This is how we deal with s*** as men. Accept our fate and deal with the consequences of our actions. No time for emotions
This is how we deal with s*** as men. Accept our fate and deal with the consequences of our actions. No time for emotions
Nah that's just you fam
I remember when my grandpa died last year, I didn't feel sad, don't know why. I just felt lost, just couldn't make sense of his death, and I still can't tbh
We found out today he has leukemia. I'm taking him to get 7 rounds of chemo throughout the week tomorrow morning. Sorry I even had to type this
Very sorry to hear what you’re going through OP
Energy sent your way hoping his situation turns around for you and your family
Thank you, appreciate it
I get that you don’t feel sad rn. That’ll come in time, but don’t feel like you need to hold in your emotions because you saw it coming.
Second, (if it pertains to your relationship) in my experience with death, make sure you let him know how much you love him and how thankful you are for what he did for you, just let him know what he means to you.
Don’t make him feel bad about his habit. He doesn’t need that in his last moments.
Best wishes and hopefully you come out stronger in the end. It’s okay to cry and feel emotions. Be there for your family and hopefully they’re there for you.
Thank you for the kind words and wisdom