordan, paulie, Fessy, Tony, Hunter, Cory, Nelson, Gio (from AYTO1) plus more. Them niggas would be fighting lol
I fw Tony heavy met him at a Spartan race
I fw Tony heavy met him at a Spartan race
He seem like a coo person to kick it wit. But Probably would be someone I would fight drunk
Bear never coming back that’s why I didn’t include him. I hope Theo can come back tho
Nooo why
He seem like a coo person to kick it wit. But Probably would be someone I would fight drunk
Lmao fax
Lol turbo was great for tv
Bro was unintentionally funny
The language barrier is what makes it funny
He pops off and willing to fight whoever
Lmao what else do u want?
i just told you! (kanye voice)
bear, georgia, tony, theo
Lol turbo was great for tv
Bro was unintentionally funny
The language barrier is what makes it funny
He pops off and willing to fight whoever
Lmao what else do u want?
Dudes a movie character in a fish out of water comedy, the ole "ancient warrior from _ time travels to present day for all kinds of shenanigans!" Character, from the language barrier "little chicken" to his beliefs/culture "you wrong me I disown you forever/you disrespect me I have to destroy you to avoid losing my dignity/honor"
Him being an actor in his home country makes it even funnier lol
Cory seems to have his life in order so i dont want him to go back to his old ways just for my tv viewing pleasure