  • Jun 21, 2020
    2 replies

    Young enough to still be posting on ktt.

    I mean I guess 19 is young enough. I still see dudes pushing 30 on here

  • Jun 21, 2020
    1 reply

    Age is irrelevant, there are 14 years old men and 36 years old kids in this world.

    If it helps ive calmed down a bunch. I dont hate her, im just dissapointed she would say such awful s***. She’s falling down the same pipeline ive seen a lot of people go down when they were younger and it sucks. I just felt real affected over her comments about criminal justice cause she KNOWS about the s*** that happened with my dad and it made my blood boil she still had the audacity to say it.

    Like if someone talked s*** about your dead parent in a way that cut too deep you’d be mad too, right?

  • Izzy

    I mean I guess 19 is young enough. I still see dudes pushing 30 on here

    We're getting older in age on this forum. Ktt might become a 25 year old place in a couple of years. With no influx of new members.

  • Ezio 🎰
    Jun 21, 2020

    If it helps ive calmed down a bunch. I dont hate her, im just dissapointed she would say such awful s***. She’s falling down the same pipeline ive seen a lot of people go down when they were younger and it sucks. I just felt real affected over her comments about criminal justice cause she KNOWS about the s*** that happened with my dad and it made my blood boil she still had the audacity to say it.

    Like if someone talked s*** about your dead parent in a way that cut too deep you’d be mad too, right?

    I understand man. You can hate her though, just don't abandon her, she hurts deep inside, and she has a child that needs you in her life.

  • Jun 21, 2020
    1 reply

    @OpusDei this thread was never made with the intent of “seeking validation” cause thats some dumb f***ing bullshit. I made it cause “man my aunt is sharing some weird views but shes my aunt ive known all my life what do i do?”. Its a conflicting situation, and everyone in the family is affected by her stupid ass comments on race

  • Jun 21, 2020
    2 replies

    You're not automatically right wing if you're against marxism, political orientation isn't binary. Peterson is centrist at most.

    cultural marxism is a neo nazi conspiracy

  • Ezio 🎰
    Jun 21, 2020

    @OpusDei this thread was never made with the intent of “seeking validation” cause thats some dumb f***ing bullshit. I made it cause “man my aunt is sharing some weird views but shes my aunt ive known all my life what do i do?”. Its a conflicting situation, and everyone in the family is affected by her stupid ass comments on race

    I was talking on validation about forsaking her. KTT doesn't know your aunt man, they'll tell you to abandon her and to cancel her, can't come to them for advice. Seek council from wiser people above all else, you're not to blame for the circle jerk here.

  • Ezio 🎰
    Jun 21, 2020
    1 reply

    cultural marxism is a neo nazi conspiracy

    I hate that term so much because deep down in society there is such a thing going on... Yet it's not as simple as right wing media tries to frame it in a pathetic attempt to sway public opinions toward hatred of minorities.

    Water muddying.

  • Jun 21, 2020

    I hate that term so much because deep down in society there is such a thing going on... Yet it's not as simple as right wing media tries to frame it in a pathetic attempt to sway public opinions toward hatred of minorities.

    Water muddying.

  • Jun 21, 2020

    He's a centrist. Lefties just love calling everyone who isnt left a right winger.

    Discredits anything they have to say.

    if you defend the way in which capital owners exploit workers under capitalism (of which JBP does so by defending capitalism in it's current state) you are 100% on the right axis and that's without getting into his social views of which are extremely regressive

    a social democrat such as bernie sanders is a left leaning centrist, not Jordan Peterson lmao

  • Jun 21, 2020

    no people hate him because he spread bullshit lies about a bill that gave trans people the same protections as victims of homophobia and racism get in Candada

    his rhetoric hurt a lot of trans people and muddied a lot of the conversion online about trans politics

    this is what brought him to prominence online btw

  • Jun 21, 2020

    cultural marxism is a neo nazi conspiracy

    I know, but Peterson doesn't use the phrase in that context. His views on the alt-right are out there, no need for me to defend him.

  • Jun 21, 2020
    1 reply

    Shut up you spoiled kid, f*** political opinions, family is family. If they're not molesters, they're family. Period. A dumb kid who doesn't know anything about politics cutting off his dumb aunt who doesn't know anything about politics... Over politics. Wow.

    You know little, when you know something someone else doesn't, share. And pray to god they'll do the same for you if you start being endoctrinated because you probably already are. Most young people or old people that have a surface level but passionate interest in politics are.

    I bet your family treats you like dirt

  • Jun 21, 2020
    1 reply

    You're minimizing what seems to be fairly entrenched patterns of (harmful) thought, to the point where she felt the need to preach about them to others.


  • Ezio 🎰
    Jun 21, 2020
    1 reply


    It stems from fear. Cutting her off would only serve as a confirmation to the idea that you are brainwashed by the liberal media and would reinforce her beliefs.

  • Ezio 🎰
    Jun 21, 2020
    1 reply

    I bet your family treats you like dirt

    Do you often bet on the worthless random thoughts that go through your head ? That may not go well for you, careful.

  • Jun 21, 2020
    1 reply

    Do you often bet on the worthless random thoughts that go through your head ? That may not go well for you, careful.

    Idk it's got me pretty far in life but I'll take your assessment for merit

  • Ezio 🎰
    Jun 21, 2020

    Idk it's got me pretty far in life but I'll take your assessment for merit

    Lmao I feel you.

  • Jun 21, 2020

    shes probably too far gone tbh

    Nah some people just need the right info

  • Jun 21, 2020

    We all did. This was her response to all of us saying Candace Owens sucks

    Ask her about these „statistics“ please

  • Jun 21, 2020

    He's a centrist. Lefties just love calling everyone who isnt left a right winger.

    Discredits anything they have to say.

    He denies climate change hes def a rightwing nutjob

  • Jun 21, 2020
    1 reply
    rnb sponge

    "I'm not from the U.S. so I don't know what the political culture is like but im going to offer my opinion anyway, while having jordan peterson photoshopped into my avy"

    "Why not sit down and have a nice convo with your fascist racist sympathizer aunt, what could go wrong"

    Block button still works just click on someones profile

    Dude seems much more levelheaded than u

  • Jun 21, 2020

    I mean I’ll try but she did kinda indirectly call us “brainwashed” during that whole paragraph of text

    Keep with the facts. Repeat the facts until she doesn’t say dumb s*** anymore

  • Jun 21, 2020

    I was more pointing at the looting/antifa s*** that takes place during blm protests which of course isnt blm's official policies, but takes place during their watch. you see my point right? blm should get more control over how people behave in there protests, weed out the opportunists. that's what I mean, they get hijacked


    How tf can an organization keep watch on THE USA?!???? Bro what are you thinking

  • Jun 21, 2020

    I mean I guess 19 is young enough. I still see dudes pushing 30 on here

    19 =child
