He’s in South Africa with no guap
And it’s cos he’s out here entertaining women. He’s got a baby otw btw
Sounds about South African
UPDATE: It’s 10am in South Africa and his phones responding as if it’s off. Hope he’s okay
another life thread with happy ending
Mans is 30 in a foreign country looking for s***
I doubt he can even afford an iPhone 14 to be able to use this
Mans is 30 in a foreign country looking for s***
I doubt he can even afford an iPhone 14 to be able to use this
Mans is 30 in a foreign country looking for s***
I doubt he can even afford an iPhone 14 to be able to use this
Mans is 30 in a foreign country looking for s***
I doubt he can even afford an iPhone 14 to be able to use this
Mans is 30 in a foreign country looking for s***
I doubt he can even afford an iPhone 14 to be able to use this
He’s safe got in at 7:30am
you have to beat him down - he stressed you out. Meet him at the airport and roll him over with a luggage cart. that’s protocol😒
Nigga riding around South Africa with no gas while tricking off on s***workers behind the back of the mother of his incoming child
Nigga riding around South Africa with no gas while tricking off on s***workers behind the back of the mother of his incoming child
Now this is a film I’d watch
What's the update @op
how the f*** you miss a step
your body naturally puts one foot in front of the other
you gonna tell me her left foot went forward twice and then her right ankle bone popped out?
cmon bra
I assume they were walking up or down some stairs
Mans is 30 in a foreign country looking for s***
I doubt he can even afford an iPhone 14 to be able to use this
That weed walk corny
He was with some girls and one of them missed a step and broke her ankle.
The dudes dropped her off at hospital. But then they ran out of petrol on the way back.
Now they’re stuck in the middle of nowhere cos they’re out of gas. And his phones dying
Bro at this point pray to God
tell that nigga to walk the opposite way he just drove from
cmon he cant be that dumb
Mans is 30 in a foreign country looking for s***
I doubt he can even afford an iPhone 14 to be able to use this
What’s is this lmao
A legendary KTT1 thread where someone watched a guy trapped in a skate bowl repeatedly try and fail to get out but he took pictures and made a thread about it before thinking to help him
A legendary KTT1 thread where someone watched a guy trapped in a skate bowl repeatedly try and fail to get out but he took pictures and made a thread about it before thinking to help him