As a musician I gotta say, it's so many ppl making dope music, so much talent, it's unrealistic to think everyone will be able to survive off this s***
The issue is Bandcamp would never be that popular because it's still not where MAJORITY of the public/market will listen to your music. And a lot of these major artists are with labels that are aligned with these big streaming platforms so that aint even an option for them even if they wanted to.
It also "shuts you out" of the status quo. There are some knxwledge songs for example I can't post on an IG story because of the fact it's only on bandcamp. That's one example of the "lack of exposure" that comes with exclusive bandcamp drops.
That's why (imo) the smart thing to do is to release on both bandcamp and the "big 3" so that you can maximize your profits from both different sides of the streaming. And add gifts and bonuses to the bandcamp purchases (if they buy) in order to make the fans feel like they earned it.
Yeah a simultaneous drop sounds like the way
It also sounds like a lotta work tho ngl lol.
Yeah a simultaneous drop sounds like the way
It also sounds like a lotta work tho ngl lol.
it is lol. these the times we in ESPECIALLY if you an independent artist.
Y’all treat celebrities like front line workers
it’s more about how the arts have become increasingly subverted and stuffed into a dark corner since the digital era, the OP is just a facet of it
y’all are NPCs that see entertainment and art as an escaping mechanism versus anything that’s actually valuable or meaningful anyways so your post isn’t surprising
And that level of thinking that you are at is why they won’t sign you. They are looking for people who are green as f*** in that jargon who just see “wow, I’m about to be signed to a label. Million dollar check, my family is going to be good. I finally made it.” I mean just look at this s***
! Signing
Now idk anything about Yo Gotti or his business practices but this is exactly how they trick these artists into signing these deals. “There’s no way my brother Gotti, who got me all this money, jewelry, cars, private plane, would ever f*** me over” and then boom 5 years from now we’re hearing about how they finally learned that ”actually Gotti made $250M off the $1M he gave to you 😗 and he don’t owe you back anything based on your contract”
Scummy as hell, and that Yo Gotti video is a pro wrestling ass tactics. Why put this business decision on camera, who knows if he really gave EST Gee 750K, that could be an entertainment number. Even big dogs like Conor McGregor use entertainment numbers, while the actual contracts/numbers say something totally different.
And that level of thinking that you are at is why they won’t sign you. They are looking for people who are green as f*** in that jargon who just see “wow, I’m about to be signed to a label. Million dollar check, my family is going to be good. I finally made it.” I mean just look at this s***
! Signing
Now idk anything about Yo Gotti or his business practices but this is exactly how they trick these artists into signing these deals. “There’s no way my brother Gotti, who got me all this money, jewelry, cars, private plane, would ever f*** me over” and then boom 5 years from now we’re hearing about how they finally learned that ”actually Gotti made $250M off the $1M he gave to you 😗 and he don’t owe you back anything based on your contract”
2nd video unavailable
2nd video unavailable
Yea I had to edit it to just the link since we can’t embed shorts, it should work now. It’s from when Glorilla signed
it’s more about how the arts have become increasingly subverted and stuffed into a dark corner since the digital era, the OP is just a facet of it
y’all are NPCs that see entertainment and art as an escaping mechanism versus anything that’s actually valuable or meaningful anyways so your post isn’t surprising
So true.
Music is truly one of the great forces. It’s art and should be respected as such. We all know how powerful music can be.
I would pay $20 for Apple Music but you know if they did up the fee that much it would probably only result in the steaming payout goin g up by one cent with all the rest of the new money going to the streaming service so they can grow and profit
But you know what’s crazy is, it felt special to buy that single didn’t it? To spend that little 99cents on the new TI single. It felt like a real memorable moment.
And THATS what’s missing!
that plus the fact that when an album came out, we sat with it for weeks and weeks. truly a great way to respect the art form and build nostalgia towards the music
hard for that to happen with streaming
Back in time of CDs we just pirated that s*** bruh
imagine comparing burning CDs, some of us were even printing the damn covers, glued the CD cover on the CD, put it all together in a new case...with downloading that s*** off youtube or some s***
you know a mf had VALUE when he pulled in with this s***
As a musician I gotta say, it's so many ppl making dope music, so much talent, it's unrealistic to think everyone will be able to survive off this s***
also this, and because of this, back in the day you would be taken more seriously by your peers when you would tell them you make music, nowadays everyone thinks you push 3 buttons and bam you have your generic trap beat that any kid with internet access can do
As a musician I gotta say, it's so many ppl making dope music, so much talent, it's unrealistic to think everyone will be able to survive off this s***
Ebro minors and major conversation aged like Meagan Good
And what makes it worse, I'd the fact that modern day artist didn't even fight that hard against it, if at all. The dumbing down of rap and the push for artist like Cardi B was very purposeful, cause they needed people that were dumb as hell to sign these dumb as hell deals.
Streaming literally took music(especially Hip Hop)from art to 100% pro wrestling, everything today is by design.
I would pay $20 for Apple Music but you know if they did up the fee that much it would probably only result in the steaming payout goin g up by one cent with all the rest of the new money going to the streaming service so they can grow and profit
I even respect piracy to a degree because as a former pirate myself, there was still a passion for the music and a strong desire to hear it. like strong enough to go to these sites that may potential give my computer a virus and download an album in 192kps. kids today have to get a tutorial on how to add a local file to spotify.
everything regarding music is too easy and its too cheap and there is no effort coming from fans. just type the album into the search bar.
Yeah piracy can help a lot sell more in the long run. Just because someone downloaded something for free doesn’t mean they were going to pay for it in the first place. That exposure can lead to lifelong fans that do buy stuff later down the road. Piracy is a joke compare the the ripoff the labels and streaming companies do to the artist. It was always a scapegoat
also this, and because of this, back in the day you would be taken more seriously by your peers when you would tell them you make music, nowadays everyone thinks you push 3 buttons and bam you have your generic trap beat that any kid with internet access can do
It's true that most producers are pretty lazy, that's why loops became so huge, then u have dudes using cymatics trap drum loops, literally slapping loops on top of loops....
This why im slowly moving away from hip hop
I’d rather I dictate who my 10-20 a month went to.
Let’s say Mach Hommy and Soul Glo drop, I want them to get MY money not Ariana Grande. I don’t need access to the Ariana LP at all actually
I don’t think its really that crazy to pay $11 a month for access to a large library of music that isn’t super high fidelity and you can’t own any of it, especially when CD drives and tape decks aren’t easily available for purchase. I buy a lot of peoples cassettes, can’t do a f***ing thing with em. Same for CDs, nobody I know has a car with a CD player
Edit: and you’re capped at 10k songs in your personal library, which is a lot but when you hit the limit you realize “oh f***, a lot is not all”
I'm pretty sure the cap is 100K on Apple Music
Back in time of CDs we just pirated that s*** bruh
which meant you knew people listened to albums fr when talking about music on the internet