It’s still a masterpiece, a layered well thought out film. But what I never understood was people thinking it’s one of the most confusing or impenetrable movies ever. It is packaged in a surreal way, but Mulholland Drive always been one of the most clear cut Lynch films to me.
Maybe on a first watch one can be overwhelmed, but people who revisit it and still don’t get what’s going on trip me out. Like, the whole point of the final 15 minutes is to explain what’s going on so that you can rewatch it with that newfound knowledge in the back of your mind. Not to mention Lynch actively screaming at you with the pillow shot in the beginning and the wake up voice at the near end showing you where fantasy stops and where the real events happen
So, my question is. Why do you think this film is considered to be difficult to understand by many? Is everybody just really that slow?
Adding to that, I think having such a surreal and layered film be this clear and not vague makes this one of Lynch’s strongest projects. It was clear that he fully knew where this was going every step of the way.
In contrast to something like Inland Empire, where even if I loved that too, it just feels like even Lynch himself doesn’t know what’s going on at times
I dont think Lynch more abstract movies are meant to have 1 definitive interpretation.
Its more like he wants you to find your own meaning in it and for that you have to be in a certain headspace. Its like he created a dream for you
I think this becomes even more clear when you look at the perception of Twin Peaks revealing the killer and especially the reception of Fire Walk with me. Which is the greatest movie ever made
eh the whole first half of the movie being a dream and the second half being real life is the most popular explanation but I feel like there’s a lot more to the movie than that. I’ve read theories about Naomi and Laura’s characters being the same person à la ‘Persona’ and then there’s the whole Cowboy character who’s like the Bob of the movie. the main theme I took away from it is hollywood is evil
I like that movie but it’s confusing and can be interpreted differently than what you say especially if you never studied film (which a lot don’t do)
I agree for the most part. My first time watching it there were some elements I was still confused on, but I thought it was more or less clear that there was a separation between dream/fantasy and reality going on that was a commentary on Hollywood/fame. And that the latter was made explicit.
I dont think Lynch more abstract movies are meant to have 1 definitive interpretation.
Its more like he wants you to find your own meaning in it and for that you have to be in a certain headspace. Its like he created a dream for you
I think this becomes even more clear when you look at the perception of Twin Peaks revealing the killer and especially the reception of Fire Walk with me. Which is the greatest movie ever made
This is why Lynch has never been direct when asked what certain films of his are about. He's purposely evasive about Eraserhead, for example, only offering context clues about what was happening to him in his life when he made the film.
Part of the fun is watching intently and using your own a***ysis to make a justifiable interpretation. It's cool that you can watch a film like Lost Highway after reading fan theories and legitimately see it differently than you did the first or second time.
Nah idk if i agree with this. I think you found the interpretation you are comfortable with and that's just that. Other's will have different ideas, and the confusion for most who haven't dove into his work or surrealist stuff is that they aren't comfortable fleshing out their reading of the film. They want to be told what to take away.
Lynch likes when audience has different interpretations. It's not his intention for fans to agree on what the outcome is. MD is one of my favorites ever but i don't think its as clearly thought out as you're suggesting. He found resolution with it eventually but this was a rejected TV pilot turned into a film and it found its magic there
I also love how he avoids logic in his movies. Its like his movie settings are surreal, strangely connected but also every single scene can be its own little world full of loce and meaning. And it never stops at the TV screen.
I dunno I guess the best way to describe the feeling Im getting is the strange sense of DejaVu. Or sometimes remembering an old friend you havent seen in years and suddenly meeting them the next day.
Given Lynchs own background in Transcendental Meditation it just makes sense that he also wants to create this „higher power“ and these raw emotions both good and terribly dark inside his movies just like we find them in the real world where not everything is always logical either
Not confusing at all, a 12 year old can come up with a “dream” concept I dont see how that’s so impressive. And acting like he made it obvious to EVERYONE when the dream ends to reality is pretentious like come on. it’s just terrible and I hate the aesthetic like a 2000s crime show reenactment
Most people aren’t exposed to surreal dream-like cinema. They’re not “slow in the brain”.
I also love how he avoids logic in his movies. Its like his movie settings are surreal, strangely connected but also every single scene can be its own little world full of loce and meaning. And it never stops at the TV screen.
I dunno I guess the best way to describe the feeling Im getting is the strange sense of DejaVu. Or sometimes remembering an old friend you havent seen in years and suddenly meeting them the next day.
Given Lynchs own background in Transcendental Meditation it just makes sense that he also wants to create this „higher power“ and these raw emotions both good and terribly dark inside his movies just like we find them in the real world where not everything is always logical either
Beautiful, beautiful words.
Not confusing at all, a 12 year old can come up with a “dream” concept I dont see how that’s so impressive. And acting like he made it obvious to EVERYONE when the dream ends to reality is pretentious like come on. it’s just terrible and I hate the aesthetic like a 2000s crime show reenactment
It was originally going to be a show
what I never understood was people thinking it’s one of the most confusing or impenetrable movies ever
It is packaged in a surreal way
answered your own question immediately
you know op got mad at one person but now wants to make it A Thing for his flop ass show off ass thread