I work with a guy that worked on wall street in the early 90s. He stopped day trading a few months ago and now just bets on sports. Pretty sure his betting and coke habits are why he is where he is now. If even he thinks day trading is to volatile I’d stay away from it.
always put stop losses when investing that much into 1 single stock.
helps minimize losses drastically
this is why you always diversify your portfolio and never expect anything from single stock purchases.
invest in a mutual fund next time.
this is why you always diversify your portfolio and never expect anything from single stock purchases.
invest in a mutual fund next time.
After all the vids they watched he still forgot this basic rule
Daaamn wow
Ya he’s got a f*** ton of money in the stock market. He’s been retired for over 20 years becuz of it. I think he got most of the money he lost back
!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-tNkuYV4_Qi need an explanation
i need an explanation
Reddit subreddit user from /r/WallstreetBets shows his portfolio, which shows his "yolo bets" (Careless and reckless bets, hoping they pay off) have given him nothing but a net loss in the end of $40K
To add salt to the wound:
He ACCIDENTALLY invested 16,000 into the wrong stock (JNUG) when he was gonna but JDST
My mother got $18,000 in unemployment but all of that went into stocks
Half of the money I got from selling my car ($5000) went into cryptocurrency, not as worried with that one though. Also this because my dad insisted me to do it
Gambling addiction
you’re f***ing ed, this is how idiots lose money. actually read a book in this topic like security a***ysis instead of watching f***ing youtube scammers
!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-tNkuYV4_QWhat are these "options" that people are trading? I remember that dude a few months ago killed himself cuz he thought he owed millions on robinhood from options
What are these "options" that people are trading? I remember that dude a few months ago killed himself cuz he thought he owed millions on robinhood from options
U bet that a stock with go up or down by a certain period. If ur right u win if ur wrong u lose.