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  • May 1, 2021
    Hi Roller

    i just told you! (kanye voice)
    bear, georgia, tony, theo

    Lmao fam you can have them plus Turbo.....

    But realistically 2 on your list never coming back homie

  • May 1, 2021
    1 reply

    Nooo why

    Dumb nigga did revenge p***

  • May 1, 2021

    Theos awesome but he lost an eye I believe

    Ashley needs to come back, giant angry diesel meat head dude but also cultured lmao

    Bear was non stop entertainment but was pretty meh in his last appearance, he def won't be back anyway

    Jogan are good competitors but kinda meh personality wise especially joss but they re great I'd you re just filling out the roster instead of wasting spots on total layups like say Brooklyn jay or that gay fillippino dude

  • May 1, 2021
    1 reply
    Oscar Winner

    Lmao can guarantee Hi Roller got a vevmo account

    only reason im not on there cuz i dont like spoilers. was on ATRL for years tho (banned now)

  • May 1, 2021

    Dudes a movie character in a fish out of water comedy, the ole "ancient warrior from _ time travels to present day for all kinds of shenanigans!" Character, from the language barrier "little chicken" to his beliefs/culture "you wrong me I disown you forever/you disrespect me I have to destroy you to avoid losing my dignity/honor"

    Him being an actor in his home country makes it even funnier lol

    Bro exactly!!!! Lmaooo Turbo prolly the last great casting decision they’ve made. Along with a few others from WOTW1 like Theo and Georgia. Bear is a great personality but his s*** gets old quick and he’s mediocre at challenges

  • May 1, 2021
    1 reply
    Hi Roller

    only reason im not on there cuz i dont like spoilers. was on ATRL for years tho (banned now)

    Lmao the s*** u say sounds like 90% of the users there. I only lurk on their to get casting info. Iun like being spoiled either even tho I was accidentally spoiled the past 2 seasons smh

  • May 1, 2021
    Oscar Winner

    Dumb nigga did revenge p***


  • May 1, 2021
    2 replies
    Oscar Winner

    Lmao the s*** u say sounds like 90% of the users there. I only lurk on their to get casting info. Iun like being spoiled either even tho I was accidentally spoiled the past 2 seasons smh

    im usually very good at avoiding The Challenge spoilers but this finale got spoiled in a random subreddit. i was fuming

    also previously Kam spoilered the finale by uploading a youtube called “This is why we lost the finale” right after the episode airs

  • May 1, 2021
    Hi Roller

    im usually very good at avoiding The Challenge spoilers but this finale got spoiled in a random subreddit. i was fuming

    also previously Kam spoilered the finale by uploading a youtube called “This is why we lost the finale” right after the episode airs


  • May 10, 2021
    2 replies

    What we watchin now fam @twitch @Hi_Roller

  • May 10, 2021

    What we watchin now fam @twitch @Hi_Roller

    besides The Challenge: All Stars,
    im still watching RHONY, 8 seasons in

  • May 11, 2021

    What we watchin now fam @twitch @Hi_Roller

    Lmao man just the challenge all stars which is almost done.

    Already finished the circle. Too hot to handle should be back soon if u like that show.

    Heard the next challenge season is aiming to premiere end of august

  • May 14, 2021

    So Fessy, Amber M, Ashley, Big T & Aneesa all got busy this season, but MTV showed none of it because of covid? No wonder this season was boring af by the halfway point.

  • Purrp 🌚
    May 14, 2021
    2 replies

    Just binged dirty XXX and vendettas, Hulu only has one more season available but those two were honestly pretty great

    F*** Camila for that crazy racist rant, shout out to Devin for giving bananas das boot

  • May 14, 2021

    Just binged dirty XXX and vendettas, Hulu only has one more season available but those two were honestly pretty great

    F*** Camila for that crazy racist rant, shout out to Devin for giving bananas das boot

    Gonna binge Final Reckoning too?

  • May 14, 2021
    1 reply

    Just binged dirty XXX and vendettas, Hulu only has one more season available but those two were honestly pretty great

    F*** Camila for that crazy racist rant, shout out to Devin for giving bananas das boot

    Only thing I didn’t like was Devin was d*** riding Bananas wayyyyyy too much. Like bro you talking bout “beating bananas is a greater moment than the birth of my first child” lmaooooo relax

  • Purrp 🌚
    May 14, 2021
    Oscar Winner

    Only thing I didn’t like was Devin was d*** riding Bananas wayyyyyy too much. Like bro you talking bout “beating bananas is a greater moment than the birth of my first child” lmaooooo relax

    Fam I was crying when he said he would take bananas in a physical challenge he got lucky it was a puzzle

    And yeah final reckoning is up next

  • Purrp 🌚
    May 14, 2021
    2 replies

    Don’t the next two seasons after that suck?

  • May 14, 2021
    1 reply

    Don’t the next two seasons after that suck?

    Final reckoning was coo, lotta drama

    WOTW1 is prolly my favorite season out of the 30s and universally pretty loved

    I personally like WOTW2, was a lotta drama but some people disliked it

  • Purrp 🌚
    May 15, 2021
    1 reply
    Oscar Winner

    Final reckoning was coo, lotta drama

    WOTW1 is prolly my favorite season out of the 30s and universally pretty loved

    I personally like WOTW2, was a lotta drama but some people disliked it

    I must have been thinking of Double agents then, reading this thread seemed like y’all didn’t care for it too much

  • May 15, 2021

    I must have been thinking of Double agents then, reading this thread seemed like y’all didn’t care for it too much

    Yeah most ppl didn’t enjoy Total Madness and Double Agents

    Total Madness started cool but the whole “editing Dee out” became wack. But it wasn’t too bad of a season.

    Double agents suffered due to a lot of DQ’s and being lower on budget (cus Covid)

    I’m not sure what style The Challenge is trying to move towards, we’ll see with this next season but since double agents they’ve been tryna run with this whole “America’s 5th sport” s*** and because of that they’ve been editing out a lot of drama & hook ups (which made DA more boring) so we’ll see if they keep tryna force this family friendly s*** + corny movie themes

  • May 15, 2021
    1 reply

    Don’t the next two seasons after that suck?

    funny that you say that because i think most people would agree final reckoning (as well as the trilogy as whole) was a definite low point for the show. dirty 30 and vendettas are very hit or miss with fans and most people regard FR as bottom tier season due to the messiness.

    wotw1 is definitely a fan favorite, wotw2 is pretty split between haters and lovers (i love wotw2 personally, that s*** gets crazy)

    funny that youre on a binge of 30-32 bc i am also doing the same. currently on FR rn.

  • May 15, 2021
    1 reply

    total madness was garbage, nothing happened and the editing out of Dee (the main villain of the season) was literally such a terrible idea. the red skull twist being horribly enforced also did not help probably wont rewatch for a long ass time.

    on the other hand i loved double agents! very much enjoyed it, i thought the format was very cool. not sure what reason it hasnt been a total hit with the fans tbh

  • May 15, 2021

    Its been a few days and i still cant find a torrent for last All Stars episode.

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