personally the popular theories are cool but since the movie itself started as twin peaks sequel with audrey going to LA to be a movie star, i like to wrap it with twin peaks mythology in my head canon ;especially the return
I cant even count how many times I tried to watch this and I'm never awake for the last 15 minutes. Love a lot of Lynch but this s*** sucks.
Not confusing at all, a 12 year old can come up with a “dream” concept I dont see how that’s so impressive. And acting like he made it obvious to EVERYONE when the dream ends to reality is pretentious like come on. it’s just terrible and I hate the aesthetic like a 2000s crime show reenactment
deadass when I say Dune >>>>
Dune is f***ing awesome im not a fan of this villanova s***
I also love how he avoids logic in his movies. Its like his movie settings are surreal, strangely connected but also every single scene can be its own little world full of loce and meaning. And it never stops at the TV screen.
I dunno I guess the best way to describe the feeling Im getting is the strange sense of DejaVu. Or sometimes remembering an old friend you havent seen in years and suddenly meeting them the next day.
Given Lynchs own background in Transcendental Meditation it just makes sense that he also wants to create this „higher power“ and these raw emotions both good and terribly dark inside his movies just like we find them in the real world where not everything is always logical either
His films are similar to Jung’s red book diary entries
Pure unfiltered active imagination sessions put down into script
personally the popular theories are cool but since the movie itself started as twin peaks sequel with audrey going to LA to be a movie star, i like to wrap it with twin peaks mythology in my head canon ;especially the return
I don’t think the finished film works as something twin peaks related anymore
deadass when I say Dune >>>>
I feel sorry for david because he spent so much time on the project. A lot of the cut footage is quality. I would love for him to go back and make a director's cut or w/e, but it seems like he doesn't have any desire to do so.
Most people aren’t exposed to surreal dream-like cinema. They’re not “slow in the brain”.
Yeah, op is rude!
I cant even count how many times I tried to watch this and I'm never awake for the last 15 minutes. Love a lot of Lynch but this s*** sucks.
Rare Elric baffling take
But I did watch this and Donnie Darko back to back. Trippy experience.
I feel sorry for david because he spent so much time on the project. A lot of the cut footage is quality. I would love for him to go back and make a director's cut or w/e, but it seems like he doesn't have any desire to do so.
My dream is for a studio to give Lynch a real budget(maybe $75-80 million)and let him have at it. If I remember correctly, he said that if he ever got a shot at remaking the Wizard Of Oz, his Dorothy would have one leg and be in a wheelchair.
His vision for that movie would be so controversial, it would probably make it a success at the box office lol.
Mulholland Drive is such a haunting film though, all of Lynchs films are truly haunting. I think the surface level "dream" theory is just easy to catch, but there's probably no real interpretation for the film.
I have a criterion copy of Inland Empire I've yet to watch. I just always wanted to own that movie in good quality, but people discuss that film like it's the most bizarre movie ever, which it probably is.
Yeah, op is rude!
I know you’re prolly just bullshitting fam lol but I don’t understand how there’s actually people itt feeling some type of way because I said slow in the brain like I actually think people who don’t get the general gist of MD are restarted or something
I know you’re prolly just bullshitting fam lol but I don’t understand how there’s actually people itt feeling some type of way because I said slow in the brain like I actually think people who don’t get the general gist of MD are restarted or something
It's dreamlike qualities get some people very confused, please be patient with them!
It's dreamlike qualities get some people very confused, please be patient with them!
Zerkalo has the kind of dream like qualities that absolutely entrance me. I've tried watching MD probably a dozen times starting back in like 2006 when I used to rent the s***ty DVD from the video store all the way up to a couple years ago when I watched the 4K restoration and its spell just doesn't work on me. I don't like the aesthetic, characters, story, nothing. Don't remotely care enough to even consider deconstructing what it means. A few classic scenes with the coffee and hag behind the shack for sure but yeah. I think it's literally the only movie I've ever fallen asleep to while watching on shrooms.
Wild At Heart, Eraserhead, Dune, Blue Velvet and Twin Peaks are all masterpieces though.
Zerkalo has the kind of dream like qualities that absolutely entrance me. I've tried watching MD probably a dozen times starting back in like 2006 when I used to rent the s***ty DVD from the video store all the way up to a couple years ago when I watched the 4K restoration and its spell just doesn't work on me. I don't like the aesthetic, characters, story, nothing. Don't remotely care enough to even consider deconstructing what it means. A few classic scenes with the coffee and hag behind the shack for sure but yeah. I think it's literally the only movie I've ever fallen asleep to while watching on shrooms.
Wild At Heart, Eraserhead, Dune, Blue Velvet and Twin Peaks are all masterpieces though.
You like David's take on Dune?
Okay that's a swerve I didn't expect.
Now that I'm thinking back to Eraserhead, Its a good thing the film is black and white. Not sure I'd be able to handle the gory mess that was the baby in the end if it was in color
You like David's take on Dune?
Okay that's a swerve I didn't expect.
Now that I'm thinking back to Eraserhead, Its a good thing the film is black and white. Not sure I'd be able to handle the gory mess that was the baby in the end if it was in color
I was raised on Dune and some of my earliest memories are my dad trying to explain the folding space concept to me @op and the Lynch stans already know where I stand lol
it was probably out there on release and maybe had some good press on it bc of the names + awards it was getting.
its p easy to grasp but idki can kinda see why someone would be a bit confused at first
I cant even count how many times I tried to watch this and I'm never awake for the last 15 minutes. Love a lot of Lynch but this s*** sucks.
thats fascinating
you probably always lsoe out on the best part of the movie lol
one of the movies I watched when I first got into torrenting and watching all the "great movies" the internet told me to that I either couldnt finish, was too confusing, or just straight boring af
will probably try to watch again at some point
others like that include trainspotting, requiem for a dream, donnie darko, there will be blood (finished this one just boring), phantom thread
eternal sunshine of the spotless mind was on that list but I ended up really liking it on rewatch
one of the movies I watched when I first got into torrenting and watching all the "great movies" the internet told me to that I either couldnt finish, was too confusing, or just straight boring af
will probably try to watch again at some point
others like that include trainspotting, requiem for a dream, donnie darko, there will be blood (finished this one just boring), phantom thread
eternal sunshine of the spotless mind was on that list but I ended up really liking it on rewatch
there will be blood is not boring, how dare you. all time classic, one of the best character portraits in film. Very tragic movie and the performances are so good it’s almost hard to watch lol, PTA makes you want blood just like Daniel Plainview does