  • Apr 6, 2024
    1 reply

    When your local bards blow up and become a traveling act 😔😔

  • Apr 6, 2024

    When your local bards blow up and become a traveling act 😔😔

    Lmao this is actually funny

  • Apr 6, 2024
    2 replies

    @op honestly I was thinking about this a couple weeks when I decided to start ideas for my EP soon.

    If I was become more successful in a few years.

    I want my albums to have 2 versions

    Streaming version where I have a completely condensed album on streaming (25-35 mins)

    And the physical/digital download version is the full fledge album (60 mins and beyond).

    I might have to rework on my structuring on songs, but f*** it.

    I'll be fine with niggas pirating my s*** tbh. Since we at the age, where the music is completely devalue.

    If my fans buy it and support it, that's all I can ask for.

  • mishima 😈
    Apr 6, 2024

    Yeah. Theres very little investment in the consumption of music now.

    Emotional & financial

  • Apr 6, 2024

    part of the reason this discussion historically never get nowhere on here is because a vast minority of this forum's userbase are actually musicians compared to those that aren't.

  • earthwalka

    In the month of March, I added at the very least 12 NEW releases to my digital library. I only bought one of these projects (Nourished By Time, don't sleep). That doesn't even include all the music that wasn't a new release that I added to my library.

    Back in the time of CDs or even iTunes days this would've cost me over $100. That's not crazy to y'all? for 10.99 a month, I get access to as many albums as my heart and ears desire. I know I'm not saying anything new here but it's crazy how whiny some people get about the cost of music. Giving us this amount access and we didn't expect the public's value of music to steadily decrease? fans look at albums as just another new free toy to play with for a few weeks. there's no invested interest unless you make that active choice to purchase a project out of the "kindness" of your heart. the ONLY thing I think is overpriced when it comes to music these days is concert tickets and I don't put the onus of that on artists, that's these venue companies and distributors.

    We often complain about the state of music today, s*** if I was an artist, I wouldn't y'all ungrateful kids s***. Asking for a project every year, every two years for what?? y'all don't buy my s*** anyway. Those little streams ain't doing s***. JID had a viral tik tok hit this past summer, half a billion streams, probably made chump change.

    I don't have a solution here, James Blake has already talked about. I just was having thoughts this week about it. we're damn lucky as fans today but boy are we spoiled and ENTITLED too. Selfish, greedy and quick to complain. You know music still costs a lot of money to make right? you know producers, engineers, session musicians, and artists gotta still get paid right? you know the photographers and graphic artists who make these album covers are paid to do it? that's the artists money they putting forward. whether it's an advance from the label or straight out the pocket, it's on their dime.

    I guess all I'm sayin is, I want to make a more concerted effort to buy albums and show appreciation for the artists i like in a monetary way going forward.

    its true

    even though there was piracy in the CD / physicals era, there was still way more intrinsic VALUE that listeners placed on any music that was released

    nowadays, most people who aren't huge music fans just see it as another form of content

  • Apr 6, 2024
    The Krab Season

    Yup at least this way the artist/label still get money off us streaming instead of nothing even if it is cents

    As of April 1st, spotify has demonetized any artist with less than 1000 plays (86% of tracks on their platform) btw

    Niggas aint even making cents no more we making Spongebob’s indoor friends minus the penny!

  • Kee

    @op honestly I was thinking about this a couple weeks when I decided to start ideas for my EP soon.

    If I was become more successful in a few years.

    I want my albums to have 2 versions

    Streaming version where I have a completely condensed album on streaming (25-35 mins)

    And the physical/digital download version is the full fledge album (60 mins and beyond).

    I might have to rework on my structuring on songs, but f*** it.

    I'll be fine with niggas pirating my s*** tbh. Since we at the age, where the music is completely devalue.

    If my fans buy it and support it, that's all I can ask for.

    Tobi Lou does something similar, but through his app

    he'll still drop on all platforms, but the paid app that works like a subscription gets the whole uncondensed album, and the other platforms get a still dope project but missing a lot of tracks in comparison

    I think its a great idea when you have an audience that will support it

  • Apr 6, 2024
    2 replies

    part of the reason this discussion historically never get nowhere on here is because a vast minority of this forum's userbase are actually musicians compared to those that aren't.

    or like music like that at all really

    don’t even gotta go the musician route

  • Apr 6, 2024
    1 reply

    or like music like that at all really

    don’t even gotta go the musician route

    I wasnt gonna take it there but a LOT of these niggas do not like music. Like at all.

    They see it as background noise.

    Like even in the times of piracy, artists knew they was at least gonna pack out the shows and leave tours in the green lol.

    Piracy only really hurt the labels and F*** them niggas

  • Apr 6, 2024

    I wasnt gonna take it there but a LOT of these niggas do not like music. Like at all.

    They see it as background noise.

    Like even in the times of piracy, artists knew they was at least gonna pack out the shows and leave tours in the green lol.

    Piracy only really hurt the labels and F*** them niggas


  • Apr 6, 2024

    Facts, but tbh unless you were an independent artist or an artist I really f***ed with you wasn’t getting my money back when we had to buy albums either. But I agree music has been undervalued and cheapened.

  • Apr 6, 2024

    @op honestly I was thinking about this a couple weeks when I decided to start ideas for my EP soon.

    If I was become more successful in a few years.

    I want my albums to have 2 versions

    Streaming version where I have a completely condensed album on streaming (25-35 mins)

    And the physical/digital download version is the full fledge album (60 mins and beyond).

    I might have to rework on my structuring on songs, but f*** it.

    I'll be fine with niggas pirating my s*** tbh. Since we at the age, where the music is completely devalue.

    If my fans buy it and support it, that's all I can ask for.

    yea i think the key to success for a lot of artists (independent or otherwise) is to really build and cultivate a REAL fanbase with REAL fans that support in ways that are more than just streaming your music.

    When I think about the early 10s, a lot of those guys we love today that came up in that era (Wale, Drake, Kendrick, Big Sean, Cole) they built a fanbase that would support them in any way they could. even when these guys would drop mixtapes, you could guarantee their shows would be SOLD tf OUT everywhere they went. The fans were loyal and when you look back at all these guys debut albums sales, they really sold well.

    obviously this was a time before streaming was even a option but I still think that still stands for today. I know a lot of independent acts such as Mach Hommy and the Griselda guys or MIKE and his crew of artists who came up off selling their work whether through bandcamp or their own websites and their fans actually bought it! it can happen, I wish it was an industry standard but it ain't

    We can't go backwards though, nor should we but we do need to look to the past to hopefully see how things worked back then and that might be able to clue us into how we should operate in the future. I'm not saying we should go back to all buying music, that's not realistic but there's gotta be more investment from the audience side.

  • Apr 6, 2024
    1 reply

    I wouldn't pay for these new artists

  • Apr 6, 2024

    I listened to 4 great albums that came out yesterday n I did feel very spoiled tbf and as someone who was around being CDs it still blows my mind I can do that so easily.

  • Apr 6, 2024
    Ron Mexico

    I wouldn't pay for these new artists

    you wouldn’t pay for any art at all period lol

  • Apr 6, 2024

    Back in time of CDs we just pirated that s*** bruh

    We all want what we can’t have

  • Apr 6, 2024

    or like music like that at all really

    don’t even gotta go the musician route

    Most of the niggas on here just like celebrities and fame, they could give a f*** less about the actual music

  • Apr 6, 2024

    Y’all treat celebrities like front line workers

    Do you think every working musician is a celebrity? Or a millionaire? The vast majority of them are broke

  • Apr 6, 2024
    1 reply
    The Krab Season

    Yup at least this way the artist/label still get money off us streaming instead of nothing even if it is cents

    they made more money back then off CDs

  • necromancer

    they made more money back then off CDs

    Yeah and in those days artists were shelved for life if a cd didn't do well or label didn't feel they would recoup. It's a gift and a curse with this model

  • Apr 6, 2024

    In the month of March, I added at the very least 12 NEW releases to my digital library. I only bought one of these projects (Nourished By Time, don't sleep). That doesn't even include all the music that wasn't a new release that I added to my library.

    Back in the time of CDs or even iTunes days this would've cost me over $100. That's not crazy to y'all? for 10.99 a month, I get access to as many albums as my heart and ears desire. I know I'm not saying anything new here but it's crazy how whiny some people get about the cost of music. Giving us this amount access and we didn't expect the public's value of music to steadily decrease? fans look at albums as just another new free toy to play with for a few weeks. there's no invested interest unless you make that active choice to purchase a project out of the "kindness" of your heart. the ONLY thing I think is overpriced when it comes to music these days is concert tickets and I don't put the onus of that on artists, that's these venue companies and distributors.

    We often complain about the state of music today, s*** if I was an artist, I wouldn't y'all ungrateful kids s***. Asking for a project every year, every two years for what?? y'all don't buy my s*** anyway. Those little streams ain't doing s***. JID had a viral tik tok hit this past summer, half a billion streams, probably made chump change.

    I don't have a solution here, James Blake has already talked about. I just was having thoughts this week about it. we're damn lucky as fans today but boy are we spoiled and ENTITLED too. Selfish, greedy and quick to complain. You know music still costs a lot of money to make right? you know producers, engineers, session musicians, and artists gotta still get paid right? you know the photographers and graphic artists who make these album covers are paid to do it? that's the artists money they putting forward. whether it's an advance from the label or straight out the pocket, it's on their dime.

    I guess all I'm sayin is, I want to make a more concerted effort to buy albums and show appreciation for the artists i like in a monetary way going forward.

    good point tbh

  • Apr 6, 2024


  • Apr 6, 2024

    Music is cooked, streaming is where it's at. Right chat?

  • Apr 6, 2024

    same but that still took effort. niggas won't even do that today!

