He’s in South Africa with no guap
And it’s cos he’s out here entertaining women. He’s got a baby otw btw
Natural selection in the process
the moment when she missed a step
tell that nigga to walk the opposite way he just drove from
cmon he cant be that dumb
the moment when she missed a step
how the f*** you miss a step
your body naturally puts one foot in front of the other
you gonna tell me her left foot went forward twice and then her right ankle bone popped out?
cmon bra
pioneers used to ride these babies for miles
Wtf thought he was a yute man that nigga almost 30 his dumb ass could of thought of hella ideas to get gas and head back home
He’s in South Africa with no guap
And it’s cos he’s out here entertaining women. He’s got a baby otw btw
lmfaooo naa
Crine man told his cousin “hol up let me go on ktt2 and make a thread about this” Cousin prolly looked back at his phone mad confused to that message
Nigga riding around South Africa with no gas while tricking off on s***workers behind the back of the mother of his incoming child
Nigga riding around South Africa with no gas while tricking off on s***workers behind the back of the mother of his incoming child
Thread was made 6 hours ago and it's like 8AM right now in SA. He definitely slept in his car